
Weapon selection done

Now came the weapons, Lucas looked at each of them carefully. There was a wide variety of weapon types in there and all of them packed a punch of there own.




+20% Shield Proficiency

It's a shield made from the hardest wood present in the Uncommon Quality grade. The buckler is the type of shield that shields well but also provide agile movements while holding it.

Durability- 220/220


Vine Staff


+20% Nature element proficiency

The Vine staff is made from the very essence of the terror plant's thorny vines. The staff helps in summoning vines with poisoned thorns from the ground. With each natural proficiency increase for the Nature element, the control over the branched will become better for the user while holding the Vine staff of Uncommon Quality.

Durability- 50/50


Sword of righteousness


+5 Strength

+5 Stamina

+5 Dexterity

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