
Serious Problems

"Hey uh… Atlas?"

"What now!"

After we pushed our way out of the crowd, we started heading away from the place we needed to be, and Atlas hasn't noticed yet.

"Wasn't the place back the way we came?"

He stops…

"No… it's this way, just a few more turns and we'll be there."

We both continue walking however, it looks like Atlas is getting faster… for the next ten minutes we kept turning right until we were heading in the right direction.

"You didn't need to do all that you know."

"Can ya shut the hell up. annoying little prick."

Okay, yep, this guy does have a serious problem, he doesn't need to get all aggressive on me when it was his mistake.

"Looks like someone can't say when they're wrong."

"my bad…"


Wait, what did he say, I didn't hear it… damn. Well I guess it doesn't really matter anymore, seeing that we're back where we originally were. Hopefully Atlas doesn't take a wrong turn again.

Walking on the a little behind Atlas I step up the little stairs just after him and go to walk through the door with him— "…STOP!…"


"Ah! What the hell."

Before making it in, one of the wood boards I stepped on suddenly snapped. But what said that, could it have been the blue rose again. I quickly pull it out to see. It's surrounded by a bright pulsating blood red.

"Oh, I can see them again…"

"What the hell's that ya have?"

Atlas seemed to have stopped in the doorway to see what happened.

"It's a Blue Rose I took when I left my home."

"You should take better care of it, do ya know how."

Well this is a first. Atlas is actually offering to help me.

"I don't… it just started dying when I left home."

"Well I guess I could show ya later. For now lets hurry and get this done."

What is happening. Why is he being so nice to me all of a sudden, usually he'll throw a couple insults at me before walking away. Anyway, I lift my leg out of the now broken floor and we both begin making our way in again, but before I was able to. The Blue Rose, still in my hands begins moving erratically, until it launches itself out of my hand and hits a large wooden board covered in papers. I pick the rose back up.

"Wha… what is this!"

My eyes landed on to the spot the rose hit when I stood back up, and when I saw it, my heart dropped.




First seen around the Town of Betwin.

The individuals appearance was seen to be

A 15 year old with pure white hair.

Is suspected to be traveling alone.

Refer to sketch below for appearance.




I quickly snatch Atlas by his arm and yank him back out the door.

"What are you doing!"

"Just follow me."

I quickly speed walk away from the board while looking for a place with no one around…


I notice another alleyway that would work, I make my way over to it.


Making it into the alleyway I begin to panic, what should I do, it had a sketch of me, not only that but it was identical to how I actually look. If I were to take this hood off, there's no doubt that people would recognize me.


Atlas grabbed both my shoulders.

"Why did you leave like that!?

"Wouldn't my hair bring unwanted attention?"

I take my hood off.

"While it is rare to have that colour, it wouldn't cause problems."

I know that, but I need to do something about it, if I don't do anything, then all the things Laloo did for me would be in vein.

"I just… do you have anything that could change it's colour?"

I can't think of an excuse to tell him, my best chance is that he doesn't ask questions…

*sigh* "here just use this… it's charcoal."

Atlas throws a pouch at me.

"Rub it in your hair, it'll turn it black."

"Uh… why are you just carrying charcoal around?"

What could be so important about charcoal that he'll be carrying around a pouch of it… looking into it there seems to be quite a lot.

"Helps with poison… how do ya not know that? It's common knowledge."

Helps with poison… first time I've heard it, never saw it in any of the books I had either.

Anyway, I pull out a handful of the powder and begin rubbing it into my hair, making sure it's as tidy as possible. From seeing how fast it covered my hands, I would assume it could look even more suspicious than I already am…


"Oh shit! This stuff does really get everywhere."

"Heheh, now ya look like ya about ta stab someone."

Stab someone? Me? That's not a very pleasant thing to tell someone.

"Does hair colour really make that much of a difference?"

"You'll be surprised."

