

I can't do anything. In the distance Laloo has been bested by whoever that was, Thiza I believe. But why… why would Laloo give so much to me, he's only known me for a couple of days, just what was he thinking. There was nothing I could do except watch as he was arrested.

"Damn it, damn it! DAMN IT!"

I'm so fucking frustrated, I've been nothing but a problem, why should I be the only one that gets to escape… it's not right.

"You okay there youngin?"


Turning around I didn't realize that there was someone else in the carriage with me, he looked quite old, maybe around his mid-seventies, with surprisingly long Grey hair. hopefully, I didn't freak him out with my yelling just then.

"Yeah, I'm fine… sorry for bothering you."

The man seemed to have given me a confused expression, however, I turned my head back towards the crowd of people, it seemed to have become larger than before, more people were surrounding Laloo, trying to get a look at what was happening, the opening I had before had long disappeared into the crowd. I continued looking through the crowd hoping to get at least a glimpse of him, but… I couldn't.


Soon the carriage will start moving and I might never know if Laloo is fine or not.

"Ya worried about the man at the center of that?"

Looking back at the old man he nodded his head in the direction of the crowd… does he know my relationship with Laloo, if so then how does he know, this could be a problem.

"Ya don't haff ta stare at me like that"

Shit?! I need to make up an excuse… what could I say that would convince him?

"…*sigh*… ya don't need ta lie… Laloo's a good friend ta my son."

Son, did he just say good friend to his son, also how does he know Laloo, shit my head is killing me, the second I think I understand what's happening I keep getting more questions that need to be answered.

"How… how do you know Laloo?"

"Well, first of all, he's a D Rank adventurer everyone knows him, he's especially well known for havin' a kind soul too."

Well, he's got that right Laloo does have a really kind soul. One thing however, that's been bothering me is I haven't been able to see anyone's aura in a while, not even when I stare at this man, I can't even ask anyone about this as who knows what will happen… how will I learn to control this.


I lean back in the chair and rest my hand on my forehead making sure my right eye stays covered… all of a sudden the carriage starts to move.


Mumbling that to myself I snap back around to look at the town but… everyone who was there before was already long gone. I could feel tears start streaming down my face, I can't turn around now, not only that but my head started to hurt even more, the pain however, only seems to be near my right eye. As we got further and further away from the town and exited the gate, everything around us was surrounded in darkness with the only light being from the many stars in the night sky.

"What brings ya to Voltin?"

Something seems off about this guy. why is he so casual. ever since I got in here I've only been acting weird, I know that but still, I can't act rationally right now, I will have to improve on that.

"Going to surprise a friend."

I think it's best if I keep the same lie as before, I don't feel good about lying but it's something I have to do.

"Well aren't you a nice person."

As he said that I looked into his eyes… in an instant a sharp pain shot through my right eye, it felt as if it was about to pop right out of my head, although my body twitched I tried my best to keep it hidden. But why would that happen, what the hell even was that, I don't understand… what is happening!?

"You're not the best at hiding stuff are ya."

Fuck, of course, he's noticed. Auric get yourself together, the least you can do is stay alive… for Laloo's sake, I don't know what happened to him but I'm sure he's fine.


I should just play dumb.

"Just stop."

"Stop what?"

"Being a dumbass that's what!"

Ah… oh.

"Ever since ya stepped into this carriage, hell even before, ya constantly looked anxious, not ta mention once ya got in here you've given me half-assed responses while staring out the back at the events unfolding in the town, so, of course, I'm weary of you, if ya want ta survive out here you're gonna haft ta get that shit sorted out."

Did… did I just scolded by a random old man, someone I just met, and he's pointing out the things I already know.

"I… I know, but for some reason, I can't seem to act logically right now."

Maybe I shouldn't have said that… I look up, back toward the old man and see his faint smile as well as a very very faint blue coming off of him. However, I can't sense the feeling that usually accompanies it, but due to its similarity to when I looked at Laloo, I can assume that he's trustworthy.

