

The ceremony between Ethan and Aliana went smoothly, it was a beautiful day, a perfect day to commemorate this perfect union.


Zander and Zenith played with Lil Thing, Rye and Lucia joined them with Joel looked after the children, while the adult was busy to prepare for the ceremony.


"You look beautiful, Aliana," Iris complimented her, there was tear in her eyes when she stared at Aliana. She loved this woman so much, she was like a big sister that she had never had. Hanna was also there, she was currently pregnant that would be due in two months.


"The queen is right, you look so fabulous!" Hanna smiled so wide, as if today was her own ceremony. She had it with Will once the war had ended, but there was no celebration for it, because at that time the situation was still in disarray and it would be inconsiderate for them to have a celebration, even though Iris then insisted to have one, once the situation in the continent was stable.

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