
Side Chapter: Price of Arrogance

Captain Edward Davidson was Proud to Obtain one of the First Luna Class Warship from the Naval Review After the Klendathu Disaster, that Fleet Command Managed to Snagged from Alexander a Couple of his ships, Through his Political Connections, He felt the luckiest Man Alive...

He Named it Mayflower....

(???): Captain, You Sure We are not Following the Procedures Handed By M.A.Rs? Opening the Gellar Field and Whatnot?

(Edward): Bah! Lieutenant, What does an Upstart Organization Order me Around? That Alexander is Just Scaring us about the "Road to Hell", We have Centuries of Sailing Across the Stars, I Say do it, It Saves Some Energy and Time....

(Lieutenant): Sir, You Can't be Serious!? We Have 3 Companies of Mobile Infantry of the First Division in our Cargo, And if we don't follow procedures....

(Edward): Do it Now Lieutenant, Or I will Have you Court Martial, for Disobeying Orders! We have a Time Table to Catch up...and It will Blemish my Political Standing with Sky Marshall Tehat Meru....

(Lieutenant): Aye.... Captain....

As the Purple Crack open in Space as it began to Envelope the Mayflower, Edward Heard Giggles and Laughter from Somewhere...

He Scoffed it off, as He Focused on the Destination...

Later the Mayflower was Considered M.IA for the First Time in Federation History, such a Ship that went missing, told warning sign to Federation Captains not to be negligent....

It was Consider Missing... Until 55 Years Later... A Distress Call bearing the IFF of Mayflower was Sent Out....

Four Rescue Ships was Sent to Assess this missing Ship...

M.A.Rs Fleet

. Luna Class Cruiser 'Void-soul'

. Firestorm Class Frigate 'Admant Wind'

Federation Fleet

. John A. Warden Class 'Valiant'

. Corvette Transport 'Petersburg'

Ever since the John A. Warden Incident Still Fresh In the minds, Both Organization decided to Not Hold Back anything, in fear that a Bug Have already Infested the Mayflower... but they didn't realize.... There something more worse than a Bug infestation sleeping in the depts of Mayflower....

As Series of Valkyries Clad in Gold and Silver, Entered the Desolate AttackCraft Hold, While Both Ships, Void Soul and Valiant Anchored the Derelict ship with Anchor Arrows to Prevent it From Escaping and Destroyed any Cannons from Bug Retaliation, While activating Shields to prevent Casualties...

[+This is Brynhild Roses 02 Landing, Dropping Troopers and RTB+]

[+This is Valkyrie Talon 09 Landing, Dropping troopers and RTB+]

As Squads Of 15 Armoured Soldiers of the Mobile Infantry Accompanied with a Heavily Armoured CMC Power Suit, that They Affectionately nickname 'Buffy' Flooded the Ship Levels, looking For Survivors.... While the M.A.Rs Units Went to their Own Objectives...

(???): Where is the Crew? I see no Heat signatures, And I am Worried, Something is wrong... Bug Mo Would be Already Swarming us, By Now...

(???): Shut it Bob, Our Objectives is Simple, We are here to Check if Captain Edward Davidson is Alive and then Bail him out, if not we Grab the Captain Logs..

(???): It has been almost 55 years, How the heck does this man is Alive Captain Ryan?

(Captain Ryan): Noah, I Don't know and Don't Care, we have our Objectives to fulfill...

As the Squad Reached to one of the Mess Halls.... or what's left of it, as The Tables were turned into Makeshift Barricades Facing the door and Moritas Rifles and Bullet casings were Scattered all over the Place...

(???): Morita Rifles.... This Is like My Dad Rifle Brings, It back memories ...

(Captain Ryan): ....

(???): What happened here... no Bug Slashes, just Bullet Marks... Is there a Internal Fight? Wait What's this?

They Found a Old Federation Recorder... and Its Casing is warped beyond recognition.... But the Tapes within are still Barely Readable and only some of the messages are.... Relayed...

