
Getting Started with the Training 1

Jack soon asked the system several questions to find out what this world was like, he discovered that whoever brought him to this world created a whole life for him, similar to the one he had in the past world.

He was an orphan who was 18 years old, he didn't invade anyone's body and he didn't even take his own body in this universe, it was the body he had before he died that was brought into this universe.

Whoever brought him into this world used reality manipulation to create his past and documents, Jack also found out that he had a house close to where he was that had 2 years of rent paid.

Jack also had $300,000 in a bank account in his name, after all, whoever brought him into this world wanted Jack to become strong quickly and not waste time working.

Jack tried to do several things with the fate points he had, he found that he could bring some objects with his fate points, but not everything he imagined.

Jack used 100,000 fate points to create a smart bracelet as he had in 2030, the bracelet had super fast internet access, and it had much more advanced technology to access data very quickly too.

Jack could turn the bracelet into a computer for him to use at home, the bracelet would be seen as an ordinary watch by normal people, and he could also make phone calls with this bracelet.

Jack put a system in the bracelet that would be integrated into the destiny system, so he could see all the abilities he acquired in the future.

Jack went to his house and was satisfied with it, it was a 2 bedroom house and had all the furniture he needed, a house much bigger than he had in the previous world.

With the money he had and without having to pay rent, Jack could live 7 years in this world without having to worry about money, of course, Jack would think of other ways to earn money in the future when he had more powers.

After a good night's sleep, Jack went to a nearby restaurant and ate a hearty breakfast with bacon and pancakes, and soon went to enroll in a gym, Jack looked in his bracelet for the best gym in town and went to her.

He paid for 1 year of enrollment and asked for strength and speed exercises, with his body's unlimited potential, the system said that Jack would have a perfect body, he only needs to worry about increasing strength and his body would always be balanced and healthy.

By increasing strength, Jack would increase speed, increase regeneration capacity, and physical defense, so he could take more attacks and heal faster, for sure he became something different from a human.

The system said that Jack could be stronger than the Hulk, but when he had the strength of the Hulk, he would have greater speed, but less resistance and less regeneration, after all Hulk was almost immortal.

But that made Jack satisfied, he could increase his regeneration and his defense using fate points, besides, Jack learned more things.

The reason it was so expensive for him to have the Flash's speed was that this world had different laws of physics than his previous world, if someone in his previous world had the Flash's speed, he would be the most powerful being and not just the fastest.

The Flash could never save anyone as he did in the movies because by touching someone with the speed of light, he would kill anyone, that's why he would also be super strong, moreover, the Flash at his maximum speed, would not be able to live on earth and not in the present tense.

The system explained that being the Flash, defied the laws of physics and how he was just a normal human being before, which made it so expensive, but when he trained in the future and became as strong as the Hulk, he would pay much less to have the other skills.

Jack understood that the skills were too complex for him to understand, so it was better for him to just train normally, so Jack devoted himself to training.

In the first few days, Jack's personal trainer decided to have him lift some weights to find out his limit, he soon realized that Jack wasn't very strong and seemed to have less than normal strength.

Jack asked for intense training, so the personal trainer listened to him and made Jack train to exhaustion, so Jack was satisfied knowing that his trainer was someone reliable.

On the second day, Jack did the same training more easily and on the third day, he made the training look easy, so his trainer was surprised and increased the intensity of Jack's training.

After a few days, the personal trainer realized that Jack was abnormal, he got better very quickly, but even though he realized that he didn't care, and continued to increase the training intensity.

Jack noticed after a month how much stronger he had become and was very happy about it, moreover, when his strength increased, Jack found that he recovered more quickly from fatigue.

Jack knew that his trainer had started to find this strange, so Jack didn't go back to training after becoming exhausted, even though he only needed a few hours to recover a little.

So Jack started running in the square near his house after recovering from his training at the gym, which made Jack more and more excited about his limitless potential.

After a few months, Jack began to notice that even though he increased the training intensity, he didn't get strong as quickly as before, but soon he was stronger than most people in the gym and everyone looked at him strangely.

The system explained that Jack got stronger quickly in the beginning because he was too weak, after becoming stronger than a normal person, naturally physical training would have fewer results.

Fortunately, even though Jack had gotten stronger than most people in the gym, his muscles stopped increasing after a certain amount of time, the system said that this was the perfect body effect he had.

Jack would get stronger and stronger in the future, but his body would not change anymore, Jack was happy with that, he would be in the future as strong as the Hulk, but with the muscles of a normal person.

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