
Furnace time!

"Wait What?!" Lucas exclaimed loudly while looking at the hologram screen in shock.

"There are 10 kobolds in here… and a human!!" Lucas said again, louder this time. 

"10 Kobolds… if they are together, can we really defeat them?" John thought aloud while looking at the hologram of his own too.

"We will bash their heads in! Where are the bastards anyway?" Jerry asked with a spiky baton in his hand.

"Stay calm, Jerry. We don't know where they are but a human has come to this place. We have to find him… or her."

"Human already?"


"We should ask Bill to find them, he is fast enough and already on patrol even after completing one of the missions."

"I will call him, Lucas. You can start with the productions. The Kobolds can't really bypass our shelter anyways." John stated with a raw grin on his face. 

Lucas's eyes lit when he heard him, an inkling of realization formed somewhere in his mind.

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