
The Voices In My Head


The bathroom lights flicker on.


From the mirror, a woman appears, staring back with shimmering olive eyes. She inhales softly, taking in her dark gray, shoulder-length hair, all decorated evenly with familiar curls as part of her side bangs. Overall, her features seem oddly kept, considering her wake-up call from an explosive end to a dream.

"Goodness..." she whispers, her tone light and crispy.

Despite the disbelief, this new presence within Daniel's bathroom is well expected. As she's wearing said artist's pajama set, her current standing is a result of letting Anne follow Daniel into the dream realm. More specifically, the slime mother had to join her son both physically and mentally for them to fall asleep and dream together.

Now awake from the dream realm that held new information and uncertainty, she swallows slowly by her new existence.

Things are a bit different from previous fusions, though.

'Sweetie, we're so gorgeous together!' Anne squeals inside the head of their new existence.

'Mom, let's not get ahead of ourselves here,' Daniel pleads. 'I swear, I thought we were supposed to share a seamless consciousness?'

Feeling her inner part's confusion, the fusion crosses her arms and hums.

'Perhaps Merlin did something to us?' Anne suggests.

'I don't think it was Merlin. It was already strange when we immediately passed out after joining.'

'Then maybe it's an effect from the glass of wine you drank last night?'

Blinking to the idea, the fusion twists her lips and pulls a hand to her chin as the possibility converges to her. "The wine...yes, that might be why I feel off for some reason. With what happened with Marianne, I guess any amount of being drunk does strange things when joining."

It should be noted that neither Daniel nor Anne are in complete control when the fusion speaks or acts. Although their thoughts are separated, they remain more of an invisible influence to their shared form than anything. As such, nothing changes from previous fusions except that their thoughts are more explicit to each other.

'Well, however this happened, let's split and call Mary to see how she is,' Daniel presses. 'She should already be up and getting ready to go to the airport.'

The fusion tilts to the side. "For now, I should split and reach out, although..."

'Aw, can't we stay together for a bit longer?' Anne cries, pushing their shared form to frown.

"It would be such a shame to leave myself already," the fusion amends, closing her eyes.


'You already know Mama was hesitant on merging because of your father. After Vida, I was less certain whether I wanted to join with you, knowing we'd lose ourselves instead of experiencing each other. But now, it's different: we're one and can still talk to each other!'

Daniel can't deny it certainly is an experience. 'Fine, but just for a bit. We still have much to discuss about what we saw.'

That's putting it lightly. For now, Mary's safety comes first, so the fusion keeps herself and walks out of the bathroom. Immediately, she picks up Daniel's phone left on the bed.

'Wait, what should we call ourselves?' Anne asks, causing the fusion to pause. Humming, she tilts her head to the ceiling and squints.

'Danne?' Daniel offers.

"Let's go with Danne," the fusion decides, as if she had come up with it herself.

'Oh, that's interesting! Mama was about to agree, but I guess we both don't have to think everything completely.'

With that established, Danne checks the phone, anxious for the British artist. Before she might dial, though, she sees a message from Viviane ten minutes ago.

Just worried for you, so please give me a call when you're awake. Mary left to pick up her uncle from the airport, but she says she never entered Anne's dream realm. She did dream something odd though, so we synchronized. I can explain further on the call.

'So she really wasn't connected to me with my split?' Anne questions. 'But then...who drew that line on the ground for us?'

'I don't know, but my first guess is maybe it had to do with Merlin?' Daniel speculates.

Regardless, Danne feels somewhat relieved between the two to see Mary woke up fine. With the British artist out, and details to share about Merlin and Nimue, the fusion dials Viviane instead.

The line picks up along with the sounds of sizzling in the background. It appears the lake dweller was cooking breakfast in preparation when Marlin would arrive.

"Ah? Good morning, er...should I call you mother or sister?" Danne begins, shuffling herself awkwardly as her relationship to the elder slime becomes complicated.


"Who is this? Oh, sorry! Yes, Daniel and Anne are okay. Your sister was keen to join Daniel into her dream realm to help search for Mary, so...well, they had to become me. Please call me Danne!"


"A video call? Sure."

Danne holds out her phone and switches to video. The call switches automatically to speaker, sending the fusion's image to the elder slime. Likewise, Viviane appears on her phone, dressed moderately with an apron as she stands in the kitchen.

Her silver eyes widen. "You two really did join! But then, that means..."

Closing her eyes, Danne smiles reassuringly. "It's okay. Daniel knows everything now about his father, so there's no reason to hide it any longer."

