
Savoring the fight!

Early morning, Lucas was already in front of the workshop waiting for his guide to come.

He already had a talk with his master, that someone was coming to be his guide.

What Sam didn't know was that Lucas fighting in the forest should be the least of his worries.

Lucas waited for a few minutes and soon, a man came and went inside the workshop. 

'He must be the one…'

After a while, the man came back again and came in front of Lucas.

He had black hair, a height of around 6 feet, and burly muscles. He could see Jerry in the man yet there was a lack of savageness in this guy.

"Nice to meet you, I am Arin and you must be Lucas, right?" 

"Right, Nice to meet you too, Arin."

They shaked their hands and Lucas could feel the guy trying to put some pressure on his hand.


The darkness was a menace, making his already sensitive emotions into nukes.

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