
Talent Tree

The more Alexandre considered the different Hunter classes, the more he felt like he was missing something important regarding how best to make his decision. All the details swirled around in his head, difficult to pin down. Eventually, Alexandre looked back at his character page and studied the details closely. After how much he'd recently learned, some of the information was beginning to make more sense.

In particular, it seemed like Alexandre's passive skill [Immortal] wasn't something shared by all Hunters, but something unique to him. It seemed to be the trait responsible for Alexandre's incredible ability to regenerate from wounds that would kill even other Hunters. With that in mind, it would likely be best to choose a class that would allow him to make the best use of this superhuman toughness.

Alexandre now understood how the Hunter progression system worked: Each time they gained a level, a Hunter would receive 3 statistic points. Investing a point in a statistic would increment that stat by 10%. In addition, leveling would give a Hunter a skill point to spend on their "class tree."

According to what Alexandre had read, once he started spending points, the Aurora system would intelligently adapt to Alexandre's unique biology and present a variation of his chosen class that represented his mutalogical potential. As Dr. José had warned, specializing into these skills would cause Alexandre to mutate, so the process couldn't be undone with simple respec points like in most video games.

It seemed, therefore, that a Hunter who was careless with their skill points could end up with a completely useless set of mutations. Though it seemed that the Aurora system would attempt to help a user overcome these poor choices by redirecting the user to a hybrid specialization, perhaps an "elemental warrior" or a "rogue rifleman," this would still cause the Hunter to start out with a large handicap.

And if they got into that situation through carelessness in the first place, the handicap might be too much for an unskilled Hunter to handle!

As Alexandre pondered the choices before him, he decided that a melee-focused class would let him take the most advantage of his [Immortal] skill. After all, a sniper who stayed out of bodily danger would likely have little use for regeneration. The two classes which put themselves at the most risk of injury were Rogue and Boxer, so it seemed that these would be the two best choices.

Alexandre liked the idea of the Rogue at once. This class avoided drawing attention to itself and struck powerful blows when the time was right, which suited Alexandre's personality very well. However, it seemed that Rogue skills relied on Agility and Dexterity… and Alexandre was only rated 1.15 for the former and 1.35 for the latter. Yes, he could boost these statistics… but wouldn't it be better to lean into his unique strengths from the beginning?

Because even more than attacking with subtle, devastating assassination techniques, Alexandre knew that he was most at home ripping and pulverizing zombies with his bare hands while caring nothing for the injuries that he sustained in the process.

Yes, the more he thought about it, the more Alexandre was sure that the Boxer class was right for him!

Alexandre's heart raced as he opened his Pip-Boy and navigated to the character sheet.

╔═══════Aurora Nexus: Character═══════╕


║ ╰╼[Name]: Alexandre HautVille

║ ╰╼[True Name]: Alexandre Goldberg*

║ ╰╼[Biology] Hunter



║ ╰╼[Level]: 2

║ ╰╼[Exp]: 51/100


╟─╼STATS [Tier]: E+ (3 [+] Statistic Points available)

║ [+]╰╼[Strength]: 1.62

║ [+]╰╼[Intelligence]: 1.15

║ [+]╰╼[Agility]: 1.15

║ [+]╰╼[Endurance]: 1.3

║ [+]╰╼[Resistance]: 1

║ [+]╰╼[Dexterity]: 1.35

║ [+]╰╼[Perception]: 1


╟─╼SKILLS (1 [+] Skill Point available)

║ ╰╼[...]


║ ╰╼[Immortal]

║ ╰╼[Hunter Regeneration (Lv.1)]



║ ╰╼[...]




║ ╰╼[Guild Funds]



║"For a maggot, you're pretty good."


Alexandre's hand trembled as he invested three stat points: one in Strength, one in Endurance, and one in Resistance. An odd sensation stirred throughout his body, as though he'd just woken up after a sleep following an intense workout.

Suddenly, a screen appeared in his vision.

╔════════Aurora Tactical System V0.23.1══════════╕

╟─╼ [Info]: Your statistics have increased:

║ ╰╼[Strength]: 1.62 => 1.72

║ ╰╼[Endurance]: 1.3 => 1.4

║ ╰╼[Resistance]: 1 => 1.1

║ ╰╼[Statistic points]: -3


The screen flickered and was replaced with another.

╔════════Aurora Tactical System V0.23.1══════════╕

╟─╼ [Info]: Your combat class has changed!

║ ╰╼[Class]: Boxer

║ ╰╼[Add]: Unlocked the "Boxer" Skill Tree.


Alexandre returned to the main menu in the Pip-Boy.

╔═══════Aurora Nexus V0.23.1═══════╕


╟─╼[Detailed Inspection]

╟─╼[Skill Tree]

╟─╼[Quest] [Locked]


Alexandre held his breath and selected the Skill Tree menu.

Next chapter