"You are one lucky bastard I'll tell ya that, if I weren't such good pals with Laloo I would have already turned ya in, HAHAHA!"

He had now started to laugh while hitting his leg, but I don't get it, what's so funny.

Looking out the side window this time I didn't notice how fast we were going, the ground looked to be a blur as well as the gravel road we were on.

"You interested in how fast we're going eh?"

It seems like this guy can read my mind, or does everything just show on my face.

"Uh… yes I am."

I can't see any harm in him telling me

"Well, currently I would assume we're going around eighty kilometers every hour."

Kilometers, pretty sure I read somewhere in those books that it's mainly used to measure long distances between locations, but how far a distance actually is that.

"And the distance from the Town of Betwin and the Town of Voltin is roughly two-hundred kilometers."

Two-hundred kilometers, how big of a distance is that.

"I wish I had a map on me ta show ya but I don't, do note that there are things called Trade Posts."

"Trade Posts?"

What could they be?

"Yep. They are mainly located between towns and serve as a spot for various people who sell products or goods, and also include a small inn where people can stay if they wish ta do so… speaking of which we should be comin' up on one shortly."

Shortly huh… I stare out the front windows this time, still nothing but darkness out there.




In a matter of seconds, the carriage came to a complete stop, causing me to fly forward slamming into the other side and landing on the carpeted wood floor.

"Ow, ow, ow… that hurt."

"Ya alright there?"

Apart from the shock of the sudden impact, I'm surprisingly in one piece, the pain I felt also quickly started fading until soon, it felt like nothing happened.

"Uh yeah… I seem to be fine. But what was that all about?"

"No idea"

I stare out the front window again, noticing that the two people driving were gone.

"Wha… where did they go!?"

Allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness I noticed that one of them seemed to be fending off ten humanoid figures just in the front, soon after I heard the other driver's voice.


Looking around I noticed that no one in the carriages behind us were getting out to help. back out the front I saw the driver on the ground along with five others, the other five seemed to be walking towards us.

"OLD MAN! What do we do!?"

"OLD MAN?! That's no way to refer to me."

After he said that a loud thump came from the side door of the carriage, peeking out the window I noticed the other driver was fighting off what seemed to be nine humanoid figures.

"Where's the tenth?" I mumbled to myself.

However, He was putting up a good fight but seemed to be struggling, and If nothing was done right now we could all die. I glance back and forth between the carriages and the old man but no one was doing anything… should I try and help. The only experience I have is with hunting animals while sneak…ing. I got it!

Opening the carriage door I hear a faint sigh come from the old man, but I pay no attention. Stepping out of the carriage quietly I notice a sharp knife sticking out from the figure's belt. The one who was thrown against the carriage. It seemed to be knocked out, grabbing the knife I silently move my way through the shadows of the carriage until I'm behind one of them. it seemed to be patrolling the carriages. I get ready to attack, I adjust my body into the pouncing stance, raise the knife around the back of my head and prepare to slice… I kick off the ground while simultaneously slicing the backs of both its feet.



it let out an ear-piercing scream as it falls to its knees blood spilling from the place I sliced. Probably not the smartest move seeing they now know where I am but… I don't think I'm ready to kill something that looks human, the good thing is that it won't be able to walk during the remainder of the fight.


One of the things shouted from the group ahead, could they be human? Most likely, I mean they look human, they speak my language, and just before I noticed they do have red blood. Could they be bandits? Robbers? Thieves? I wouldn't know.

Noticing the other driver had been bested I quickly and quietly sneak further into the shadow of the carriages and climb onto the roof to think of a plan… looking around I can only locate nine others, the five from the front and the four from the side, how am I going to beat them all?

"Shit, those two were tougher than I expected!"

I heard that coming from one of the people In the group.

"Did you make sure they were dead?"

Dead… dead, they really kill them, fuck this is bad, knowing that this makes it harder for me.

"Course they are, stabbed em straight through the head!"

