
Difficulty on another level

Lucas got to know the whole story through John who entered after Ella told him that Lucas was finally awake.

Lucas could only shake his head, he wanted to smile but his facial expression was very stiff as if something was wrong with his face.

"Sarah..." Lucas spoke and Sarah finally looked at Lucas's eyes with her reddened ones.

"You did nothing wrong, that big fireball may have been dangerous but still, no one was hurt from it and you ended things quickly so it's a win-win situation. Don't feel bad." Lucas kept caressing her hair while she embraced him. 

"But... But the forest was destroyed completely." She said between sniffles and getting more tears on Lucas's chest as he was buck naked from above his hips.

"The forest had to be cleared anyway, this way, we have more space for our endeavors, it's really a win-win. Stop crying, you should be proud of yourself, If you hadn't thrown that big fireball, I might not have been even alive, you know." 

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