

Aleksi came back with four other Asura with him. Two male and two female. "I need to leave the village to go check the boarders with the others to make sure the Leion aren't getting too close. They are migrating right now. My sisters will take you to get ready for our bonding ceremony tonight. I will be back in time."

"Okay..." I said. "See you soon." I felt my mind reach out for his. My whole life I had been told that once married my husband and I would never have a private thought. Jesen, my brother had practiced with me as the others had with him. It was an adjustment giving someone access to your emotions.

In most family groups it the parents linked with the children from birth. Now all the training I had put myself through was for nothing. No Kira to Link with. A mate who was incapable of bonding me in the way of my people. It would be fine. A few warriors married the common workforce. They had lived just fine. Somewhere in the back of my mind a snarky voice whispered to me, 'they are much weaker than you have ever been too.'

The two females smiled at me. "Hello I am Mina." Mina was a light green color with a yellow belly. I put her at about six feet. Her tail was long and thin like a whip.

"I am Kanno," the other said. Kanno was a bit taller than Mina. Her tail was thicker and barely reached the ground with alternating black and red rings. Her belly was red but she as mainly black.

"We are so glad you came Ava," they started talking to me the second we left Vinic's home. "Aleksi has waited for his Anima for years. He fought to get a prime house location and space," Mina started.

"He was still fighting challenges for the dwelling until recently. As he could not stay quiet that you were coming. Once a dwelling has a mated pair no one will try to take it," Kanno said.

"What does Anima mean?" I asked.

"His soul," Kanno smiled at me.

"It has long been believed that our males always find their way home because we, their Anima, hold their souls," Mina continued.

"I'm sure Vinic is having a field day!" Kanno said.

"Without question! He's been waiting years to turn Aleksi's place into a masterpiece." Mina followed. The two began to chat and I was reminded of my older sisters. They had rank where as I did not. My sisters had talked to eachother while I was to follow. It had allowed me to listen in on their discussions as they had never paid me much heed. Not to mention the girls had been to weak to convey much of anything through telepathy.

"You are the Great Hunter's Anima, Ava nothing is too much. Can you imagine the things she'll request Vinic to make?"

"Her dwelling with be the only one with who knows what! None of us have ever gone off world!"

"But what about the cost?" I finally injected.

The two females stopped and looked at me like I had grown a second or even third head. "There is none. Clan do not pay one another. Vinic's duty is to see that we females have everything we desire in our homes how we desire it. That is the job of him and his team. Some take care of the Jivka or work to harvest food for the week. The Hunters make sure we stay safe without disrupting the environment and balance of the ecosystem. Those of us with children stay home and care for them or take turns at the school sharing our knowledge."

Liberté Totale... They were all telling me that for the first time in my life there was no limit. I could have a bed to sleep in every night that wasn't thin and stab me with hard straw. I could have blankets that actually worked! I could have a bathtub big enough to soak in! With warm water! Not just a bucket, a cup, and ice cold water. On the really unlucky days my shower came in the form of a hose. The same hose that was used for plant irrigation.

"Then does that mean I could have some flowers to grow?" I asked. I watched as both females' faces. From horror to shock and then sadness. They were sad for me. Why?

"Come mate sister is seems we have much to discuss with you," they said together.

"Can we get some food first?"

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