
Underground Cavern City


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As the students stepped into the underground cavern city, they couldn't help but marvel at the incredible sight before them. The Subterranean Sentinels, greeted them warmly, and the students knew they were in for an unforgettable experience.

Lumina began to guide the students around the city, explaining various features and their purposes. She gestured to the concealed entrance they had just passed through. "As you've just seen, the entrance to the underground city is well-hidden within a dense forest and protected by advanced security systems. This ensures that our location remains secret and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals."

Kaminari, impressed by the secrecy, whispered to Sato, "Wow, they've really gone all out to keep this place hidden!"

Lumina continued the tour, pointing out the artificial lighting and ventilation systems. "The cavern system is equipped with state-of-the-art artificial lighting that mimics natural sunlight, promoting a healthy environment for all of you. Additionally, we have an advanced ventilation system that ensures a constant supply of fresh air, maintaining a comfortable atmosphere for everyone."

Asui croaked in amazement, "This place is so well thought-out, ribbit!"

The tour led them to the various training grounds, designed specifically for the students' unique quirks and abilities. Lumina explained, "These areas are meant to challenge you and encourage you to improve your skills and teamwork. We've worked hard to create training grounds that will suit each of your individual quirks and help you grow."

Kirishima pumped his fist in excitement, "I can't wait to start training here!"

Next, Lumina showed them the living quarters, complete with separate dormitories for Class 1-A and Class 1-B, private lodgings as well as common areas for dining and relaxation. "We want to ensure that you have a comfortable living environment while you're here, and we hope these spaces will help you unwind and socialize during your downtime."

Momo, walking beside Mokami, smiled at the thought of their classmates bonding in the shared spaces.

Lumina then led them to the advanced simulation rooms, explaining their purpose. "These rooms allow you to practice your abilities in a controlled environment. We can recreate various scenarios, from disaster relief efforts to combatting villains, providing you with invaluable experience."

Ida adjusted his glasses, his eyes shining with determination. "We will make the most of these resources, Lumina-san. Thank you for providing us with such excellent facilities."

As they passed the monitoring and security stations, Lumina assured the students, "The entire underground city is closely monitored by UA staff and equipped with state-of-the-art security systems. This ensures the safety of all students and faculty while also protecting the secrecy of our location."

Finally, Lumina showed the students the outdoor access points. "Although we're hidden underground, we have several exits to the surface. These lead to secluded outdoor training grounds, allowing you to practice your abilities in an open-air environment while remaining hidden from the public eye."

The students listened intently to Lumina's explanations, expressing their awe and gratitude for the incredible underground city.

The students of Class 1-A and Class 1-B were eager to begin their training and make the most of their time in the underground city.

After a long day of exploration and learning about the underground city, the students were ready to settle into their lodgings. Momo and Itsuka, as Class Representatives, took charge of overseeing their classmates, making sure everyone found their rooms and were comfortable. Mokami, staying close to Momo, kept an eye on the students to ensure they behaved properly.

To maintain a sense of order, they placed Mineta as far away from the girls' lodging as possible. In contrast, Mokami was situated nearest to the girls' lodging, acting as a last barrier for their safety. The girls trusted him more than the others, feeling secure with his presence.

Meanwhile, Class 1-B's representative Ibara and her vice-president Reiko worked with Momo and Itsuka to help settle the students of both classes. With their combined efforts, the students quickly found their rooms and began to unpack.

Once everyone was settled, the students gathered in a central common area for some casual conversation and relaxation. The atmosphere was light and cheerful, and the students from both classes mingled effortlessly.

Uraraka floated over to Pony and Sen from Class 1-B, chatting excitedly about the unique underground city they found themselves in. "I never imagined we'd be training in a place like this! It's so amazing!"

Pony nodded in agreement, her horned head bobbing up and down. "I know, right? I can't wait to see what kind of training exercises they have planned for us!"

Across the room, Midoriya and Juzo Honenuki exchanged thoughts on the various quirks within their respective classes, discussing potential strategies and combinations that could be effective during their training.

Todoroki and Iida were engaged in conversation with Kosei Tsuburaba and Hiryu Rin, discussing the importance of teamwork and leadership in the hero world. They shared their experiences from past training exercises, learning from each other's successes and failures.

Mina and Toru, Mokami's current girlfriends, were chatting with other girls from both classes, laughing and sharing stories. The girls felt comfortable with Mokami and his level-headed, mature nature. Even though he dated multiple women, it was clear that he cared for each of them and respected their individuality.

As the evening wore on, the students continued to bond and enjoy each other's company, forging new friendships and strengthening existing ones. This camaraderie would prove invaluable in the coming weeks as they faced the challenges and training exercises the underground city had in store for them. Together, they were determined to grow stronger and become the best heroes they could be.

Soon, the Subterranean Sentinels, along with Aizawa and Vlad King, arrived in the common area where the students were gathered. Aizawa cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"Students, starting tonight, you will be responsible for preparing your own meals three times a day," he announced. The students' eyes widened in surprise, and a buzz of concern began to fill the room.

"What?! We have to cook our own meals?" Ashido exclaimed, looking worried.

Uraraka sighed, "I guess we'll have to learn how to cook if we don't know already."

Vlad King nodded, "That's right. You will need to work together to create a schedule and ensure everyone is contributing fairly."

As the students were still processing the news, Mokami stepped forward. He concentrated for a moment, and then used his Quirk to produce 46 sheets of paper. Each sheet had a fair schedule for the students to work together in preparing meals. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the papers flying into the air.

As the sheets gracefully floated down, one landed on the lap of each student, as well as on the laps of the Subterranean Sentinels and teachers. The students picked up their schedules, reading them with interest.

"Wow, this is really well-organized," Tetsutetsu commented, impressed by Mokami's quick thinking.

Aoyama, with his usual flair, added, "How magnifique! I shall do my best in the kitchen!"

Ibara smiled at Mokami, "Thank you for creating this schedule. It will make things much easier for all of us."

Mokami nodded, "No problem. We're all in this together, so we should all contribute."

As the students continued to study their schedules, Aizawa addressed the room. "Remember, this training is not just about improving your quirks and combat skills. It's also about learning how to work together, be responsible, and develop self-sufficiency. Cooking your own meals is a part of that."

Vlad King chimed in, "You never know when you might need to fend for yourself in the field. Developing basic life skills like cooking is essential for any hero."

Iida, ever the earnest student, nodded vigorously. "Understood, sensei! We shall endeavor to become more self-sufficient and responsible!"


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