
XI: Goodbye Cassandra Michelle Arnitt

6:23 pm Saturday, May 20, 2023,

Tera's pov

We had been at the police station for about an hour. They took the handcuffs off of me but kept them on Liam and Ben just in case they had another fight. I was tired, my fingers were frozen from keeping ice on Ben's cuts and bruises. "Hey, officers, when do you think we can get out of here?"I say walking up to two policemen eating doughnuts. "I mean you could leave right now, but your boyfriend's sweetheart, they have to stay until their guardians are here." I nod my head and go back to attending to Ben's injuries.

8:45 pm

It was now 8:45 pm in the night and their parents weren't here yet. "Seriously guys, where are your parents?!" I whispered. They both looked at me with guilt on their faces. "Tera if you want you can go-," "Chief we got a 10-55, female and a drunk driver, head to the location immediately." A dispatcher says over the radio. All the police officers scramble around the department and out the door. Now the department is half filled with officers.

I was taken aback at first but then I got scared because, after a few minutes of whatever happened to the police officers, Ben's father(who I've only met once) barges in and says, "Son, we need to go now, it's your cousin!" Ben looks at him with fear in his eyes. I've never met his cousin but I know they're close. I hope she's ok.

One of the police officers takes the cuffs off of Ben and his dad signs him out. The officer also uncuffs Liam and tells us we can go. I'm guessing they let us go is because of the 10-55, whatever happened I hope the person is okay.

I walk out of the department with Liam and Ben. I was a little spooked when they made that announcement on the radio because usually, things don't happen like that so quickly, it was scary. I was about to get in the car when I got a notification from Apple News saying:

"Breaking News, here tonight we have a mournful story. Just minutes ago a young girl at the age of 17 died at the cause of a hit and run.

Police say the cause of this terrible accident was a plastered driver who lost control of the wheel and hit young Cassandra Michelle Arnitt.

It was believed that Cassandra was on her way to her uncle Isacc Montgomery's house.

My Condolences to the family of Cassandra and may she rest in peace. Thank you.

Oh my, Cassie Arnitt is dead?! This is crazy, she's also Ben's cousin. "Ben? Are you okay?" I look at him with tears in my eyes. This could've been any one of us. He doesn't respond and just gives me a tear-filled hug. She's too young for this. "I'm sorry about your loss Ben, I hope you feel better," Liam says getting into his mom's car and driving away.

Ben takes me back to my house and leaves instantly. I think he just wants to be left alone, I know I would. I get inside to see my angry parents waiting for me. Their faces soften when they see me. "Sweetheart, we heard the news. Wasn't Cassie your friend?" They ask me to turn. "Yeah, I guess. She was Ben's cousin and Liam's ex-girlfriend." I say walking upstairs, I'm too tired to talk about this right now. I would rather be left alone with my sad thoughts. Like:

It could've been you or one of your friends. She never meant to hurt you guys. You are probably the reason she was hurt. She didn't do anything wrong, it was me. I struggled with these thoughts until I fell asleep.


12:30 pm

Tera's pov

Breaking News, A young girl died at the age of 17 tonight here at S hamilton street. Police say that Cassandra Arnit was walking across the street on her way to the Montgomery estate. It was assumed that she was on her way to meet her cousin Benjamin Montgomery. E.M. say that Cassandra was intoxicated on her walk and was to say that she had a bottle of Tito's freshly bought. Witnesses say that young Cassie Arnit was nonchalantly walking across the street when it wasn't her turn, when she was halfway there a black SUV sed down the street and hit her. Witnesses say they were casually walking and making a video of when the tragedy happened.

Take a look…

They show a video recorded by a bystander. The video shows Cassie being hit by a car while she was drunkenly walking. I felt my stomach drop, the license plate was Hudson

Police are still trying to find the driver, and some say it was her lover Hudson Stewart but it isn't confirmed. Our condolences to the family who lost their light. Prayers are sent out, especially to Annalise and Patrick Arnitt who lost their lovely daughter. A message to others, please, and for the sake of others drink safely. Goodnight…

Oh my Gosh, this shit is real. At first, I didn't comprehend what had happened, but now, I'm in shock. Cassie Arnitt is dead, the one who cheated on Liam and exposed Danielle. We all pushed her away just because she hurt 2 people in our group. But now that I look at it, it's not fair for her. Danielle hurt me and Hudson hurt Liam. So they should've been treated the same way Cassie was.