[+This is Captain Charles Redding of the 3rd Company of the First Mobile infantry Division, We are Trapped here in this hellhole for 3 Weeks... I don't know what is Happening in here, but thing here when to *Corrupted*+]

[+That Fucker!! Of a Captain!! What has he Done!! Strange things beginning to get Worse, whispers and Voices of Dead are Being Heard, Some of my men seen their dead parents...Some of them even Contemplating Suicide to join them...+]

[+We sent a Runner to link up with the Rest of the Companies, since our Radios are not working in this environment, For them to group up... it's has been 3 Days since the Runner didn't came back+]

[+We heard Screams, Near the Women Sleeping Section, A Weird Monster was should I say frankly, It was eating one of the Women in our Company as the rest of them was Dead... We Wasted All Of Our Clips, And when it Fell, it Disappeared as if it didn't existed, And the Dead women began to come to life and... attacked us... and the Still alive Trooper had this spiked Tentacles coming from her Groin... Cassandra *Sob*....+]

[+We managed to Get into a Mess Hall, Scrounge up Supplies, When we Went to the Kitchen.... I see the crew eating each other and Cooking their Flesh in a Pot... I had to Put them out of their misery...+]

[+ Fuck! Are they Bulletproof? We Put 5 Clips into one of these Monsters, but they Still not Get Affected, What is Alexander facing them!+]

[+We Managed to reached This Mess Hall and Barricaded the Entrance, Those Flyboys are not even Human anymore, as if they Only Desire Flesh of humans, And I Hoped those monsters not Breach in here...Ryan... About that Beer I owe ya? Sorry...*Garble*+]

The Recording end here...


(???): WTF happened here?

(???): Where are all the Dead Bodies? Unless they were Spirited away? Or did they got eaten?

(???): Is this a Horror Story?

(Captain): Shut Up, You are spooking out the men Jericho


(???): Contact!

The Squad Aimed at the the Direction where the Soldier pointed at... was something not Human as it came out of the Kitchen.... It looked Human only Pale skinned wearing an Old Federation Fleet Uniform... it's Jaws were Jagged, and Parts of it's Uniform were Missing, the Eyes were gouged out, And All the Sound it make were Gutteral Noises...

(Captain): Stand Down, And State you're Affiliation!

(Monster?): *Gutteral Sounds* as it Stares at them with it's empty Eye Sockets

(???): Sir, I don't think That's a Human anymore...

(Captain): I don't need your Opinion Trooper, State Your Identification or we will open Fire!

The Only Words it Spoke that Shuddered even the Hardened Veterans.....

"Join Us..."

As it Let Out a Roar.... Forcing the Squad to Open Fire, in response, Bullets and Laser Were shot through the Supposedly Human, Body.... But instead of Cries of Pain, It just simply Smiled in what capacity it could, as it Rushed towards the Squad... Only until Noah managed to Severed the limbs... It Died.... as if a string has been cut...


As the Squad Was out of breath, Shocked that a Supposedly A Flyboy is acting like that...

(???): M Squad, Report! I heard Gunfire at Section D of the Aft section of the Ship...

(Captain): All Troops are accounted for Major.... We Found a Survivor, but he is not willing to talk.... He Attack and we Retaliated

(Major): Then Continue the Mission Trooper! There must be someone in here that is willing to talk!

They received a Transmission From M.A.Rs...

[+All Units are to Retreat from Mayflower, It has been deemed Compromised and been Designated as "Hulk Minor", Demolition Crews are prepared to Destroy the Warp engine within one Hour, Any Personnel Crew you see here is deemed Hos*Brzzt*...+]

(???): Sir what are your orders?

(Cpt): Our Order still Stand, We Grab Captain Edward and Exfiltrate, Ignore the M.A.Rs Transmission...

A Same Laughter And Giggles was Heard by the Captain, and he shook it off as the Hallucinations....

(???): Sir? You Doing alright?

