
Chapter 57 - Playing Along

[June of 2012]

[New York City]

3rd PoV

Some of the people that was placed by Andrew by about a kilometer back to safety all began making their ways to the scene again as they couldn't control their curiosities after seeing many military personnel and vehicles going to the direction of the just-ended battle.

Back to the scene, the soldiers under Ross began moving as they quickly cuffed the dumbfounded Reed Richards who didn't resist as he was still stunned by the fact that he was actually being arrested right now.

Yes, he will admit that it was technically his fault that that monsters managed to step foot into the planet, but still, accidents happen right?

Unfortunately for Reed, Ross didn't care whatever he thinks as the old guy waved his hands to his soldiers who all moved Reed into one of the vehicles – ready to transfer him into a more secure place.

""W-wait!"" Susan and Johnny both called out at the same time as they took a step forward to the direction of Reed.

"Try to free him and you will face trial and will be included in the charges of helping a suspect who brought great danger to the states." Thaddeus Ross spoke like he doesn't give a fuck as his eyes began wondering around.

Tony Stark raised his hands in mock surrender as his helmet automatically close off and he prepared to fly away.

"Stark. We still need to hear your statement regarding this incident." Ross stopped him.

Iron Man turned his metal head to the general and then replied with his mechanical voice "Talk to my lawyer."

The hand and feet of the iron man suit then lit up and then concentrated flames propulsed him into the air, making him dissappear in the sky in a matter of seconds.

Ben who was standing beside the unconscious form of Andrew, walked and stood by the side of Susan and Johnny – who gave up trying to go with Reed – as he slightly clenched his fist — ready for anything that might gone.

Ross suppressed his bubbling anger for Stark as he turned his head back to the scene. His eyes then eventually spotted the lying form of the clone of Andrew as he quickly signaled to his men. He then started walking – passing by the three – as he eventually stood beside the body — followed behind by his soldiers.

As he looked at the lying featureless man, Ross had the thought of also arresting and containing the what-he-thinks as a dangerous a man but his years of experience snapped him out of his stupidity as he lifted his head to look at his surroundings.



The citizens from earlier – along those who was inside the buildings – was already by the perimeter of the scene and some already had their phones out and was rapidly taking shots and recording the scene.

There's even one who was actually streaming a live as he tried to get pass the circle that the soldiers formed but he received the expected american response and had his phone crushed by one of stern soldiers.

The brave citizen from earlier – the fan of Psionix – was smart as he maintained his distance and was just recording the whole scene using his trusted camera.

Seeing this. Ross realized that he cannot do something extreme right now as he turned around and barked an order at one of the soldiers "Get this guy a stretcher and bring him to our medical vehicle and have him treated immediately. He's a hero and he needs the respect of being one."

Ross even made his voice slightly louder than usual just to make sure that it was clearly heard by the citizens' cameras as the america's reputation and face was basically on the line if he messed this up.

"SIR YES SIR!" The soldier saluted in a strong manner and then proceeded to call for his comrades that specializes on medical emergency field.

The original Andrew – who was using his clone's body to see what was happening there even without its eyes opened – had an eyebrow raised, because after seeing how good of an actor Ross was, he actually even thought that it maybe even rivaled his own acting skills but he quickly waved away that nonsense notion as he knows that no one can top his own ability to act.

He then proceeded and spoke to Aldrich – who was a little frustrated as the Tv weren't showing anything anymore about the battle – and made him order a large, family amount of food.

Unknown to Aldrich, the reason that the Tv weren't showing anymore about the battle was because the Tv Channel's van was actually overturned earlier by the shockwave of Andrew's attack, though the driver and the reporter was hurt, they still managed to live as they crawled their way out of the van.

Aldrich, who unknowingly became a waiter, didn't complain or anything as he was already used by the weirdness of Andrew who can somehow devour large amount of food and not even burp for a little bit.

But back to the perspective of the arrogant old general. Ross then turned back to the group of Susan after the clone of Andrew was carried away as he spoke to them "Would you care to join me for a little talk."

