
Chapter 1: Origins

Also, in a flashback sequence, it's revealed that when Marinette was six years old all the way to the Origins episode, she was physically and mentally trained to use the Ladybug Miraculous. At the same time, it was previously revealed by Steel Butterfly himself that Marinette has an older brother. In the present day, Marinette's older brother is currently in college and is completely aware of her future life as Ladybug and is supporting her decisions from the shadows. However, she's currently unaware of her older brother's existence. Mostly because Tom and Sabine are keeping it a secret, knowing that Marinette would not like being told what to do by an older sibling. At the same time, Adrien also has an older sister who lives with Gabriel Agreste's brother, Antonin Agreste, but Gabriel's been keeping it a secret knowing Adrien would try to have his sister attend Francoise Dupont with him, even if they won't be in the same class together. Marinette's secret older brother is Arnaud Dupain-Cheng. And Adrien's older sister is Jeannette Agreste.

Additionally, during Alya's confrontation with Chloe in the school, there's a special plot twist. Here's a hint: Alya's first Tenshized transformation at the hands of Steel Butterfly's shapeshifting Tenshi makes the Ladyblogger look like a combination of the Cosmic Ghost Rider and The Shredder – minus the various iterations of The Shredder's helmet – and Alya's retribution against Chloe is similar to the Ghost Rider's Penance Stare, but all of that is not necessarily enough to warrant a copyright in both the story and in real life story formatting. Also, just because there are some elements of the Ghost Rider franchise and The Shredder's appearance doesn't mean this is neither another Ghost Rider crossover nor a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover with Miraculous Ladybug. Only thing is, Alya's new form, the Ghost Punisher, is more permanent without anything happening to Steel Butterfly's powers or his transformation timer whatsoever unless Steel Butterfly finds someone else to carry on the Ghost Punisher mantle. After all, the real Butterfly Miraculous grants people their own transformations, not just because of the recipient's desires, but also because of the Miraculous user's desires. And similar to many different versions of the Ghost Rider, including the Angel Rider in Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Alya can transform into the Ghost Punisher, even in broad daylight. As long as she is angry enough, or in the presence of someone evil or someone who has sinned or even if it's a school bully. And even if it's a force of will.

In addition to that, when Steel Butterfly uses his hologram projection ability to talk with Ladybug and Cat Noir after the first successful battle against Stoneheart, Steel Butterfly will be using Ghost Punisher's Tenshi multiplying itself to form a hologram of his head. Of course, Alya will be returned to normal as Steel Butterfly wishes to keep Alya's role as a superhero in the right chronological order in terms of Alya receiving the Fox Miraculous in the Sapotis episode chapter. NOT! Since Steel Butterfly is the leader of the Miraculous team, he'll be handing out Miraculouses to worthy champions who are not Marinette's classmates. The reason why is because even before the Gang Of Secrets episode, I didn't like how Marinette allowed even Alya to keep the Fox Miraculous despite the fact that Alya turned on Marinette because of Lila's lies and Adrien's high road persuasion speech and his deal with the fox devil.

Moreover, from now on in this chapter in terms of Alya's interactions with anyone, should Chloe and Sabrina torment anyone again, should Andre Bourgeois abuse his status as mayor of Paris again, should Caline Bustier lecture bullied victims and cuddle bullies again, should Mr. Damocles not do his job properly again, and should anyone torment her friends again, the Ghost Punisher is not far behind. That is, if Steel Butterfly permits it if he so wishes to go against the chronological order of the superheroes introduced in future chapters.

Next-to-last, inspired by Rorschach's journal from the Watchmen comics and movie, Steel Butterfly will be writing down his activity logs in a journal of his own detailing the events in Paris and across the world. Steel Butterfly's writing will be in italics while the descriptions of the scenes and his movements will be unchanged.

Lastly, Ladybug's averted near-blunder will be a part of inspirations from other Miraculous Ladybug stories that feature an early reveal during Ladybug and Cat Noir's first days on the job.