With that done, I start to make my way back out on the street… peeking around the corner while taking off my hood, I look at my reflection in the nearest window and look at my hair. It seemed to have worked, instead of my bright white hair, it was now a deep dark black colour, and I look completely different, to the point where I'm starting to feel different… I guess hair colour does make a difference.


I jolt at the sudden smack on the shoulder I got.

"This is only temporary though. Don't let it get wet or even touch it, it'll come out… got that!"

"Yeah… I got it, don't worry."

Why is he worrying about me so much all of a sudden, has he had a change of heart, what the hell is going on… we begin walking back the way we came, hopefully this time we can actually go in.

"Oh by the way, do you know what time it is right now?"

"Not at all, I haven't figured that out yet… there should be something inside that will tell us though… however, looking at where the sun is, there's a high chance we won't actually be able ta complete the test today. We'll still be able ta register though."

While talking, we quickly found ourselves back at the entrance. Before entering I glance back towards the board, taking another look at my poster… will I have to live my entire life like this, and if I'm found, especially with others, they'll suffer as well. It's already happened once.

"You alright Auric?"


"You're crying."

I raise my hand and press it against my cheek, feeling tears streaming down, 'what the hell' why. I quickly and carefully wipe them away, making sure I don't touch my hair.

*sniff* "yeah I'm fine."

Atlas looks at me with a worried look, however, it quickly turns into a very annoyed expression.

"Alright, whatever, hurry up."

Looking around I understand why it's called The Halls, what I would assume is the main hub, looks like one long hall going from the door toward the front desk. Walking further I also notice that their seemed to be many different hallways to the left and to the right. Near the front desk as well were staircases either side leading up to a second stuff, I was also able to see other doorways up there as well.

"What can I do for you today?"

We had reached the front desk where the person greeted us.

"We're looking for jobs."

"I see… you're looking to become adventurers?"

So this is where we get registered.

"Uh huh."

"Okay… if both of you could please give me your card."

Uh what? I look over at Atlas and see him pulling out an identical card to the one I got from Marx. I go through each of my pockets until I finally find it. I pull it out and hand it to the person. She takes them both and looks at them.

"…Auric Redfurn… fifteen… Atlas Volden…. Seventeen… alright give me a few minutes, I'll be right back."

It looked like she wrote something down on a piece of paper, she also took both of our cards with her.

"See that there."

Atlas pointed toward something on the wall behind the counter, it was a huge round shaped object with the numbers going from zero, all the way around to twenty-three. It also had four different arrow shaped things, the whole thing didn't look solid though, the round part was more of a translucent black, and the arrows were more of a translucent blue.

"What is that?"

"Fuck you mean what is that!"

Okay great, seems like the normal Atlas is back, I was getting a bit worried about him.

"I've never seen one before?"

"Oh what the hell… Sigh, you're one strange person you know that… but, we call it a clock, and right now it's 17:57"

17:57 huh, before we entered it looked to be getting dark, so I would assume that everyone refers to this time as sun set. But why does it look like that, I wonder how they work?

"Thanks for waiting"

It seems that the person is back, and she has someone else with her.

"So is this your first times getting a job?"

"Yes" | "Yes!"

We both said yes at the exact same time, mine being a lot more enthusiastic of course.

"Well since it is, we're going to have to take your snapshot for identification."


"It's a minor magic type that isn't that hard to learn. It basically allows you to transfer something you see onto a certain piece of paper."

She pulls out a very white piece of paper it's almost blinding.

"Now if you'll just stand still… also make sure you don't blink."

Don't blink why not. But could this also be the same type of magic that was used when I got my haircut, back when the guy showed me the different hair styles, I wonder.

The two then moved in front of Atlas, she handed the pieces of paper to the other person, he grabbed the paper and held it out, making sure that it's not obstructing Atlas' face while still having the paper visible. I then saw a flash of light blue exit the mans eyes in a square shape which covered Atlas' entire head. However, quickly after I saw something start to appear on the page he was holding… it was Atlas' face.


