
The commander can see through Chaos too (2)

"Our apologies for stopping you, here is your apprentice badge." The sensible-looking guard out of the two said while averting his gaze. 

"No worries, you were just doing your job," Lucas stated with a smile.

"Wow, that smile is so creepy with all that blood," Arin stated bluntly making the two guards shiver.

"Shut up" Lucas rubbed his sleeve across his face, but the dried blood cracked and flaked off, sticking stubbornly to his skin. He grimaced, feeling the rough, sticky patches under his fingers as he tried to scrape them away.

"I would like to go back and get a bath now, if you can excuse me." He said again and the two guards just nodded toward him with courtesy.

Both Arin and Lucas went by the gate without any more troubles but just when they were going to leave for the workshop, another trouble came knocking.

"Excuse me"

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