Enjoy chapter 1: Origins.)

(Agreste mansion, Hawk Moth's lair, September third, 2014, third person POV...)

Nooroo, the soon-to-be enslaved Butterfly Kwami of Transmission, explains to his new master, "Many centuries ago, magic jewels bestowing extraordinary powers were created. These were... the Miraculouses. Throughout history, many heroes have used these jewels for the greater good of the human race. Each Miraculous jewel represents concepts, ideas and emotions that come into existence in the universe, such as creation, love, beauty, and mathematics. However, for sixty-five to fourteen billion years, we kwamis were unable to communicate with tangible life forms, as we kwamis were 100% intangible, and the Miraculouses had not been invented yet. Thankfully, a mage from ancient China invented the Miraculouses and the Miraculous tools. Thanks to the Miraculouses, we kwamis are now able to communicate with solid life forms, including human beings. For five thousand years, many chosen heroes wore our Miraculouses to protect the people they love, the countries and nations they care about, and to help the world in times of danger and times of war. To prevent villains from getting their hands on the Miraculouses, the Order Of The Guardians was formed to protect the Miraculouses from any villains looking to acquire them, and to distribute them to worthy champions to save the world from being consumed by death and years of warfare. Along the way, everything about the Miraculouses and the associated kwamis was written down into grimoire spellbooks in a specific code that only a Guardian can decipher. We kwamis are not supposed to know how to read the code in the event of being used for evil. Additionally, there are special Miraculous potions that can grant Miraculous users extra superpowers to deal with specific threats in their own elements. However, we kwamis are also not supposed to know the recipes for the potions in the event a Miraculous and its kwami end up in the wrong hands. In addition to that, only two of these Miraculous jewels are more powerful than all of the others: the Ladybug Miraculous, a pair of ladybug-colored earrings that provide the powers of good luck and creation, and the Black Cat Miraculous, a black cat colored ring that grants the powers of bad luck and destruction. According to legend, whoever controls both of these jewels at the exact same time will achieve absolute, godlike power. In addition to that, the user will be granted a single wish after speaking a special incantation. This special wish is easily able to alter reality, granting anyone whatever they desire, and the wish can all too easily send anyone forwards and backwards in time. However, there is always an equivalent exchange drawback. For every wish granted by the Ladybug and the Black Cat Miraculouses, there is a price to pay in order for the universe to maintain balance. For every action, a reaction."

Concealed by the shadows of his new lair, Gabriel Agreste closes the locket showing his wife and replies, "I want that absolute power, Nooroo. I must have those Miraculouses."

Nooroo responds, "But no one knows where these Miraculouses are! Besides, didn't you hear me when I said that a terrible price will be paid for any wish you make?"

Gabriel drawls out while ignoring Nooroo's warning about the exchange drawback, "I found you, though, my little Nooroo. Your Miraculous... remind me of its powers again."

Seeing as his new master was gonna ignore his warnings, Nooroo replies, "The moth brooch enables you to give someone their own superpowers and to make that person your devoted follower."

Gabriel smirks in the darkness of his lair and states menacingly to reveal his true colors, "And when it comes to luring superheroes into the open, what could be better than creating supervillains?"

Nooroo's eyes widened in shock and fear.

Nooroo protests, "But master, the Miraculouses are not meant to be used for evil whatsoever! There's always a price for using magic jewels for evil, as well!"

Gabriel angrily stomps his foot and shouts, "I must have this absolute power! I need it to save my wife!" Gabriel points at Nooroo as he finishes, "Your Miraculous is under my control! I am your master now, and you must obey me."

Nooroo lowers his head as he replies sadly, "Yes, master."

Gabriel puts the brooch on the collar of his suit after removing the ascot.

Gabriel states out loud, "Nooroo, dark wings! Rise!"

Multiple butterflies cover Gabriel in a dark purple and bright pink light as he transforms. The transformation phrase made Nooroo travel into the brooch.

Soon, the butterflies disperse from their master and they start to flutter about without aim or direction while staying inside the observatory.