They now moved in front of me. They both traded paper, he handed her the paper with Atlas on it and she gave him another blank piece of paper, the process then repeated, with me now being on the other piece of paper. They then both pulled out those stick looking things that I've seen everyone carry, they held it slightly above the paper and started moving, cutting the paper until all that was left was the small section with only our faces. The then placed them in the empty squares on our cards and did something else that embedded them into the card.

"Here you go."

She handed the two cards back to us.

I take it back and look at it.


Auric Redfurn

15 Years Old




Not only was there an image of me on it but the job and title spaces had also been changed.

"What does T.B.D mean?"

"To be decided. We've taken your application… now you just need to prove yourself."

So I'm guessing that there's still other things we have to sort out before we can officially join… but what is there to prove?

"Prove ourselves?"

"Yes, your test will start tomorrow at six in the morning. It lasts until the next day. There are two parts you must complete, each part having many different tests, pass them all and you're in."

"That's quite a long test?"

But I guess that's just what has to be done to become adventurers, they must need to see if we can survive on our own or something.

"It's a hard job this, don't take it to lightly, but for now get some rest, there's an inn not to far from here."

After hearing that, me and Atlas begin walking back to the front door.

"Oi Auric, we have some time, how about we buy some gear ta prepare, you still don't have a weapon right?"

"Oh yeah why no—

"I forgot to mention! You're not permitted to bring anything into the test, including money, weapons or Armour. Clothes are the only outside things allowed."

"What the hell, Why!"

Atlas said in a frustrated tone, despite it probably being a part of the test.

"Sorry but that's all I can reveal, you'll have to wait until tomorrow."

I tap Atlas on the shoulder, he looks at me, I signal to him that it's best we go. No point in arguing.


We both finally make our way outside of the building and begin making our way down onto the street, passing the board again with the warning poster still on it. I look around, no ones looking.


I tear the poster down, fold it up and put it into one of my pockets. 'It'll be nice to have this as a reminder, in case I forget'

"That pisses me off!"

"That rule I'm guessing?"

"Exactly! Why am I not allowed ta bring my bow in, they just expect me ta leave it somewhere."

Well I'm glad that it seems he's back to normal but shit, he is most definitely a piece of work, I'm going to always keep my eye on him, make sure he doesn't cause to many problems.

"Well, nothing we can do, not like I have anything I need to leave. Why don't you just leave it at the inn, in the room we're staying in?"

"I mean I could… but, you'll never know if it might get stolen."

Again, he has that really sad look on his face, but it still seems that I have a problem I'm dealing with to still… I still can't see the aura's nor can I feel what they're feeling. I wonder what's going on.

"So anyway, what should we do now? can't buy anything now seeing it's not allowed for the test."

"Right now… I'm hungry as shit, follow me."

Now that I think about it… I haven't had anything to eat since the trade post last night. We then walk for around ten minutes before we reach a very well lit up street. It had many different people buying and eating things from a variety of small shops.

"Here try this."

I hadn't realized we stopped, and Atlas had bought me something I've never seen before, it was a long sharp stick made out of wood, that seemed to be holding loads of meat together with some strange red thing on top.

"What is this?"

"A Skewer, one of the most well known food dishes. Take a sharp piece of certain woods, and put whatever you want on it. This was cheap so I'm assuming it's beef, and the thing on top is a raspberry, people usually remove that. However, I quite like the sweet taste it adds."

Who is this person, a food professional, but well, I did ask the question so I was expecting an answer.

"Well I'll give it a taste then."

I bite down on the skewer, taking two chunks of meat and the raspberry and begin to chew.

"Mmph… wha' da' 'ell!"

"Good, isn't it."

"Gulp, Yeah."

That was nothing like anything I've ever tasted, who knew sweet things could go so well with meat. Usually I would just eat the meat and berries separately… but now that I've tried it I'm mind blown.

"Well should we go now?"

Having finished what I was eating I look to Atlas and wait for his response. However, again he had that sad look on is eyes, while staring at his half eaten skewer.

"Hey Atlas…"

"Yeah sure."