How can he say that with such joy in his voice, that makes me sick! Scanning every person in the group none of them seemed to have an aura, however, once my eyes landed on the last one I was hit with such an overwhelming presence of evil I nearly threw up.


I had to cover my mouth as I swallowed it back down.

"What was that?"

Said that person as he looked in my direction. I quickly lay down to avoid being seen.

"All of you gather up the people inside the carriages, make sure you don't kill them. We need them alive, I'll find the stray,"

"Yes Sir!"

They need the people alive, are they trying to find something, and need it alive, they can't be after me can they, even so, I got to think of something, I'm guessing out of everyone here only I'm capable of somewhat fighting. The best chance I have would be to pick them off one by one, starting with the closest one to me… beginning to walk towards this carriage's door... I'm now crouched above waiting for my chance to jump down and strike.

"What are you doing?"

As I heard those words something grabbed me by the arm, and before I knew it I was yanked back onto my feet, I didn't even have time to turn around before I felt a heavy weight hit my side.


I had been punched by something… I was hit so hard that I could feel myself becoming dizzy, still barely standing I turn around, knife in hand.


"How… the hell."

Before I knew it was hit by that same overwhelming sense of evil, it was the person I noticed before, they started coming closer towards me. Even though the knife was gripped in my hand I felt weak, like I couldn't feel my arms, did that punch have something to do with it.

"Heh, surprised you're still standing, not many can take my hits."

What is this person talking about, from the sound of their voice I can tell it's a man's voice. With him still making his way toward me I try to step back, however, I'm frozen, and I can't move. Not only can I not feel my body it also feels like a heavy pressure is pushing down on me, I feel heavy but light… soon I was face to face with this person, with my back towards the ground I wouldn't be able to move even if I wanted to… I was trapped.

It felt like minutes where we were just standing there, since it was so dark I couldn't see the person's face nor could he see mine, I couldn't tell what he was doing. However, I felt what seemed to be a foot press up against my stomach, and in an instant, I was now tumbling off the carriage.


My back slammed into the gravel road, however, it didn't hurt, even so, I was still unable to move a muscle, all I was able to do was use my eyes. Looking around I noticed all the passengers had been rounded up, including the old man.


All I could muster were those two words, except my voice had become raspy and quiet. It hurt trying to speak.

I noticed, however, that the old man was looking at me and seemed to be smiling… WAS THIS HIS DOING! Shit, shit, shit, I can't die here, not now, I still don't even know where the fuck I am. Should I give magic another shot, what could I possibly do, if I end up harming myself as I did before, then I WILL die. maybe I should try Expel Magic again.

Managing to close my eyes I begin to focus. visualizing all the magic in my body condensing to the tips of all my fingers, I don't know what I'm trying to cast but anything is better than nothing, I then see it being released all at once however, nothing seemed to happen. Opening my eyes I notice that all the passengers and the others including the guy earlier were all on the ground… unconscious, everyone but the old man.


Again I try to speak but it still hurts, still unable to move I hope that was enough… it wasn't, soon everyone started to regain consciousness.

"What the hell was THAT YOU JUST DID!"

Said one of the people as I felt a heavy kick right to the side of my face.

"You're an interesting one kid."

That was the voice of the guy before, what the hell does he want, they can't just be here to rob everyone. I had now noticed that there was only one keeping guard of the other passengers, the rest were surrounding me.

"This the kid boss?"

Boss, kid, they are after me… I knew it.


"You'll be alright Auric."


Hah, of course, I'm thinking about Laloo right now, what even happened to him, I hope he's at least alright. I relied on him too much, telling me I was going to be okay… well I guess these were the types of adventurers you warned me about eh Laloo.



Huh, what the hell was that, in less than a second everyone surrounding me just flew to the left of me as if they were suddenly struck by a gust of wind, but what was that crack sound.

"That should do it!"

I noticed the old man walking over towards me as he claps his hands together, to show as if his congratulating himself.

"Old Man!?"

