
Start of the Storm (2)

While Alex Handle the issues in Kaurava I trying to unify the Disorganized Imperials, the rest of the Actors in this Grand Play commence their part...

T'au, Under the Cover of the Warp Storm, commence to build their base in Rapid Pace and Begun to set up their Fortifications....

Unity Center where all the Officers of the T'au and a Ethereal was Housed during his duration of his stay...

A conversation took place between the T'au Commander and the Ethereal

"Commander Shas'O Or'es'Ka, Did you relay to the Sympathizers of the Greater Good in Monse?" spoke a Blue skinned in noble robes.... Addressing his concerns to a XV22 Stealthsuit now stood beside him....

"No, Great one, it seems like the Governor was killed and our sympathizers receded their desire to join..." as the Stealth suit spoke silently, not wanting to anger the Embodiment of the Greater good....

"Now when is the Ar'Ka Cannon Ready? Commander?"

"It would be Ready within a few Days... Are you sure? using that against our possible Sympathizers?" as the later words spoke softly, not wish to anger the Ethereal...

"I deemed it lost; they have defied our embrace for the Greater Good...Ready the Cannon...Do I make myself clear.... Commander? And let none of the Gue (Humans) know about our place"

"Understood... Great one..." Shas'O Or'es'Ka left the Living Quarters of the Ethereal, Having doubts about the new orders given to him, as his primary objectives before was to make population of Kaurava II to Obey the T'au Empire... He Prepared to Relay his task to the Earth Caste....


The Ethereal was Conversing someone in the Room...

"So... tell me... nameless one... what make you guarantee that I will get to see the Utopia?" as the once proud Ethereal now Humbled himself to a Shadowy like figure, now sitting on his table... observing his staff, the shadow spoke...

"You will meet utopia, soon you will be the God of entire of your race, much better than your Brethren that bask in a Glory of a Single Galaxy? why not the Multiverse... Take this pill if your life is truly in danger, wouldn't want to lose the messiah, wouldn't we? I will be off soon...and wish for your success of your endeavors" as the being shoved a pill to the Ethereal and left, not even the Elite Fire warriors that were tasked to protect him 24/7 didn't notice the intruder...

The Ethereal look at the pill, it is constantly changing colors, sometimes showing a facial distorted scream, different races that the Ethereal didn't know, showing faces of pain and suffering... but the promises of his ascension to godhood and be revered by all races grander than Aun'Va the leader of the Ethereals, blinded by his ambition, he kept it in his Side waiting to be used....

Eldars upon reacting the activation of the tomb world in Kaurava III from the Warp Storm appearing in the system, their Webway gates that were hidden from the sands of time, activated and countless of Eldars, from Eldar Rangers to a Wraith walkers strode from the warp gate in discipline, that would make a person envy or in horror, Nightwings and Nightshade flew in a formation skies, whilst Bonesinger began to weave Wraithbones into structures to allow more Eldar to Aid their effort to put down their Ancient enemy... thinking that it was just a regular extermination protocol... turn into a massacre, while they managed to destroy a substantial Deactivated Monoliths in the Outer perimeters of the Necron base, however....

Amongst the Husks of Wraith bones and Corpses of Eldar a fight for survival is ongoing

"Farseer Caerys, this is not Normal! These things... Must Retreat...Farseer..." Moment later a flash of Corrupted Red hit the Guardian leg corroding whatever flesh that was not atomized, rapidly eating his legs that were not hit by the blast, making his porcelain legs filled with rot, that not even his wraith bone armor failed to provide protection...

Caerys Gritted her teeth and glared at the horde of Living metal marching towards .. Now bathed in Corrupted by a Reddish black Miasma, that have made the Wraithbones worthless, melting it in the process, and those that were hit by the gauss had their Limbs amputated to prevent themselves from being Erased, if they were not in fear of being in pain from being erased, the Necron warriors were reactivated in short amount of time that is faster than the normal Reactivation of Necron would ... where the Necron walked, death Follows, forcing the Farseers from all of the Craftworlds look at Caerys for further orders...

"Have the Rest of the army to destroy the Inactivated Monoliths, we must not let this Plague Spread! Have the Deathstalkers to defend our retreat! we must head back to the Outbacks!" the Farseer ordered her coalition to destroy the inactive Monoliths and prevent the rest of the Necrons to be infested by the new threat, they destroyed as much as they could before retreating back to the Kaurava III Wastelands...

The Necron Lord stood still momentarily and ordered his army to march forward... ignoring the damage committed by the ongoing artillery barrage given by the Eldars... now joining the masses of living metal now emitting a Bloody Haze in their Slow path of Destruction...

His only thoughts that are within his now corrupted form, where Infected necron plasmacytes continuously pumping the Corrupted Engrams and Miasma into his body, Twisting his body to a Corrupted form of his former self...., those words that affected him, repeatedly endlessly in his mind....

"Kill..." was his only response in his mind.... as He Found a Eldar Banshee trying to crawl away, She was picked up and Had her neck Snapped clean and Ripped off, Crimson Blood dripped into the Ground... the Necron Lord Smeared the Blood and meat into his death Mask.... now Begin the March of the Corrupted Necrons...


On Kaurava IV was a Place of Knowledge and wisdom, a Guardsman hidden his Psyker abilities that awaken in his tenure, to prevent himself to be shipped to the Black Ships, Only to be found by the Chaos Cult, tainted by the words of the Chaos deacon telling him from a realm beyond to assist his strength and his survival, All he needed is to conduct a Ritual and opening his mind to allow Chaos enter the planet... only for him to be used as a Portal to let in a Khorn Champion Firaeveus Carron and Alpha legion arrived in this planet as the Chaos Undivided.

Making their headquarters on the Peninsula of Iseult, that was a Verdant Farmlands and Patchwork Cities, now being corroded by chaos, Tendrils and tumors of the warp turned the lands to suit their needs... but their invasion was Impeded by Cult of the Genestealers as they managed to summon the Splinter fleet of the Tyranids to the Battlefield, and Make matter worse for Firaeveus, Dark Eldar began to Commence their Raids to harass their forces, stealing their brothers or Two as Slaves to Commoragh neverending thirst for torture....


A/n: here power line broke out in my Side of Town... probably due to poor infrastructure? didn't managed to get it sent out yesterday...

well it a storm coming soon... since In Canon, Tyranids never had been In a Warp Storm... and What the Pill given to the Ethereal? funny really?

I always wonder what is a Corrupted Necrons, not the Flesh Tearers looked like... an actual Corrupted Necron that have their Protocols overridden and their weapons as well... I know Gauss weapons can kill by turning your body to atoms, but what happens when the WraithBone is ineffective to them? fun times, a battle Royal is starting soon... it will be harder now... Chaos now Fighting the Genestealers, and Dark Eldar, and Tyranids in a Four way standoff, now that going to Buy time for Imperial to handle their own issue..

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