
To Alola

A.N:- This is my version, so don't expect many things similar to anime.


After three days, we were going towards the airport with our families.

On our way to airport, my mom and Grace teased us causing some embarassing moments to happen. It looks like they become friends after finding out some similarities between their nature.

When we arrived at the airport, many girls gave me a look and even boys, but not like before. This time, the looks boys gave were of jealously.

Maybe because I am more handsome then they can ever be.

As we were saying our goodbyes to our families, Grace said something in Serena's ear causing her to blush.

When she looked towards me and saw that I was looking towards her, her blush got even harder.

Rita was also with us but she remained silent most of the time just like always.

After saying our goodbyes, we took first class flight to Alola.


The flight took about fourteen and half hours to reach Alola region.

If I compare the distance between Kalos and Alola, it would be similar to between France and Hawaii. So the time taken was understandable.

I am wondering that if we have took a ship to Alola, how many days will it take for us to arrive. No, No, I won't take such long ships because I don't want to be sick due to traveling.


After we came out of airport, we saw a man wearing driver uniform with a cardboard in his hands on which my name was written.

"Hey, are you my driver? I asked as I approached the man in driver uniform.

"Are you Mr. Siddharth?" He asked

"Indeed I am"

"So I am. Come, let me take you to your home, young master." the man spoke before taking our luggage.


After about twenty minutes of driving, we reached a private villa near the beach.

It is my house. I mean I obviously don't have it on my name but it's mine.

My parents always buy a private villa in every region, sometimes even more in some regions and this is one of them. They also hire a staff to take care of it.

So, when I decided to come to Alola, I don't have to worry about a place to live.


After we picked up our rooms and unpacked our luggage, Serena with me decided to visit the 'pokemon school' and Rita decided to check the kitchen.

My driver drived us to 'pokemon school' and took us to the principal office.

The principal of this 'pokemon school' is Samson Oak. He is a tall man, who resembles Professor Oak who is his cousin. He has long gray hair, tanned skin and brown eyes and he is wearing a short-sleeved teal collared shirt, which is decorated with blue fish and a white curvy line in the middle as print. He also wears white shorts and blue flip-flops, as well as a watch on his left hand.

He talked in a wired way causing me to have difficulty to hold a conversation with him. I am wondering that how Ash hold a conversation with him?

Maybe he is just crazy as he is.

After talking to principal Oak for sometime, he called Professor Kukui as he was the teacher of our class.

He is a young man with a muscular physique, who has dark eyes, black hair, a black man bun and a goatee. He is wearing a white hat with a rainbow decoration in the front.

He is also wearing glasses with a green frame, a white lab coat with rolled-up sleeves, gray baggy pants with a green stripe and white drawstrings and some green shoes with a white outline.

Principal Oak spoke to us in the same strange way, on which professor Kukui laughed awkwardly before he took us to the classroom.

"Ok class, these two will be joining. You have the first period free so you can introduce yourself." professor kukui spoke before he asked us to introduce ourselves.

"I am Serena from Vaniville town in Kalos region. Nice to meet you."

"I am Siddharth Sahoo but you can call me Sid. I am from Lumiose City in Kalos region."

Suddenly, a muscular, dark-skinned young man who have red and brown hair, in a style resembling fire, wearing red shorts with a black outline and sandals with the same color scheme. He is wearing no shirt, though he does have some black cloth strips on his shoulders bound to his necklace, which has a small badge and feather decorations came towards us before speaking

"You have introduced yourself now, it's my turn" he spoke

"Sure, go ahead."

"I am Kiawe and I challenge you to a battle." he challenged while introducing himself.

"Here we go again." said a short, somewhat chubby boy with spiky orange hair and green eyes.

He is wearing a white shirt with a design of an orange Game console on it and brown pants with orange cuffs. He is also wearing green shoes with blue soles and a yellow lightning design, a yellow scarf that resembles a Pikachu's tail, and a belt with a large buckle in the front.

"If you don't want, you can decline." said professor Kukui

"What? Are you scared?" Kiawe spoke in a arrogant manner.

"I warn you. Never underestimate your opponent.

About battle, sure let's have it." I replied

After I accepted his challenge, we got in the ground of pokemon school. There was a battlefield on the ground so we could have our battle.

"The battle will be one on one.

The battle will end if pokemon of either side is unable to continue. In addition, if both pokemon are unable to continue, the battle will be declared a draw.

Now, bring out your pokemon." professor kukui spoke as he decided to be the refree of our match.

"Turtonator, let do it." Kiawe spoke while throwing Turtonator's pokeball.

"Let's do it frogadier and finish this quickly." I spoke before throwing frogadier's pokeball.

"Turtonator, use fire blast."

"Frogadier, counter with water pulse." I spoke as our battle started.


"Hey Luna, Mellow, Lillie, Serena. How much do you think he will last?" the chubby boy asked

"He seems good in battle. I thin that this battle will last long" a blue hair girl spoke

"Yeah he seems a good battler" spoke a green hair girl

"Two minutes." Serena spoke

"Huh? I think that he is a good battler but you think that he will only last two minutes." the green hair girl asked

"I was talking about the other boy.

I have seen him fighting, he won't take more than that." Serena spoke surprising everyone

"Let's wait and watch." said the blue hair girl.

During this whole conversation, a beautiful girl with green eyes and platinum blonde hair remained silent.

Next chapter