

The most dreadful things that could ever happen to them were actually playing before their eyes, under the watch of the King and the other people with higher status in this kingdom. They stared at Cane with dropped Jaws. They couldn't even utter a single word.

The royal guards and warriors surrounded Cane, creating a barrier around him, as if this could help them stop the dark wisp from spreading further.

Meanwhile, the royal magic users started to cast their spells against the dark wisp to no avail, while the King, his right hand men and the other important people watched in horror on the sidelines. They stood so far, at a safe distance from Cane and the dark wisp.

Aderan approached Will and immediately helped Iris to get down from the horse, they didn't know why the Alpha was asking for his mate when they thought it should be Haco that he needed, since the sorcerer knew about magic, yet, they could only oblige their alpha's command.

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