
15 years later (1)- Broken

Fifteen years later,

The town had changed a lot. It had grown bigger, with twice as many people. From a distance, it looked like a swarm of ants moving around.

Technology had improved a lot with the help of magic. It wasn't as advanced as Earth's technology, but it had something special: magic.

People from many different races lived in the town and got along well. The town had changed in many ways, showing how much it had grown and united.

In the center of the town was the same old lavish building, the one that everyone bowed themselves at, the church.

It had become bigger than before and this real power emanated from it, unlike when Lucas felt nothing from it.

Right at the corner of the town, there was a huge building, it looked as if the best artisans of the world had made it with their bare hands. 

People were going in and out of the building as if it was the hub for something.

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