He then begins to walk again. 'What was that all about'

As we were walking away, I noticed that there were people behind us, they seemed to be following, I didn't pay it much attention, I'm more focused on getting to the inn, I really want to have a look at my eye.

"Hey it's you again!"

Snapping my head back around, I noticed the knight commander showed up, he seemed to be directing that towards Atlas.

"What do you want?!"

"Hey, hey. No need to get mad. I just wanted to ask you something."

Looking around I noticed that the people who were behind were now surrounding us.

"Have you seen anyone who looks like this?"

The commander shows Atlas the same exact poster that I saw back in front of The Halls, however, this time it won't shock me as much, especially when my hairs black now. I assume he's wanting a reaction, hopefully Atlas doesn't… oh shit, I never told him about my situation *badump* what if he tells them its me *Badump* this could be it *BADUMP* please, please, please *BADUMP!* my heart is *BADUMP!!* pounding so hard *BADUMP!!!* it feels like I might die.

"Nah, haven't seen him."


Sigh, oh thank fuck, I'm glad but surprised that he didn't tell him.

"Are you sure?"

"Hundred percent… can I go now?"

"Yes you may."

The commander looked pissed, I don't know why though, he said he didn't know, why is he upset at Atlas… other than that, we continue walking again.

"Hey you."

The commander grabs my shoulder, 'uh oh'


"Why do you smell burnt?"


"The skewers sir, I ate a lot, got it everywhere, heheh."

I put on a fake smile to try and make it more believable.

"I see… go wash yourself then, don't dirty the town."

How rude. He walks off loudly laughing to his self, I soon notice that the people who were surrounding us joined up with him, they started laughing with him. I then turn back towards Atlas and notice that he's about to lose it.

"What's wrong with you?"

I ask, but Atlas then explodes in laughter.

"HAHA! That was great, how did ya come up with that lie on the spot, pretty impressive I say."

"Glad to see you're having fun, but why did he say I smelt burnt?"

"Oh yeah I forgot ta mention, charcoal gives off that smell."

This guy again, leaving out important information that I would of needed to know.

"Let's get moving again."

We both continue toward the inn.

"Hey uh… why did you lie, you know it's me right?"

"Course I do, I understand now why you needed to colour your hair."

"That's not what I was asking…"

"Sigh, listen Auric, you're not a bad person."

He then proceeds to look at me with a disgusted face.

"Well compared ta everyone else in this town that is. And you'll have ta kill me before I ever cooperated with that fuckwit of a commander!"

I wonder what happened between him and the commander. but I believe I'm one step closer to learning what kind of person Atlas is. He said compared to everyone else in town, so perhaps something happened between him and the whole town. That would make sense why Marx wanted his son to leave the place.

"We've finally made it…"

Atlas said as we reached the front of an inn, it took us around thirty minutes of walking until we reached it… we head inside.

"Room for one."

Atlas says to the person behind the counter.

"Sure, that will be two and a half coppers."

Atlas then starts digging through his pockets… it looks like he's run into a problem… has he not bought any money with him. I walk up to the counter and place the money in front of him. Atlas looked defeated.

"Here's your key."


He then walked down one of the hallways.

"Are you also after a single room?"

"Yes I am."

I then pay the two and half coppers and head down the same hallway, the number on my key read '05' it was around halfway down the hallway until I reached the right room.

"Pretty sure Atlas is in room 08"

I walk up to the door and knock on it.

*Knock! Knock!*

The door opens

"What is it."

"Seeing we're in separate rooms, one of us might sleep in, so I'm in room 05 just in case it's me."

"Yeah whatever."

Atlas then closes the door, and I make my way back to the room, I open the door. Looking around it's relatively similar to the one back in Betwin, however, this one only has a single bed, obviously… I do notice that there's a mirror in the room, with a place to sit in front of it.

"Seems to be some sort of desk."

I walk over to it and sit down. I look into the mirror and pull back the now jet black hair away from my right eye, and what I saw… instead of the rainbow colour before, it was now entirely gray, everything but the white of the eye was gray.

