
Audience with the Goddess and her Angel

An endless white space, where there is no sense of direction, balance, skin, muscles, etc, and there is nothing to observe. An irrational place, but it exists before me, however panicking or denying reality will not help me, therefore the more rational choice for me is to observe and try to understand this phenomenon I found myself in.

I slowly lower my gaze and try to look at my own body, I don't see anything. I am not even sure if I can even "see" anything at all. I mean, I am trying to close one eye, but nothing happens and I cannot see any part of my nose, so it is safe to say that I don't have a body in a conventional sense.

However, I am confident that I am not hallucinating, nor dreaming, as even though there may be some function in parts of the body, the human brain stops functioning entirely when dead. Therefore it is not possible for me to be dreaming.

There comes a very silly idea in my mind; that I am either in hell or heaven, yet I don't think such notions can be applied to this space, especially considering I have no physical body. Maybe I am in my spiritual body? The soul? Ahaha that's funny.

My earlier question is left unanswered. Come to think of it, I did speak, right? That means I have, at the very least, a means of communication.


Yep, I can speak. There is no echo, but I can make a sound, which means there are at least gasses in this space, so that's something, but I don't know how exactly I am making a sound without a body.

Come to think of it, how does this spirit body contain information? How do I know I am "I"? I try to look into my memories, but nothing seems to be out of place. On the contrary, I think my memory is way stronger now than when I was alive. Maybe it is a malfunction of the Matr*x? I would be disappointed if it was really so. I mean, human farms for electricity are probably the least effective way if you think about it.

While I was thinking of these things, I started to hear a subtle voice of laughter. The voice seemed to me to belong to that of a woman, yet it was an eerie voice. Although I was a bit scared by the seemingly divine voice of a female deity, I managed to suppress my wonder and tried to talk to her.

"Hello, can you hear me?"

After hearing my question, the mysterious being made a clearly fake surprised exclamation and started chuckling again. Did she seem a bit childish, or rather mischievous?

Just as I was about to talk to her again, the space suddenly changed and I found myself in front of two beautiful women. One of them was standing in front of me, and the other behind her floating in the sky. The woman in the front opened her mouth, but the scenery around me was too grand to notice her.

"Hello, my name-"

The new space looked like a scene of space from the movie the Interstell*r. There was even an asteroid belt not far away. Pretty!

"If you could just liste-"

Oh! There is a giant nebula there!! Look at those red, yellow, and green colors! That's so cool!

"Hey! Listen to me-"

Wow! It even looks like a king on a throne!

While I was admiring the wonders of the cosmos, I felt as if the space around me tighten, like Darth Vader's force choke. I then turned my attention to the two women in front of me.

"Look here you little sh- *COUGH* I have finally caught your attention. You're very rude, you know."

The woman who spoke had blonde hair and blue eyes, a perfect figure often dreamed of by men on lonely nights. her beautiful face distorted with the blushing of anger, but she quickly corrected herself and kept on talking. But my attention shifted towards not the woman in front of me, but rather the things attached to her body; wings! White wings! Is she a cosplayer? They don't look functional at all!


Oh!? Can she read my thoughts? That's interesting! How?

"You don't need to know that! Or rather, why are you curious about this? You're the weirdest human I have ever seen!"

While the blonde angel lady was admonishing me, I looked at the woman a little bit further away from us. She had a blurry image, but I could somehow make out the lines on her body. She too had a great and attractive figure like the angel woman, but her hair was pure white and glowing, just like her gray eyes. She had a presence that screamed divinity and the more I looked at her the denser her presence became. Perhaps she deliberately distanced herself to shift my attention to the space around us to make the angel woman frustrated. I can clearly tell it from the mischievous smile on her lips.

"How rude! Lady Goddess promised she would never play tricks on me agai-"

"She is laughing though?"

The angel woman turned around to see the so-called Goddess laughing gracefully with her right hand on her mouth and made a surprised sound. She looked like she was witnessing the betrayal of her spouse on her wedding night. Then she turned to me again, but this time with a defeated expression.

"*sigh* anyway, now I'll explain to you everything you need to know."

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