She didn't deserve to be treated the way we treated her just because she exposed the truth and loved someone else. Although sleeping with Hudson was low, she could've said something to Liam in private like I tried to but Asher always ruins it.

I need to text Ben and see how he's holding up. It seemed like he didn't process the news at first either. It's sad because we (excluding Ben)were so mean to her and now we don't get to make amends with her.

I pick up my phone and turn it off the silent mode. My phone was full of notifications from the group chat, talking about Cassie and asking me how Ben felt or what Hudson had to say about her death.

614******* was added

Spider 🕸️: Hey guys, I just added Ben to the group chat but I don't think he wants to talk about it rn

Little Crazy 🐬: Omg 😱 can you believe it Where were you guys when you found out?

Redneck Billy 🧑🏻‍🦰: We were at the police station.

Satellite 🛰️ : Omg why what happened?

Beans 🫘: The police arrested us bc we and Liam were "fighting"

Hazelnuts 🌰: Did you guys get charged or something?

Redneck Billy 🧑🏻‍🦰: No not really, the police were distracted by something else. That something else is Cassie's death.

Spider 🕸️: I can't believe this happened so unexpectedly

Daniel 🧑🏻: Yeah you guys we have to be careful wherever we go. Especially when intoxicated. I'm sorry for your loss Ben.

I forgot Danielle existed

Beans 🫘: Thanks Danielle I appreciate it from all of you guys.

Lil Huddy 💚: Hey guys, I did something bad. Like really bad,

I think I'm gonna be in trouble.

Chespin 📎: what'd you do watch porn? 😂

Lil Huddy💚: It's not funny man. I broke the law, seriously. I could go to jail!

Chespin 📎: What happened?

Lil Huddy 💚: my I and my dad had another argument but this time it was worse. I was so angry so I took his car and drove off. I got drunk and I was driving back home to South Hamilton.

Spider 🕸: I think you hit Cassie. Like it's all over the news.

Lil Huddy 💚: I don't know who I hit but I'm positive it wasn't Cassie. I was on the phone with her, it couldn't have been her.

Redneck Billy🧑🏻‍🦰: Where are you now?

Lil Huddy 💚: Idk some street but I think I have to turn myself in

Little crazy🐬: if you do might go to jail you know that right

Lil Huddy 💚: it'll be better than living with my father

Satellite 🛰️ : I think you should turn yourself in

Spider 🕸️: Yeah I agree too

Beans 🫘: I second that

Chespin📎: I agree

Hazelnuts 🌰: me too

Daniel 🧑🏻: me three

Nobody asked you!

Melodies 🎶 from heaven: I think you should do something because the longer u wait the worse it is.

Anna 🤪: I just looked up the penalty for a hit and run and it says you'll have 6+ months in prison, $500 fines, and a minimum of 6 months if a suspension on your driver's license.

Lil Huddy💚: My dad is going to be more than pissed. He'll send me away somewhere or he'll kick me out or disown me.

Lil Huddy 💚: I'm sorry Ben. I won't be back guys so I'll say my goodbyes. I'll miss you guys.

I turned off my phone again. Things just got real, Hudson confessed to murdering his girlfriend. I wonder how Ben feels right now. Maybe I should text him.

TB ♥️: Ben I'm coming over.

BM ❣️: I don't know my dad is acting weird. He hasn't been himself since my mom left, but this time it's different. My dad has a bad past that only a few know about. If he finds you in my room he'll get mad and I don't know what he'll do.

TB ♥️: okay it's totally fine.

BM ❣️: Okay, goodnight.

I plug my phone in and set it down. It wasn't fine I wanted to console him, I'm not mad at it's just... I don't know anymore...

I lay back in bed and stare at the ceiling. I know what I'll do to surprise and cheer him up tomorrow. I'll go to his house and bake him some cookies or muffins and make him happy.

Are you guys sad about Cassie dying?

Orange_Olivecreators' thoughts
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