"What the hell"

It looks like an eye that has lost all it's colour. But it's hard for me to panic when I have no idea what it means, there's no way to even learn about it… what should I do?

"I guess I'll wash this charcoal out my hair."

I walk into the other small room separated by the wall, I noticed that it had something inside I was familiar with.

"Oh, it's a bathtub."

I place my head under the tap and turn it on, beginning to rub my hair, making sure all of the charcoal washes out. I will have to put more in tomorrow, but I still don't want to draw attention to myself, what would they think if the below was entirely black… after washing my hair I then wash the rest of my body.

"This is the first time I've cleaned myself since I left Movia six days ago, I should probably do it more often. But how was I suppose to, there was never the time to… sigh, that's not an excuse."

I walk out and sit in the chair at the desk. I grab everything out of my cloak pockets and pants pockets and place it on the desk.

"Okay, so I have this warning poster, my card, the pouch of coins, the blue rose and the note I was left."

The warning poster is the thing I'm most worried about, soon everyone will know what I'll look like, I'll probably have to keep putting that charcoal in my hair whenever we go into towns. The card I got even had me with black hair on it, so whenever I need to use it my hair will have to be black anyway. The pouch of coins, which still has many pieces of copper and half coppers, a small bundle of silver and half silver, around five pieces of gold and half gold, as well as one coin that looks like silver but isn't, no idea what it is. The note that I found on those books, now that I look at it, I haven't seen this writing anywhere since I left Movia… I wonder why. Lastly there's the rose, it randomly talks to me, no idea who it is, it's also starting to look even worse, I should probably figure out a way to fix it… if I remember, Atlas said something about helping me with that.

Another big concern is this eye, as of now it's been incredibly unpredictable, I was able to see everyones aura and how they were feeling, but after I got that massive headache I haven't seen any since. There has got to be some way for me to understand this power, if I'm being hunted for having this, then it must have something I could use to stay alive.

"Ahhh! All this thinking is too much… I should probably just go to sleep."

I stand up out of the chair and make my way to the bed. I pull the blanket up and climb under it, I then begin to shut my eyes…

"What do you mean I can't show anyone!"

"This is such bullshit! Why was I born like this!"

What the hell is that voice.

"Having this eye is not even helpful! what's so dangerous about it that it needs hiding!"

I've never heard this voice before, who is it?

"How am I suppose to control it! I can't talk to anyone about it!"

Is he talking to someone, I can only hear one voice though.

"Become an adventurer! Due time! What the hell are you saying!"

It's become clearer, it sounds like someone my age.

"Voltin… Library… Notes!"

Voltin? Library? Notes? What is he saying, could there be something I need to find there?

"You're not making any sense! Who even are you! Where are you! How am I talking to you!

So he is talking to someone, but he can't see them, I can't see nor hear this other person or thing.


"Find the notes."

Is that the voice he was hearing… what does he mean find the notes.


Huh, who's saying my name?

"Auric! Wake up!"

My eyes shoot open. I glance to my right and notice that Atlas is standing there. How did he get in.

"Oh Atlas it's you, how did you get in?"

"I picked the lock."

He what!

"Picked the lock! Isn't that against the rules?"

"Who cares, you weren't answering the door, let's go or we'll be late."

I stand there, I feel so confused, what was that just before, it felt like I was asleep for ages, I can vaguely remember it. Something about a Library in Voltin, something to do with notes?

"What are ya doing hurry up!"

Right I remember now, we have a test we need to complete now, I'll figure that stuff out later, but for now there's something we need to do.

"Rub this in your hair again!"

Atlas tosses a piece of the charcoal over to me. I catch it and begin rubbing it into my hair. Once I finished that I walked over to the chair and grabbed my cloak off of it, making sure everything is back in it's pockets. I then catch back up to Atlas and we both exit the inn.

"Guess it's time for our first real challenge."

yeah i lied about this being another short one, it's back at the length of a regular chapter.

Anyway more mysteries are piling up, what could they mean, find out sometime in the next hundred chapters... kidding... kind of.

Baitozzcreators' thoughts
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