
chapter 43

--MC POV--

"When will Allison be here" I asked Lydia who was trying to find the kanima, it was flying at an atrocious speed, and since we couldn't reach him, we can't do nothing about it.

Moreover, it only comes down when he realizes we have lost sight of him.

This was how he was able to take down Laura and now I had to protect her too, so that the kanima couldn't attempt to kill her now that she was paralysed.

When I looked at my left I saw that Peter was charging at us and I, as the only person capable of taking care of him, went in his direction.

"Malia, protect Laura!" I shouted and threw a punch at peter, but he was able evade it.

Peter responded with one too, but I blocked it with my arm and threw him away with a kick in his solar plexus.

Seeing that he couldn't compare to me in his human form he went back to his full alpha form and attacked me again.

This form, while it made it easier to hit him, also allowed him to strike harder.

This time I lasted more than last time at school since I remembered some of his movement, but I got taken by surprise when he suddenly lowered himself and charged at me like a bull.

I was sent in the air, while Peter kept running, unable to stop himself immediately, but just as I thought I would have had time to prepare myself once on the ground, I heard a scream.

"Behind you Thomas!" yelled Lydia, but I barely had the time to register what she said, when something rammed into me mid-air.

I could feel claws piercing my skin as I was thrown against a tree, and I soon realized that I couldn't move myself anymore.

The kanima had used to his advantage my distraction to hit me from behind and now I was unable to fight.

It all seemed a cruel repeat of what happened at school, but this time it seems like I'll die first, since the kanima tried to end me before Derek could reach it, but just as he was about to pierce my chest with the nails of his feet, an arrow stuck his leg.

From the arrow a strong flame exploded, which engulfed the whole leg of the kanima, who started screaming and landed on the ground, trying to put it off.

Derek used this to his advantage and teared off the other leg of Jackson, but soon the kanima took off again from the soil and while he was in air, he cut off his burning leg.

The scary thing is that they were both growing back at a fast speed visible to the eye and in about ten minutes they would be grown completely.

For now, at least he was not attacking us again as he was too busy evading Allison arrows and the lack of his legs destroyed his balance and forced him to fly slower and use threes to hide himself.

The problem was that Peter was back and he just connected a punch with Derek face.

"I must say that you came prepared this time, but doesn't this situation reminds you of the last time we met Thomas" He said and as his words started to have the effect they wanted he added:

"You on the floor unable to move and your loved ones about to be killed" he said and was able to get a reaction from me, but I was helpless with the toxin of the kanima inside my body, and now that the kanima evolved his poison became even stronger.

Peter was approaching Malia, Laura and Lydia and I knew that this time no miracle would happen.

Lydia tried to hit him with his voice, but he didn't underestimate her anymore and using his full alpha form he was able to bear the impact of Lydia's voice and when it ended, he extended his hand threw Lydia aside.

The sight of Lydia falling to the ground clouded my mind with rage and I could feel myself exploding… no I'm not exploding, but something is changing.

I didn't know what was happening to my body, but as my reason was wavering, I could feel my regenerative powers getting stronger and the toxin was being subdued.

I just need a little more time.

--Peter POV--

Victory is in sight.

"It's time I end what I started. This time you won't survive Laura" She was barely able to move her hand, because she was still affected by the toxin.

Between me and her stood just a teenager girl.

"How about you let me kill her and then I deal with you later" At my words she just growled.

She rushed at me, and I was ready to end it quickly, but she surprised as she was able to avoid my claws and wound my leg with her nails.

"You got nice instinct differently from my beta" Right, I forgot he existed.

Looking at my side I could see Matt was on the ground while a tired Scott slowly approached me.

Luckily, I communicated through my connection with Jackson, for him to take care of this bother.

The kanima did exactly what I ordered and left a scratch on Scott, who was barely able to avoid having one of his vital points hit. Maybe he isn't that bad.

The unknown archer didn't let this chance be wasted and was able to hit one of Jackson arm.

Good, either way he must die today for the curse to end, at least this way he is useful.

Looking back at the girl, who I believe to be a werecoyote, I saw she was trying to assault me again, but this time I didn't let her have her way and I was able to grab her.

"The game ends here, now that Jackson is about to die, I don't have to worry about mass murdering people by myself" I grinned as I put my claws near her throat and while she did try to escape my hold, I was pushing her against the floor and when it comes to strength I had a huge advantage.

"Stop, she is your daughter" Screamed Laura. What? is this her new tactics?

"What the hell are you saying, I may be an irresponsible murder, but I don't remember having a daughter".

"The memory mother took away" She took away the memory of my daughter?

I tried to listen to the beat of her heart, and this was risky thing to do in the middle of a fight, but this was too sudden for me to reason.

"She is your daughter, Peter. I wanted to tell you this the day you attacked me." It didn't accelerate… the beat of her heart remained steady. It's the truth.

I looked in the eyes of the girl I was holding, to look for a proof that this was all false, but all I could see was a gaze filled with hatred.

I'm a monster.

This realization came suddenly and took over my thoughts.

I tried to kill my own family, I murdered my nurse just because she annoyed me, and I played with the lives of teenagers and used them as pawns.

I could see how disgusting I had become in those blue eyes, they reflected my soul and made me aware for the first time, that I had become a monster.

What would have happened had I given up on my revenge, if I had listened to what Laura wanted to tell me that day.

Would I be hanging out with Derek like I used to? Would I be arguing with the always moralist Laura? Would I be… a father for her.

I released my grip from her, while my legs still held her down as I looked at my hand.

What have I done, I could have chosen happiness, but I went on the path of power and revenge.

What was the point of what I did, if it costed everything I once held dear. What's left of me, if not the spark of the alpha, an eternal reminder that I tried to kill my niece for power.

I tried to look in the eyes of my daughter a second time, but she wasn't looking at me anymore, in the reflex of her eyes I could see that a lion stood behind me, how did I not notice it till now?

Malia, my daughter seemed relieved at the sight and there was a small smile on her face, she felt safe, but not because of me. No in fact she now felt safe from me.

Her smile resembled mine. It reminded me of the past, when I was happy with Derek, Laura and Talia. Yes, she truly is my daughter. Now I can see it, now I see reason, how could I be so blind.

And while I know that I have no right to stay with her anymore, at least she has someone who can make her smile, who makes her feel safe.

I could now see from her eyes that the lion was opening his maw and I knew my time had come.

She has a beautiful smile, and while I don't know, who the mother was, she must have been beautiful to give birth to such a lovely daughter.

It saddens me that I have nothing to teach her, all I have are things I would have liked to hide from her, but I couldn't. She has seen my worse side and maybe it is better for things to end like thi…

(I bet you did not expect this. Well, if you were surprised please drop some power stones and if you need any clarifications you are free to ask here or on Discord)

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