Gabriel is now wearing a high dark purple dress shirt with no collar, and a dark purple jacket with a black butterfly-shaped lapel, along with having the Butterfly Miraculous brooch pinned on the center of the jacket. He was also wearing dark purple dress pants, and black gloves and black dress shoes in the same shade of black with no laces. Covering only his head and neck was a silver mask that looks like it's affixed to his face and with his eyes and mouth being the only things that are visible. In his left hand was a dark indigo cane with a silver sword inside.

Gabriel declares out loud to himself, "From now on, I shall be known as... Hawk Moth. Hmhmhmhmhahahahahahahaha!"

(Master Fu's massage shop, Miguel Guevara's POV...)

Wayzz woke up and sensed something was wrong.

Thankfully, I told Wayzz in advance that if he detects a Miraculous jewel's negative aura, he is not to disturb Master Fu until he was done with his latest customer. As for me and my new teammates, we were "hired" as Master Fu's security guards. But that's only on the surface so as to avert suspicions. In secret, we are Master Fu's field strategists, foreknowledge tacticians and guard dogs.

The first of my new teammates was Jeffery Ironside, also known as Lion Hunter, a lion-themed superhero with the power to summon lions made of fire to assist him on the battlefield, as well as a sonic roar. He wields the Lion Miraculous from a different Miracle Box, thanks to one of Master Fu's fellow Guardians.

My second teammate and my first lieutenant is Tania Darby, also known as Blueclaw, a bluebird-themed superhero with the ability to paralyze anyone of her choosing with a simple scratch of her claws. She also has the ability to emit a sonic bird call that makes an enemy deaf for five minutes. She uses the Bluebird Miraculous.

My third teammate is Markie Kurtzman, also known as Rhinocharge, a rhinoceros-themed superhero with the ability to run at super speed and destroy anything she charges at. However, unlike the Marvel supervillain The Rhino, Rhinocharge can easily change course if her targets move in the opposite direction. Markie is using the Rhino Miraculous for her power set.

My fourth teammate is Ryoka Mensah, also known as Corvo, a crow-themed superhero with the ability to manipulate the powers and abilities of heroes and villains alike. Basically, she can amplify our powers and bestow new ones. As for villains, she can nullify and remove their powers, either temporarily or permanently. She uses the Crow Miraculous for this task.

My fifth and final teammate is Angela Whiteley, also known as Cat Knight, a multi-colored cat-themed superhero with the same powers and abilities of the Ladybug Miraculous and the Black Cat Miraculous, including the enhanced powers of the Akumatized Black Cat Miraculous in the hands of Cat Blanc and the Ultimate Miraculous Absolute Power she only uses as a last resort. She wields the Mother Cat Miraculous, an offshoot of the Black Cat Miraculous, but in the various colors that most cat breeds in the world tend to appear in.

Once the latest customer has left, Wayzz flew up to Master Fu and said, "Master, the Moth Miraculous! I felt its aura!"

Master Fu replies, "I originally thought it had been lost forever before Fluff and Steel Butterfly told me the truth!"

Wayzz continued, "But Master, it's a negative aura. I fear it may have fallen into the hands of a dark power!"

Master Fu says in an authoritive manner, "We must find Nooroo and his Miraculous. If it has indeed fallen into the wrong hands, as Steel Butterfly and Fluff surmised, there's no telling what kind of evil and destruction will come upon the world!" Master Fu brings up his wrist, showing the Turtle Miraculous. "Time to transform! Wayzz, shell on!"

Wayzz is sucked into the Turtle Miraculous as Master Fu becomes Jade Turtle. He looks the same as he did in the Miracle Queen Battle in the original timeline, complete with his armor. However, in an additional twist, his armor looks like a combination of his Jade Turtle armor and fan-made Carapace armored spacesuits. Complete with a visored helmet.

Wayzz protests in Jade Turtle's thoughts, "Please, Master, be reasonable. You're –"

Jade Turtle interrupts, "Still young! I'm only 186. But you're right, Wayzz. I can no longer do it alone. We'll need some help. Wayzz, shell off."