Wait what, I can move and talk now, quickly looking around I notice that there are only seven of those people left, lying on the ground that is. Standing up I move my attention over to the old man

"HAHA! just call me Felk, Felk Volden, I'm tired of old man."


VOLDEN! Could this be the person Laloo was referring to when he told me to find the owner of Volden Markings, it couldn't be could it.

"Don't get ya hopes up though, I ain't the one you're lookin for."

Not the one I'm looking for… wait how does he know I'm looking for someone.

"It's most likely my son Marx you're lookin for."

"Uh… how do you know I'm looking for someone?"

"May of overheard ya in the alleyway back in the Town of Betwin."

WHAT! OVERHEARD US, he's got to be kidding right.

"Haha, you're joking right."


Oh wow, well I'm going to assume this guy is telling the truth and going off his name that should be proof enough that he's a friend.

"Again, ya one lucky kid! However, we should sort those hijackers out, except it looks like two of them escaped, that's a shame."

Standing there absolutely astonished at what just unfolded I realize that I was still gripping the knife in my hand, I look down at it… the sharp side is covered in blood, from when I sliced the person earlier. The old man seemed to be rounding up those who were skilled in healing injuries as the two drivers who put up a good fight were still immobilized on the ground.

"But I thought they were dead…"

"Hey excuse me!"

I turn around and notice a group of four people coming up to me who looked to be around my age, perhaps older, and one of them looked familiar, I think it was the girl I ran into back in Betwin, as the staff looks exactly the same as hers.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"No but, what was that move you did just before!"


The guy asking me this was getting all up in my face, he looked ecstatic, as if he had just seen something new for the first time.

"That thing you did to the guy earlier, you looked like a blur!"

Is he talking about when I sliced that person's ankles?

"What do you mean by blur?"

"You must have been using Speed Enhancement Magic! In only a few seconds you had pounced and attacked the guy while simultaneously hiding back in the shadows! It was like some legendary sneak attack."

This guy is really excited, he's even started to do I little hop on the sport… but he said Speed Enhancement Magic, perhaps I did use it without realizing but… that doesn't make sense as last time I ended up knocking myself out for hours. I should probably just go along though.

"I was actually, I'm quite good when it comes to Enhance Magic."

After I said that I noticed the familiar girl was scowling at me, did she perhaps catch onto the lie?

"Absolutely Fantastic! Hey did you want to join our pa—

"Hey, you over there! The one with the white hair!"

I snap back around and notice that the old man was calling me over by waving for me to come towards him.

I turn back around.

"Sorry about that but it looks like I'm needed."

I begin to walk towards where he was.

"Noooooo… come back!"

Haha, I wish I could have talked with them a bit longer, what was he going to ask me though… as I walked away even though I wasn't facing them, I could still feel a piercing glare coming from them, most likely the girl that was scowling at me.

"Man… what did I do to her?"

"As ya can see we've handled these seven bastards and the drivers seem ta be recovering, so we're probably gonna start moving again shortly."

I turn my head and see the seven people lined up and bound by their wrists, as well as their hoods being down, and getting a closer look they just seemed to be regular normal people. I then look towards the two driver's that got injured, and they look quite bad but because it's so dark, I can't get a clear look, but I can tell they won't be able to continue guiding us.

"Uh, Sir Volden… it looks to me they won't be able to drive so uhhh, how are we going to continue."

If we can't move we might just have to wait here for a little bit.

" I Like ta be called Sir, thanks for that, and to answer ya question I'll be the one driving, and you can help."

WHAT! This guy, what on earth makes him think I'll be any help when it comes to driving a carriage.

"I've never driven a carriage so I doubt I'll be any help to you."

"And why is that? You showed yourself to be very capable."

Capable, what is he talking about, I barely did anything against those hijackers.

"I only managed to deal with one of those people though."

"Correct but, because of that ya bought me enough time ta prepare my attack."

Oh yeah, it was him that caused that weird attack, I should ask him what that was.

