
Chapter 49 - Wade Wilson

[May of 2012]

[Trask industries]

3rd PoV

[Outside the Trask Building]

A man huffed in anger as he continued running with an impressive speed that rivals those of Olympic Athletes. He eventually arrived in front of the Trask Building and saw police officers and Shield Agents surrounding the building.

But he didn't stop for even a moment as he continued running. The officers and agents eventually saw the quickly approaching him as they shouted "Hey! Stop there!"

But he also didn't pay them no mind and continued. He then arrived in front of them as he jumped.

"What the..?" One of the police officer muttered as the guy impressively jumped above their heads and landed inside the circle that consist of them.

""Hey!"" The officer and his comrades pulled out their guns but the guy's speed was incredible as he immediately managed to get inside the building.


Andrew, Fury, Coulson, Trask, Magneto and the company all turned to the entrance and saw a man standing there with an enraged look on his face.

The guy was wearing a sleeveless black combat suit with two short swords strapped on his back in an "X" style. The man was relatively good-looking and was currently pointing a gun in the direction of Trask.

"What the fuck did you do to 'Essa! you short, midget fucker?! *BANG*" The guy shouted as he fired the gun.

Trask's eyes widened as he instinctively ducked.

The bullet traveled speedily but it was inevitably stopped by Andrew who quickly recognized the guy. The latter subtly calmed the guy as the stopped bullet fell to the ground with a "Ting".

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wade Winston Wilson huffed in anger and then fired at Trask again but all of it was stopped as he emptied out his mag.

Trask stood up from his crouched position seeing that he's safe.

Wade angrily turned to the featureless man as he shouted again "Hey! Don't meddle with my business!"

Andrew didn't respond to him as he stretched his hand out which made Wade involuntarily flew to his direction and stopped two meters in front of him.

He nodded at Fury who signaled his men to stand down.

Tap! Tap!

Footsteps can be heard again as the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D outside entered the building, in pursuit of Wade.

Fury who saw them, quickly waved his hand at them to stand down and get back to their positions as all was fine and okay.

The agents nodded at him and then saluted and then went back.

"What do you want with him?" Andrew eventually said as he then turned to Wade and asked.

"This fucker kidnapped my girlfriend and she's probably already dead by now! So let go of me and let me kill him!!" Wade shouted with an enraged voice as he tried breaking free from the psionic's hold but it was futile.

Andrew sighed and let go of him. Wade was quick and about to pull out his sword to cut down Trask but Andrew's next words made him stop.

"She's still alive. So if you want to see her still breathing, then don't waste your time on him and let's go see her." Andrew nonchalantly said as he then started walking followed by Magneto and his group who just spectated the whole the little drama. The two agents also followed along.

Wade hesitated for a bit, thinking if he should trust the suspicious looking man. But his love for his girlfriend overwhelmed his need for revenge as he just glared at Trask in the end.

But he didn't forget to do his thing as he pulled his sword slightly as an act to intimidate Trask which prompted the latter to duck again while Instinctively grabbing the leg of the agent that is restraining him.

"Heh.." Wade chuckled seeing his pathetic act as he turned around and followed Andrew while Trask gritted his teeth at the humiliation that he just experienced as he swore inwardly that this wasn't over.

Nick Fury rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration and headache as he signaled his men to move along with him as they pulled Trask and Lang who was still trying to escape relentlessly.


[Basement of Trask Building]

Along the way. Wade was out of character as he was too silent the moment they all got on the elevator. Andrew was curious at first but concluded that the guy was just too worried for his beloved girlfriend that he didn't talk like the chatterbox that he was.

After a few moments, They eventually arrived in the sun-basement of the building. Calling it sub-basement would be an understatement as the whole space was too big that it looks like its an underground dwelling of some ancient humans.

They all looked around and spotted more Sentinels that roughly numbered to about twenty while some were still not complete and was still in the process of being completed when maybe Trask asked his workers to stop.

Andrew spreads his senses to cover the 500 meter wide sub-basement and quickly spotted the girlfriend of Wade.

He then started walking as Wade followed while Magneto stopped as he was still looking at the Sentinels. The latter then made his decision as he stretched his hands and clenched it with a calm look on his face.

