
Chapter 14 ─ Magic Armor

Magical Armor.

A unique type of armor that is developed exclusively in the empire.

This armor is a secret to everyone, no one has lived to tell its appearance.

But for Rudel, that demon-like appearance, those wings, the tail, the eyes and blood vessels around the body, bring back memories of that day.

"No matter how you look at it, that thing is identical to Diabolos, but smaller and less terrifying."


Ixion began scanning the armor.

"The database I gathered on Diabolos is different from the information I'm getting from this machine."

"You could say they're similar, but not the same."

"So it's just a physical thing?"


Rudel let out a sigh of delight.

"That's good. I got scared thinking that thing looked just like that guy."

His fear vanished and he grabbed Battler's controls.

"It doesn't matter what that thing is. It only matters to finish it off and come back to squeeze those great noble idiots."

"Sounds good to me, after all. I'm getting really pissed off at the sight of that thing."

Rudel remembered the first time Ixion saw Diabolos, he got so exalted and wanted to kill it at all costs, but in the end his ship was destroyed because of it.

This time he is calmer.

"Come on Ixion!"

"Deploying weapon."

From the backpack on Battler's back, a scythe flew straight into his hands.

After grabbing the weapon, Rudel sped up to attack Jasper.

But before he got close, it disappeared.

"Where did he go?"

"Master, above you!"

Rudel watched as Jasper moved at a great speed, the magic circles on the bat wings gave him greater speed, even Battler's rockets can't reach him.

From the palm of Gier's hand, out came the same blade made of magic power but this time it was black.

Rudel covered himself, but the blade that had failed to scratch Battler, was now able to scratch and almost pierce his body.

Rudel activated the scythe attack, a powerful electric shock.

The shock electrified Jasper, Rudel took advantage of that opening to attack, but Jasper was quicker and dodged it.

"You won't get away with this!"

Rudel pressed a button which caused a large number of missiles to shoot out of his backpack, aimed straight at Gier.

But Jasper showed how skillful he was and dodged them as he rejoiced in his skill.

"You see?"

"I'm the best armor pilot in the world. I will be the next emperor for a reason. Jasper-sama is the man who will conquer the world thanks to magic armor."

"Didn't anyone ever teach you that trusting yourself in a fight can be lethal?"

Rudel came up behind Gier, aimed his scythe and using all his strength cut him.

But he was only able to cut off the left arm as Jasper sacrificed it so as not to die.

Seeing that he had lost his left arm and only his right arm was left, Jasper became serious.

"Damn you, do you have any idea of the offence you have done? You have doomed your country."

"An offense against the Zellgred dynasty of the imperial family is equivalent to a purge of all the peasants of your nation!"

"Your fathers! Your brothers! Your children, your grandchildren! Your lovers! All of them!"

"Thanks to you, they will all be hunted down and tortured for days before being executed!"


"You don't need to say it."

From Battler's backpack came more missiles aimed at Jasper.

Jasper exasperatedly tried to dodge them.

Some of them were hitting him.

Why was this happening?

He had lost the confidence he once had.

Jasper had lived his whole life as a spoiled prince.

Thanks to that, no one told the emperor that his skills in swordsmanship, combat and armor piloting were average.

He was so average that he was on the same level as Jude.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"This can't be happening to me! I'm the best pilot in the world!"

"I'm the crown prince, the crown prince can't lose."

"If I lose I'll be a disgrace to my nation! To my future as emperor!"

"Hey, you talk a lot about your future, but I told you, didn't I?"

"I'm going to finish you off here."

Rudel walked up to Jasper and gave him a kick that sent him flying near a ship, Rudel again launched missiles straight at Gier, as Jasper dodged it he caused the ship to explode.

Jasper only just realized the situation of the invasion.

"It can't be..."

It's a total failure.

Despite the allied fleet being 100 ships including a super fortress class flagship, he watched as his own were dropping like flies.

"Frey watch your side!"


"Chlust, don't let them get away from you."

"Don't take me for a child. Of course I know what I'm doing."

"Fufu, the great Clovis will not let his enemies flee, the reward will be mine."

Rudel's allies who numbered only 50 ships, were rampaging against all enemies.

From armor to airships, all were dropping like flies before the destructive power of the kingdom's fleet.

Jasper could not believe how a fleet made up of mostly ships from his country could be defeated by only 50 ships.

Part of the credit went to Ixion who used Schwert's cannons to take out several in one hit.

Rudel approached Jasper to further discourage him.

"You see? I told you they couldn't take us. As long as I am alive, none of my enemies or enemies of the kingdom can win."

"Due to your status, we will take you as a political prisoner. It will be good for you, loser prince."

