
Basilon kid


The small Basilon growled while it tried to get out of Ella's embrace. Its eyes were opened properly and it was looking at the campfire with curiosity.

It was a good change with all the serious shenanigans going on in the group. Lucas didn't know when he laughed aloud the last time.

Jimmy dying had hit everyone hard and the group was still pretty gloomy about it, especially Jerry's group.

After Ella finally let the poor thing on the ground, it went right in front of the fire, and after feeling that the fire was too much. It started to back and revolve around it while also moving to every one of the groups who petted it with affection. 

It even came to Lucas who looked at it for a while, the Basilon kid just skipped rubbing its face to his legs and moved past toward John who petted it a lot until it went to Ella again. 

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