
New shelter upgrade requirements

John took out a single paper from his pocket. There seemed to be more stuff inside his pocket yet Lucas didn't want to be privy.

John gave him the paper to look at without even looking at it.


Mana Infusion

Uncommon Grade

The skill helps channel a small amount of extra Mana to temporarily enhance the power of spells and abilities. It can be activated for 5 minutes and has a cooldown of 2 minutes after every use.


"Damn, Why haven't you learned it already?"

"I didn't know if I should get it, I am not one of the fighters anymore." 

"Did you know about this already?" 

"I was the first one who read the guidelines and among the roles, I could only find myself as one of the management types." 

"So, do you want this skill?" Lucas asked while reading the paper again.

"I was thinking of giving this to one of my sons but after giving it some thought, it would only be used at its best by you." 

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