Master Fu is back to normal as he opens the gramophone, revealing the Miracle Box he was sworn to protect.

I took this time to appear and I stated, "Master Fu, you must know this: just like some people in my reality, I don't like how in the original timeline, Tikki rushed things for Marinette when she took on the mantle of Ladybug. In addition to that, she almost revealed her name to Cat Noir, and that caused a form of stubbornness to prevent her identity from being revealed to her partner and vice versa until Hawk Moth was defeated. That caused a lot of the hardships I told you about, the ones that had almost tore their relationship, friendship and partnership apart on several occasions. On top of that, their 'partnership' caused them to not think about the possibility of being able to spy on Hawk Moth because they didn't have their kwamis spy on Hawk Moth's civilian identity to confirm their suspicions. The reason why, is because they didn't reveal their identities to each other during their first day on the job. And I can't even forget how rushed Marinette was when she went into combat with no proper instructions, and without the proper protective body armor. Now, that combined with the aforementioned hardships, forced rushing into combat, the inability to see past the deception of The Collector and the stubborn secret identity trust issues literally caused Marinette to almost successfully hand the Ladybug Miraculous over to her new best friend Alya Cesaire after failing to purify Stoneheart's akuma the first time around. Furthermore, in an alternate timeline in the form of a fanfiction from my home universe, Marinette did indeed successfully hand the Ladybug Miraculous over to Alya. And while I don't deny she was better suited for the job, she took the ideals of a superhero far too seriously and far too strictly."

Master Fu asked me, "Meaning?"

I answered, "Meaning, like with Knightowl treating Sparrow in the same manner, as well as Batman and all of his sidekicks, Alya treated Cat Noir harshly as a partner, scolding him for tardiness just because of his suffocating schedule making him overly exhausted, and she was constantly reminding him that it's a bad idea for superheroes to be interacting with civilians, even if they might be friends to their alter-egos."

Master Fu and Wayzz stated in unison, "Ohhhhhhhh." "Ohhhhhhhh."

I continued, "Now, I truly don't deny that it's true that when it comes to superheroes interacting with friends or civilians, it is indeed dangerous as it could lead to eventual retaliation attacks from enemy forces. However, that doesn't change the fact that sometimes, even superheroes need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on. Civilian friends from the heroes' civilian lives are definitely no exception. Besides, I'm normally all for strict methodists, strict teachers, strict parents, and strict disciplinarians and so forth, but even I happen to recognize when someone is being overly strict. Sometimes, for some of them like Grandmaster Su-Han, they're too strict and far too harsh with no regard for how their charges, students, biological offspring, teammates and employees might be feeling behind the scenes. In addition to that, I happen to be one of the very few people left in the multiverse with the knowledge of which signs of emotional distress behind the scenes to keep an eye out for and with the common sense to take it easy on lectures and punishments."

Master Fu comments, "A commendable skill for someone as kind-hearted and wise as you, Miguel. A commendable skill, indeed."

I stated before finishing my previous explanation, "Thanks. But my point is this: with the added powers of the Butterfly Miraculous you told me about, I think if given more than ten hours of training in frozen time, Marinette Dupain-Cheng will be further prepared for when she receives the Ladybug Miraculous. Besides, the physical and mental training is gonna prove beneficial, but me and my teammates are the only ones who can train her in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, and how to combine specific fighting moves from different fighting styles. In addition to that, my teammates and myself are among the few in the modern age who can teach Marinette and Adrien all about Mirakung-Fu so as to prepare them for when they have to fight against any version of the original Hawk Moth, Mayura, and/or any other villainous Miraculous user. Along the way, I believe that Corvo should be allowed to give Marinette the ability to predict and copy her opponent's moves by watching them fight."

Master Fu stroked his beard in thought before answering, "I believe it's a wise idea. You may proceed."

We each left to prepare Marinette for receiving the Ladybug Miraculous.

Next chapter