
Mass production

"So the conclusion is that we will ask that Basilon what objective it got?"

"Yes, that would be our only course for now and we can ignore things related to this for the time being. I have talked with Ella before and the creature's intelligence is very bad. It can be as intelligent as a 4-year-old human if we need to measure it like this."

"Alright, now I need another help, Uncle John."

"What is it?"

"I need you to contact all our trade connections. How many do we have?" 


"Hm… good enough. Tell them all that we are now selling potions too. Ask for 2 gold coins for each of the small mana potion vials. 3 for the strength ones. We will be only selling these two in bulk for now."

"Finally got the opportunity huh, I will contact everyone right away."


"Don't come to the stairs, herbs coming up!" 

Lucas waited for the person to come down and saw Haley bring a basket bigger than her with her downstair.

Next chapter