"This little talk is about what happened here, isn't it?" Johnny asked with a fed up face that already knows where this whole thing is going.



Susan, Ben, and Johnny eventually followed and cooperated to not let the whole get bigger as they went to Ross' vehicle while Reed sat on his with a lonely aura surrounding him even though he got the company of the soldiers inside.

Andrew's clone was placed inside another miliary vehicle that is equipped with medical devices and apparatuses. The soldiers inside was getting frustrated as they have wasted their time trying to give the clone an IV. They tried to pierce its skin with needle but it broke the moment they applied a little pressure.

They tried for a few more minutes along the way to their destination but they eventually gave up after one of them tried to pierce the clone's skin with scalpel which also didn't worked.


Two Hours Later

The original Andrew in the Celestial Industries' Headquarters watched as Ross brought Reed in a temporary jail while Susan and her group eventually went home after they finally gave up trying to talk to Reed.

After that, Ross brought the body of the clone to a secure place with multiple scientists who was all disguised as normal doctors.

Ross ordered the scientists to do all they can just to get a drop of blood from him.

The scientists did all they can, from sharp objects to even laser, but all of them wasn't effective as they didn't even left a scratch.

Ross received the reports of the scientists regarding what happened as his brows furrowed in surprise and apprehension.

He was surprised by the fact that even their strongest lasers wasn't effective and was apprehensive of just how powerful and dangerous this guy known as Psionix really was.

On the other hand. Andrew eventually found the whole playing-along game tiring as he "woke" up from his unconscious state and walked out of the place – ignoring the scientists who tried stopping him with words like "you still hasn't rested enough" and shit.

Ross just watched him leaving and didn't do anything as he CANNOT do anything.

He then teleported to the headquarters and changed clothes and then teleported again — spending the rest of the day saving new york from small time criminals.

The original Andrew who was in the headquarters along with Aldrich just yawned as he continued eating.

Steve Rogers on the other hand, went home after seeing that all have been handled already and he didn't need to make an appearance.


[Baxter Building]

"We need to free Reed." Susan spoke with a strong tone as she sat on the chair that Reed always uses.

They were now all gathered in the top floor of the building and sat in its meeting room as they tried to come up with ways on how will they free Reed.

"Why don't we just bust him out?" Johnny said with a casual tone.

"Is there no good thing that runs through that useless head of yours?" Ben rubs his rocky forehead as he sighed in an exasperated way.

"Just giving suggestions." Johnny shrugged as he replied back. He then turned back to Susan and continued "But sis, why don't we just let that boyfriend of yours get some little punishment for the mean time? Like, we just let him be there for the time being and who knows, maybe he will finally learn how to not mess with portals that has the freebies of big rabbits and dragon."

"No, Johnny. And he's not my boyfriend.. not.. yet." Susan muttered the last words in almost a whisper.

"Ew." Johnny cringed back in disgust after hearing her like that as he stood up and went to the fridge. He then pulled a can of refreshment as he drank hurriedly and rinsed his mouth with it as he thought that he accidentally threw up in his mouth.

Susan gave him the look that a big sister would give if they are pissed off as Johnny quickly raised his hands in surrender and slowly sat back down to his seat.

"So, seriously. What should we do?" Ben finally broke the silence as he asked wih a serious tone.

Susan was silent for a moment as Johnny and Ben waited patiently. She then lifted up her head and looked at the two and said "We don't need to do anything."

"Huh? Why?" Ben furrowed without a normal eyebrow as he asked with a puzzled and startled tone.

"This is Reed we're talking about. I'm pretty sure he can figure something out to free himself eventually." Susan said in a matter-of-factly.


Johnny face-palmed at that while sighing as he finally gave and went out of the room.


Susan sighed softly as also stood up, she then took a can out of the fridge and also went out of the room to take a breather.

[End of the Chapter]


Homeless Man: Your stones are needed but your pledges are more important as its the only way I can get by everyday. So go and pledge to the patreon!

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