"Oh yeah, what actually was that?"

"Let's get back on the move first, I'll tell ya then."

Turning away from me he makes his way behind the hijackers.

"Okay, everyone! I need the most skilled fighters ta keep a watch on these bastards here."

He said that as he pointed at each person.

"The people currently healing the former drivers please move them into the same carriage as you."

The group of four who were healing the injured drivers nodded in agreement.

"Everyone else will get back into their carriages, doesn't matter which one. Me and this kid here will be getting us to the closest Trade Post, which is not too far away, understood!"

Everyone nodded with some people shouting yes sir, and from the looks on his face it seemed to have given him an ego boost when they called him sir.

"Anyway, what's ya name?"

As we began walking back the old man asked me that, I guess it's fine to tell him my name.

"It's Auric."

"Auric… just Auric, what about your family name?"

Family name?

"I uh… I don't have a family name."

I probably shouldn't have said that however, I noticed that the old man didn't want to question me on that, perhaps he thinks I was just a poor child who was abandoned by their parents, and that I refuse to be associated with them. Haha, I guess half of that is true.

After I sat in the front behind the two horses that were driving this thing I noticed the old man doing something. He seemed to be mumbling… mumbling while resting his hand on each of the horses, I wonder what he was doing. Soon after, he sat in the seat next to me and we started to move.

"What did you do to the horses?"

"I just put a few basic enhancements on them, one ta increase their speed and one ta increase their stamina. Allowing them ta run faster and ta run longer."

Huh, interesting, so you're able to use Enhancement Magic on other living beings other than yourself… that's good to know. I should probably ask him about that move he pulled earlier as well, the one that caused the hijackers to go flying.

"By the way, you were going to tell me about the move you did earlier?"

"Uh yes that one, I call that Wind Blade, it's Expel Magic combined with Elemental Magic, in this case, the element being Wind."

So there's Elemental Magic as well, and through combining it with Expel magic he's able to turn it into a unique attack, and he called it Wind Blade, what a cool name.

"It was a move I made, by creating and condensing wind into a curved line and Expelling it at whichever speed I desire. In this case, I only wanted it ta push them away from ya while making sure they didn't die."

Incredible, so this attack of his is capable of killing… that's quite scary actually, but that's all I really wanted to know, I don't want to burden him with what I did to Laloo… I won't make that mistake again.

"Enough of me, that move ya did was quite impressive."

"Oh, you saw me."

"Course I did, didn't want ya dying on me."

And here I thought he was the one that planned that attack from the way he was smiling at me, but I guess I don't need to worry about that anymore.

"How did ya even pull that off?"

Well, I only just used the skills that I had been developing for the last seven years while hunting in Movia.

"It's the same thing I do when I'm hunting, only this time it was a person."

"Incredible… but how did ya do that without magic?"

I guess he's able to sense whether or not someone uses magic, but even so, I don't have an answer to give about that.

"I honestly don't know, it just felt natural."

"Hm… Alright then."

One thing has been bothering me though. Who was that who got away, apparently two got away, I believe it was the one I injured and that one guy that seemed to know something about me. The one who caused that overwhelming feeling of pure evil… now that I realize, I still have that unbearable headache, I've had it for so long I guess I've got used to it but—

"Hey Look Auric we're here!"

I lift my head up and see some lights in the distance, from what I could tell it looked like an incredibly small town, surrounding it was what looked to be an eight-meter tall wall that wrapped around the entirety of the small settlement.

"So what now?"

"Best thing ta do right now is rest, we can travel the rest of the way in the morning."

Speaking of which, I wonder what time it is right now.

*Sigh* I'm tired

"Sounds good old man."

"You little!"

Sorry for the delayed upload, still moving houses but constantly working on the world building to make up.

i can't promise consistant uploads as of yet but give me another one or two chapters and i'll be aiming for weekly uploads, you have my word.

Also, what did you think of this chapter, writing the fighting segment was really fun.

Baitozzcreators' thoughts
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