The Sentinels that were completed had their power source not activated as they, and the incomplete ones quickly succumbed to Magneto's powers as they all twists and malformed and eventually became little metal scraps that littered the ground.

The two agents – that Fury ordered to come along with them – wanted to stop him from destroying the Sentinels as even though their directors didn't managed to order it, they all know that he will definitely like to have these things in possession.

But since they were just ordinary humans, albeit, stronger than normal and more trained, they still wasn't a match to a person that controls the freaking magnetic fields itself, so they just kept their silence while quickly following Andrew and Wade as they didn't like being with the company of the brotherhood.

Andrew didn't care whether Erik destroys those robots or not as those things are useless to him and they are also not a threat with his power that is just getting stronger and stronger with the constant absorption of cosmic energy from the mind gem.

He walked towards the direction where the girlfriend of Wade was as the latter was beginning to increase his pace as he saw a silhouette of lying person behind a curtain.

Wade ran and stopped in front of the curtain and then pulled it to the side roughly as he saw the state of his girlfriend.

Vanessa Carlysle was currently lying in a bed with multiple cuts on her body and her whole body was missing multiple patches of skins. Her luscious white hair was no more and was left with a bald head that also had missing skins.

One of her eyes seems punctured for nothing as dried blood can be seen at her face that came from that eye. Her blue lips was no more and her teeth can be seen with a glance, though, her teeth was not spared from the torture that she would get along the experiment as it was mostly missing with even her gums not spared as Andrew can see that it was also pierced by something like scalpel just for the fun of it.


Tears began gathering at the rim of Wade's eyes as he brought his hands to her messed up face shakily.

"Wake up.. I'm here.. 'Essa?.." Wade continued talking and tried waking his girlfriend up as he rubbed his fingers to her wounded face.

Andrew who was leaning at an apparatus behind Wade just sighed seeing this state of Wade as he stepped forward and softly shoved Wade to the side.

".. What are you doing?" Wade felt angered at first but then he saw Andrew putting his hands to Vanessa's head and the next scene shocked and elated him.

He saw Vanessa's blue skin that had turned to light black – which was the equivalent of her having a pale complexion – turning to its normal light, healthy blue as her forcefully, removed skin began regenerating back.

The two agents that came along with them had their eyes widened at what they witnessed as they subtly fixed the position of the hidden cameras on their person to properly capture the scene. Unknown to them, Andrew knows that they have those things on them but he allowed them to keep it as he don't care if S.H.I.E.L.D knows some abilities of his alter ego Psionix since that's also part of his plan.

Inside her body. Vanessa's lost blood also regenerated and her blood levels returned to normal after a few moments. Her hair also regenerated and a long white hair slowly grew out of her scalp and revealed to the spectators.

Andrew then removed his hand from her face as he pulled out a clean set of clothes out of nowhere and placed it beside her. He then admired his job well done as he finally managed to see just how good is his newly acquired healing ability that branched out of his biokinesis was.

Wade Wilson wasn't on his right state of mind to currently express his gratitude to Andrew as he was too overjoyed by what he just saw as he excitedly and happily stepped forward and went beside her while waiting for her to open her now-new eyes on her own.

The Vanessa that was just bordering life and death moments ago but is now perfectly healthy finally managed to regain her consciousness as she saw the face of the man that is always the content of her dreams.

His smile, his corny and weird jokes and her love for him was the only thing that made her reach this point and not give up immediately.

Tears also began to gather on her eyes as a relieved smile surfaced on her face. She spoke for what seemed to be the first time that her voice was clear and wasn't hoarse for all the screams she did as the experiments gone "W-wade? Is that really you?"

Wade chuckled as he brought her hand to his face "Who else? This is the one and only handsome me. Don't mind this featureless guy behind me, he's really ugly behind that disguise."

Andrew couldn't help but frown but didn't disturbed them as he pulled out his camera and reviewed the shots of the messed up Vanessa that he sneakily took earlier when Wade was still doing his drama.

He then walked away from the two lovebird and began taking shots of the whole place, specially the cruel tools that is covered by mutants' blood and all the equipment that Trask and his subordinates used.

All of this will be used as an evidence against Trask and his company that he will publicly release in a website that he'll make after he's finished with all the shit here.


If you want to read ahead and support me at the same time, then be sure to visit my pãtreon. I post sixteen advanced chapters of my book on pãtreon.


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