
Chapter 41

Dragonair, Alolan Ninetales and Piloswine were at the top lane. Prinplup couldn't handle the two B rank low pokemon alone and Espeon was helpless against them. Team Checkmate had no choice but to adjust their line-up. Else, their top goal would be destroyed easily.

"Toshi, head top, and Jin, you farm in our jungle instead," Leon instructed.

When Toshi arrived, he saw that their top goal was already at 35/100 and was almost destroyed. He Transformed into Prinplup and used Rain Dance to boost water type attacks, then immediately used Surf to push back the enemies. When Prinplup saw this, he also used Surf to help Toshi. Two powered-up Surfs were too much and the three opposing pokemon retreated to their own goal.

Instead of engaging, Dragonair boosted itself with Dragon Dance, while Alolan Ninetales used Nasty Plot, and Pilowswine used Stealth Rock to cover their goal in order to prevent enemies from entering easily.

Both Toshi and Prinplup used Aqua Ring, and Espeon used Copy Cat to cast Aqua Ring as well. It was to prepare for a drawn out fight. Team Checkmate's strategy was to outlast the enemy team.

Team Snowflake saw through the enemies' plan and immediately ordered to engage. They knew that they would lose at the end to Team Checkmate's line-up, since they had no pokemon who knew how to heal.

Piloswine used Bulldoze and tried to charge at Espeon since it was the more squishy target. It was then blocked by Prinplup's Waterfall and both were pushed back equally.

Toshi followed up with Defog to destroy Piloswine's Stealth Rocks.

Alolan Ninetales fired an Ice Beam at Toshi but was stopped by Prinplup's Hydro Pump.

Espeon was casting Reflect and Light Screen to support both his teammates.

Dragonair used another Dragon Dance. Dragonair was Team Snowflake's sweeper, so Piloswine and Alolan Ninetales protected it until it got enough buffs.

Toshi and Prinplup both used Work Up to buff themselves.

Espeon used Fake Tears at Dragonair to lower its special defense.

Piloswine and Alolan Ninetales ,then, positioned themselves in front of Dragonair to protect it. Dragonair was able to use its third Dragon Dance and Team Snowflake was now ready to attack.

After seeing Dragonair's third Dragon Dance, Toshi and Prinplup felt the danger they were in. Both immediately charged up an Ice Beam and aimed it at Dragonair. Espeon was on high alert as well and was ready to use a move at a moment's notice. Then, the pokemon cluster spawned at the middle of the path.

Team Snowflake grinned and their team leader trashed talked Team Checkmate. "You idiots shouldn't have given my Pseudo-Legendary Dragonair time to buff itself three times. The Championship is as good as ours!" Maria laughed.

Team Checkmate heard the provocation through the public channel and Mark fired back, "I pity your Dragonair, it has such an incompetent trainer to guide it. Tsk," he replied.

Maria was still grinning. "We'll see who's incompetent! Dragonair use Aqua Jet now! Eliminate Espeon at the back!" she shouted.

"Checkmate!" the three said in unison and smiled.

As Dragonair appeared in front of Espeon at blinding speeds, it was confused and the last thing it saw before being knocked out was two blue colored spheres.

The moment Dragonair disappeared, Espeon immediately used Teleport switching its place with Toshi and Prinplup and at the same time, Toshi and Prinplup also fired their Ice Beam, regardless if they hit anything.

The three pokemon trusted their trainers' commands and followed the instructions to a T. It was a gamble really, team Checkmate was not sure who team Snowflake would target first and hoped that they would try to eliminate the weakest of their team, which was Espeon.

"Dragonair has been knocked out and can no longer battle!" an announcement rang.

Maria's face was grim. They did not expect that risky maneuver from Team Checkmate. Team Snowflake signaled a retreat, they had to abandon the top goal. "It's okay we can still win this," Maria said to her teammates.

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