Almost suddenly, Distant Gunfire Erupted all over The Decks and Comms were all over the place

[+This is L Squad we are under heavy attack!!+]

[+V Squad taking Casualties!! Some weird Blob of Flesh Is Eating our Armor!! Use the Flamers!!+]

[+Q Squad here, We found what remains of the 2nd Company Mobile Infantry Station here...And We are being chased by the Crew Help!! They are coming out of the Air Ducts!!+]

The M Squad Hurried across the Derelict Corridors that was not Under Maintenance for almost Half a Century....

They Reached a Crossroads, one leading into the Officers Quarters and Another is a Lift that takes them to the Ship Helm...

(Capt. Ryan): Noah, Bob, Vincent, Jericho with me to the Helm, the rest go to the Officers quarters

As the Captain Ryan Group Went to the Helm through the Elevator, the Officers Quarters Group... is having difficulties... as if the Horde of the Ship Crew were Waiting.. for them.... the Squad Used All their Arsenals, Robert the Buffy, Raised his Gatling gun and Started firing... and despite they shoot lead and lasers, the Horde didn't stopped even the ones that had their bodies torn in Half, they crawl towards the Squad... and Some even Appears from the Air ducts surrounding them....

As the Captain Reached the Helm he saw a Gruesome sight, As Human Bones and Shriveled Organs were Scattered about, Ignoring the scenes he Went to the Captain chair and Saw what happened to Captain Edward Davidson, He was Mauled to Pieces and his Stomach was Ripped out and his organs were removed and his Eyes were Gouged out like the Crew man they fought before, Leaving Only Bones that only a few Tendons of Flesh as his limbs...

[+This is Captain Ryan Speaking, Did you get the Captain Edward Logs? +]


[+I repeat, did you get the Captain Logs Trooper?+]


[+Trooper I said...+]

[+Join Us...+]

(Noah): What the problem Captain?

(Bob): I know that look... we are screwed aren't we?

(Captain): Come we need to break that Window....

(Bob): You Kidding me sir! that Glass Panel is Meteor Proof! how will our Guns even Make a Dent!

(Captain): Or do you want to face that?

As the Elevator Is Automatically Coming down and Screams and Bloodlust was even felt from where they are standing....

(Jericho): Well you could always try the Emergency Ladder? I spent time reading the Schematics of this Ship and I know there is a Emergency route, In a Event of a Invasion... and It's underneath the Captain Chair.... and it takes you near the Place we Landed...

(Captain Ryan): Well, hurry up then! We have about 20 minutes that the Demolition Started

As they Attempted to Move the chair, The Corpse of Captain Edward Grabbed Ryan Suit...

"You will never Escape this place Alive!!" As the Corpse was Cackling, Ryan and his men Tossed aside the Corpse, And Opened up a Trapdoor that Reveal a Long Ladder, They Just Jumped down into the Abyss below...

As the Elevator Reached to the Helm, The Murderous Crew wanting to bring the Soldiers to their side, was only met with C-89 Explosives, Burning them to ashes along with the Now Deceased Edward Davidson Still Cackling...

As the Soldiers Still In Free fall they almost reach the End of the Ladder and Used their Booster to slow down their Ascent...

They Managed to Reached the Landing Pads That where they Landed... there was nobody on the platform ...

(Cap Ryan): Jericho, You said this lead us to the Landing Pads where are they!

As the Said Trooper Turned around... Sobbing

(Jericho): They Said I could meet my Wife if I lead you here....

As Captain Ryan wanted to get more information out of him...

A Voice, Grave and Bone chilling....

(???): You wish Is Granted, Jericho... Soon you will meet your Wife... You Will Join Her.... Shortly....

As A Spinal Like Tentacle Pierced Jericho Head as it Carried him to the Ceiling, Ryan and his Men Aimed their flashlight at the Ceiling to find Jericho, and was Met with a abomination more worse than the Bugs.... A Nest comprised of Human Spines and Organs were settled on the ceiling...as it Beating like a Human Heart... and in the Center of it all is a Eye that is Glaring down at them....

(???): Soon You will Join them too, Ryan....

(Captain Ryan): Open Fire!!

