
Too dangerous to use anymore

Lucas looked in the front calmly, his gaze never left the silhouette that just materialized from the transportation circle.


Undead Knight

Level 21


The creature in front of him had a red metallic armor which gave off a bright luster even though the light in the room was dim at best.

Lucas looked at that armor with curious eyes. His hand twitched a little.

'That's metal I have not seen and worked with till now, I wonder what its composition is.'

Being a smith that handled even dragon scales and bones just a few days ago, Lucas was astonished to see a new kind of metal. One he had not worked with till now.

Yet there was only one problem, the creature in front of him was an undead, creatures that were made from the very darkness Lucas tried to get away from.

It had a long sword hanging to and from its right hand.

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