Rudel didn't care if Jasper lived or died, he only cared about plunging him into despair so that he would stop fighting so he could analyses that strange magical armor.

But the pride of being the next emperor.

The ambition to surpass his father.

The honor of being the next Sword Emperor.

All that was in Jasper's head.


A piercing scream from the back of his throat released and he went straight to fight Rudel.

He pulled all his daggers out of Gier's body.

Like a whirlwind, he whirled to attack him, but to Rudel it was a desperate and pathetic attack.

He used his scythe.

"Thors, get in his face."

And with a single electric attack he knocked Jasper out.

"Just to let you know, this was the easiest fight I've ever had in my life. I wish they were all like that."


Gambino was watching the horrible situation from his seat.

It has only been 30 minutes since the operation began and their enemies have wiped out almost their entire fleet.

To make matters worse, some sailors wanted to flee, Gambino told them that it was not possible as it was treason.

They didn't care and shot him repeatedly.

Even Gasper, who until now was serious and cold, was laughing.

"Hahahaha. It's true what he said, war is something you can't wait for, I could never see this outcome coming."

In the distance, Gambino watched as the airship where Kenny, his right hand man, was being torn apart by Schwert who was quickly closing in.

"Hurry up and get us out of here!"

"I can't! That airship is coming faster than us!"

"Raise the white flag! Let's show it that we surrender!"

"... It's too late."

Said Gambino watching as Schwert's red horn came straight at them.

(I see. No wonder the Rossini, Bartolini and Bandel were defeated by that brat.)

(That thing over there... it really is a monster.)

He looked ahead, saw Jasper defeated.

(Emperor... we really shouldn't be enemies with this kid. We will all end up dead.)

It was the last thing he thought since, at that moment, the red horn pierced the cockpit.

Gasper was punctured and Gambino met his end without even being able to make contact with Rudel to achieve a profitable surrender.

The flagship Argos, was destroyed, and with it this conflict.


Rudel was watching as Schwert crushed his last enemy.

"Did you see that?"

"That was your flagship, wasn't it? It just got crushed."

"Hurry up and answer, if you want to live. You must tell me everything and also become our prisoner."

Jasper smiled.

"All right."

"A guy named Herring told us to do this to destroy you, it would help us take over crime in this country and slowly take over the whole territory."

"He has a document in his office as our contact informed us. It's all written there."

"Well, did you hear Ixion?"


Replied Ixion who sent a drone to steal those documents.

"The drone will take care of the infiltration for us."

"That's not all..."

Jasper continued talking, but the smile on his face showed he could still fight.

"That guy told us this too, a guy called Banfield."

"Banfield you say?!"

Rudel was sweating when Jude's familiar surname was suddenly mentioned.

"Yeah... that guy, he was a young guy. He told us he'd give us more properties if we took you out."

"Since the moment you went to fight us, it would be the death of you..."

At that moment.

Jasper released his grip on Rudel, pulled a short sword from his waist and moved in to pierce the cockpit.

"Once I was away, I'd go after that woman you mentioned a lot!"

"At least I'll kill you with my own hands! Die──!"

"You're noisy."

Rudel forgot that he would turn Jasper a prisoner, he raised his scythe and split the armor in half, with a powerful electric shock.

The armor exploded, taking Jasper with it.

Rudel told Ixion to contact Lucy.


"I'm sorry, but Lucy isn't responding to the device I gave her."


Rudel immediately turned and left the area.

"Bradford! Where are you going, we need to take care of cleaning this up."

Rudel shouted at Liam.

"Something very bad might be happening to Lucy! I've got to go find out!"

Rudel flew straight home to check on Lucy's safety.


Today, on the other hand, the wedding between Sara and Tom was to take place.

She was watching through the window as the guests arrived.

"None of them really care who I marry, they just want to get preferential treatment from my father."

In an hour, Sara would marry Tom, and no one would be able to stop it.


Before we get to the fanservice, I want to clarify something.

Many of you may be complaining or saying something related to the enemy fleet, Jasper and the characters.

Just so you understand, the characters I put are just so you know what they look like, they are characters known as cannon fodder, therefore, neither me nor you care.

Jasper is not a sellout, it was said from the beginning that his dad adored him, so it's only natural that he was a cocky, pretentious wimp.

His fight was mostly to make fun of him and how spoiled children should always end up dead so as not to bring misfortune.

Many characters are a 0.5, that is to say they are almost half the personality of real characters in the novel, that's why I mentioned the Ten Powers, because that's where their personalities are from.

Now, enjoy Sara's fanservice.


We are halfway through the volume, dear readers.

It's almost time to finish it with the big climax.

This chapter is about fighting, so enjoy it.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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