What remains of his squad shot whatever they had, even Overloaded their weapons to get a Decent blast, Hundreds of Human Spinal Cords came Falling down like a Raindrops, as the Center of it all the Eye was not even Fazed from the Attacks as the Spines protected it... It Attacked Ryan by Whipping him and Tossed him across the Platform, as he Skidded Near the Doors, it opened...

Ryan Saw a CMS Suit and Noticed it was Robert, He was About to Order Robert... The Hulking armor Grabbed Ryan and Made him, see ... What left of Robert, It Made Ryan Screamed through his Helmet, as Robert Facial Features was Filled with Worms and Maggots crawling through his orifices, and the Helmet that protected Robert shown signs as it was Pierce by a ChainBlade as Cracks were shown...

And behind Robert, Hundreds of the Ship Crew and the Dead Mobile Infantry flooded the premises and Attacked his still living subordinates..

(Robert): Join Us Captain.... They Shown the truth.... Reality we lived in... is a Lie... Come With me... to the Seeker of Truth...

As Ryan Struggle to Free himself from his former Subordinate.... A Flashing Light was shown and Spread throughout the Room... as a Grey Hooded Figure bearing a Aquila Surrounded by a Group of Red Hooded Figures appears in another Entrance, and they were Holding a Burning Bush... as they Calmly Took A Step... a Wave Of Golden Light Emanated From the Bush as it Flooded the Room, The Monster on the Ceiling Scream at the Stranger, as its Body was Turning into Dust, and Dozen of Corpses fell to the Ground.... and the Ships Crews, soldiers and Robert limply Fell Down as the Third Wave of Light Flooded the room once more... Burning whatever foul Taint...

Ryan Struggle to Keep his Eyes open to look at this Groups of Stranger, As one of the Hooded Figure Noticed him... as soon as it approached him, He Blacked Out....

Later when he came to his senses, He was on a Hospital Ship 'Nightingale'... As Ryan Sigh in Relief, as if the Nightmare was over.... Upon Inquiry from the Nurse, it turns out that he was the Sole Survivor of the Operation in the Federation Side... and Whatever Happened there, Sky Marshal Alexander Ordered it to be Scrapped of the Mission logs, and No mentioned about what happened there..., and Everyone that Participated it was to be given a Mind Wipes regardless of ranks, Except him... Since he was Unconscious by the time they picked him up...

and the Mayflower was to be Detonated with Black hole Missiles to eradicate it from this world... Whatever The Sky Marshal Done... It was no Questions Asked... As the population believe in him...

Ryan retired from the Military and Became a Priest of the Golden Light, as He Kept a Sapling that burns golden flames with him, during his tenure across Federation Space... as he preach the Dangers of Not Being a Believer of the Light... as Monsters more scarier than the Bugs that are always there in the Shadows, only those that believe in his religion will be saved...

Sometimes he did Wonder... Was the Nightmare over? Or is it always be with him?


As Sky Marshall Alexander see the M.i Suits that the Grey Priests he had Sent to Recover, He Frown upon, that despite how he weaves the Story, there is someone Bound to Answer his Methods.. He Destroyed the Armors and Weapons of his Creations, As Now it Labeled (Chaos Tainted) on Each Article of Clothing and Weapons.... And Proceeded to Commence the Completion of a New Mode of Transportation....


Author here: Why Write this?

There always some Arrogant people that think that Entering the warp without the Gellar shield is "Perfectly" Normal... when In other universes perfectly safe...

To Fully House a Luna Class Cruiser, it need to have 65000 People(I Checked), and Three Companies of Mobile infantry... Yup a Zombie apocalypse... Why are they weak ass despite the Power tools I gave them? You can Give a Tool to a Man, but it doesn't keep his Mental state well... Especially when they expected a Bug Infestation, Not a Warp Zombie incursion... And said Zombies Can used the Tools to Attack the squad and can go through the Air Ducts?... as Shown with Robert Marine Armor, He was Overwhelmed by the Corpses Bodies despite of the overwhelming firepower, and they kinda Used the Chainblade to Pierce his shield and Helmet... and Infested him... Ghost? nah that human Spinal Tentacles monster already eaten them... Probably?

Just need a bit of Gore and horror..

Next chapter