
Into The Wild Part 2

“Oh wow!” Halian cried out as he flew above the forest floor. Wiyot, Calian, and Takoda were right behind him, all back in their owl forms of a Eurasian eagle owl, great horned owl, barred owl and a barn owl. Halian swung left and right between the green and brown tree branches and vines that covered the forest.

“Glad that you’re having fun”. Calian said, almost sneering away from Halian.

“Oh, come on Cal”. Takoda in interjected. “Lighten up a bit”.

“Why don’t you fall off a cliff or something?”

“Now that’s not nice”.

“Would have defeated the purpose”.

“Don’t argue guys!” Halian shouted as he performed a flip. “This is too fun!”

“Enjoy it while it lasts”. Calian said.

“But aren’t we close to Nirvana?”

“I don’t feel a vibration. Do you?”

Halian ceased performing tricks and flew at a calm pace with this thought in mind. He flew on as Wiyot’s nose twitched to the right in midair. The four of them passed by some clouds and saw a group of ducks flying below as the wind blew against their feathers.

“No”. Halian said. “Not really”.

“What about you golden boy?” Calian asked.

“…I don’t feel anything”. Wiyot said, drawing more inwards.

“And how about you ladies’ man? Unless you’re a complete outlier”.

“Got nothing here brah”. Takoda said.

“So, with that logic I doubt we’re where we need to be”.

“But then what are we doing here?” Halian asked.

“Wasting our time like always. It’s something that I’ve come to terms with”.

“But we’re closer”. Wiyot stated.

“And just how would you know that?” Calian asked.

“We’ve left the mainland. We’re getting there”.

Calian looked over Wiyot, his eyes glazed over. He stood there with his arms crossed while Wiyot stood still with his arms dropped down, side to side. Wiyot held space as Calian’s eyes scrunched up a tad before his mouth began to break loose.

“Tch”. Calian let out, biting down on his teeth, closing his eyes and turning away. “Don’t worry about me. I’m just along for the ride at this point”.

“Then we might as well quit worrying and love the bomb.” Takoda said.

“I’ll race you guys down to the stream!” Halian shouted right as he swooned down like a canon ball straight towards the stream. Wiyot and Takoda looked down at disbelief while Calian rolled his eyes.

“Shall we go after him?” Takoda asked.

“Partaking in idiocy encourages idiocy”. Calian said.

“Let’s just make sure he’s okay”. Wiyot said before he swooned down himself.

“And hell, who knows? Might be some nice lady owls down there, right?” Takoda said right before he swooned down as well.

Wiyot prepped for landing as he pulled his wings out, releasing his talons and then beginning a gradual slow down. He hit the ground in a gentle manner and looked around. It was a booming stream with plenty of green leaves, red, yellow, and blue flowers, singing birds, squirrels, and other animals.

As Wiyot stared at the stream, he saw a group of butterflies swarmed right by as the leaves shifted to the right ever so much. He faced the right and then walked over to the stream and dip his beak. He was surrounded by lush green leaves that overflowed from overhead. It was moments later when Calian, Takoda, and Halian joined him.

“Probably not the cleanest water”. Takoda said. “But I don’t know, it just hits different.

“It’s the fish poop”. Calian said.

“Could be. Could be”.

“Are you sure this isn’t Nirvana?” Halian asked which caused everyone to stop what they were doing. “I mean, doesn’t this feel like Nirvana?”

“…There are my different kinds of illusions out there”. Wiyot said.

“But how do you know this is not real?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out”.

“Of course, this is real!” Takoda said. “I mean, we would have had taken some wild psychedelics for this to not be real”.

“Or maybe we died”. Calian said.

“Then we’re in heaven”. Takoda said.

“Your heaven and hell is on earth so maybe”. Calian said as he dipped his beak into the stream once again.

“And that would include?” Takoda asked.

“Silence”. Calian snapped.

“No, seriously”.

“…A place free of all kinds of pain. Where everyone and everything is at ease. That’s heaven. At least to me”.

Wiyot peaked over at Calian as he had his beak dipped back into the stream as well. Calian’s head was up as he looked into the distance of the surrounding area that they had been occupying. There was a slight bristle in the wind as the leaves’ movement picked up.

“Sounds good to me”. Takoda said.

“I would hope so”. Calian said, looking back down closer to eye level. “But hey, it’s just a thought. Maybe that’s heaven, maybe that’s not heaven”.

“How will you know?” Wiyot asked.

“I assume that it will be self-evident. Well, at least that’s what I’d like to believe. That’s what I’ve been telling myself”.

Wiyot could not help but investigate Calian a bit. Calian was looking down in the stream, staring at his reflection, not breaking eye contact with himself. Wiyot directed his gaze down at his own reflection as he noticed a tadpole swimming by.

“You probably aren’t that far off”. Wiyot said. Calian turned over had a look of surprise on his face. “That’s not too far off from what I think Nirvana is”.

“I guess everyone just wants peace”. Calian said. Wiyot nodded in agreement.

“How much closer do you think we are to that?” Halian asked.

“I think we’re on the cusp of it”. Takoda said.

“Really? Doesn’t feel that way”.

“Because we’ve already made it this far. So, why not continue to forge ahead? Why not us?”

A smile came across Wiyot’s face while he saw Halian having a big smile on his face himself. A smirk crept up on Calian’s face as well. Takoda dipped his beak back in the stream, taking in a good amount of water before he arose.

“But hey”. Takoda said. “That’s just what I think. And who cares about what I think anyway right?”

“I do”. Halian said.

“Me too”. Wiyot said.

“Is this some kumbaya nonsense?” Calian asked.

A few feet behind Calian Wiyot noticed some shifted in the leaves. He turned his right eye straight to those bushes as the movement increased. He did not see anything emerge and began to turn back. His right eye lingered for a moment and caught a black beak popping out with a black head of feathers.

It was the head of a crow.

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