Yet, Viviane thins her lips, lowering her gaze as she turns down the heat from the stove. "I see... No, it was only right for you to know. I'm at fault for helping to hide it just as well from our child."

'It's fine.' Daniel urges forward his influence. 'That aside, it feels very weird to be talked about when I'm still here.'

Anne giggles in their hidden mental space. 'Don't overthink it, sweetie. We might be mentally present, but we are behind tinted glass here.'

'Interesting analogy. Are you sure I'm the one overthinking?'

'Hey, don't make fun of Mama!'

"Danne?" Viviane calls, cocking her head.

Caught frozen among her dual thoughts, Danne snaps straight and clears her throat. "Sorry, just...um, overthinking some things. You don't worry about Daniel, though. More importantly, is Mary alright?"

Viviane hums. "She's fine. Although, she is pretty upset you didn't wake her up before going to the dream realm."

The elder slime raises her chin as she mimics the British artist's voice. "'Not bothering me is not an excuse!' She said."

"I'd expect that." Danne chuckles sheepishly. "At the very least, the trip wasn't pointless. Daniel and Anne encountered a new memory in your fog...well, sort of."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember the first memory of Merlin that Anne received? The one that showed him in standing within Stonehenge calling for you?"

The elder slime holds herself. "It was from that? Shouldn't it have been a memory from me?"

"Not exactly. There was a cut into the ground that led them to this area, completely isolated from the fog. Merlin was there, just like in the memory and calling for you, but it was actually Nimue who appeared for him."

Danne goes on to retell what her parts saw, describing the apparent relationship between the wizard and the more known version of the "Lady of the Lake". Beyond that were the implications of Nimue being a remnant of Isis and Merlin's words for his viewers.

The elder slime, a former apprentice to such a wizard, furrows her brows. Like with all previous information revealed, she feels so disconnected from it.

"So my sealing...was related to Nimue becoming a threat?"

"That's what I gather," Danne supports. "I don't know how Nimue changed, but even though Merlin loved you and her, he foresaw your guardian needing to be restricted. I wish he'd elaborate more, but...who knows, maybe that's intentional."

Viviane narrows her eyes.

"Do not let the worship consume you. The goddess mustn't remain anywhere," she murmurs, repeating Merlin's warning relayed by Danne.

While the wizard's last words continue echoing internally, Viviane's forehead creases. "It doesn't make any sense. If we're like Nimue, remnants of a goddess and a risk to the world, Merlin shouldn't have buried the book expecting others to unseal me! Even if it was only going to be temporary, is it really worth it to ..."

She pauses, conflicted. On one hand, being freed and gaining a new chance at life was an escape from hell. She couldn't ever go back to her cage by her foggy waters, but wherever she was put to, it was clearly a means necessary by the wizard. Even if she was deceived, had this been a will that she'd forgotten?

She scoffs. "Forget it. Why is Merlin even saying we have to find his book? For what?"

Danne smiles bitterly. "I'm not sure, but if he buried the book at Stonehenge so that you and Anne could be unsealed, the only person who could have unearthed it would be..."

"Lecia," Viviane finishes, and sighs. "Another reason to get closer to her. Still, what of the book held by Marlin? Could that have been written by Merlin or some descendant?"

"It's possible. Merlin mentioned a cleansing, and him knowing of Mary's involvement, it might be related."

"Or it could be bad for us," Viviane adds, slumping. "With other magic users like Victor around, any book written after Merlin might not hold in our best interest. On that front, I do have one good news to share."


Straightening, Viviane grins. "I found someone in Keystone who has another copy of Victor's publication! There's a resident selling for two hundred somewhere in the East."

Danne frowns. "I hope you didn't reach out."

"No, of course not!" Viviane waves a hand. "I'll be busy with Mary and Marlin, but maybe you could check it out if you have time?"

"What about another library?"

"There are a few I saw that have it, but they're pretty far. I could also press Lecia when she'll return the book to the local library. It's not so suspicious since she knows I'd be interested in it...right?"

Danne and her parts weren't sure. It might not be wise to have more contact with the Sights Open president beyond their next meeting, especially when they now have to get a different book out of her.

'We could get some insight with this seller,' Anne suggested. 'Since there's not many copies out there, two hundred for something we can keep sounds better.'

'Well.. we can look into it before deciding,' Daniel slows.

Thus, Danne hums. "Alright, send me the listing when you get the chance. What about Mary's dream you mentioned?"


Sudden popping from the stove drowns out Viviane. She quickly puts down the phone on a counter, sharing the ceiling to Danne.

The fusion stifles herself from laughing. "Sorry, I forgot you were cooking."

Only when the sizzling dies down does Viviane clear her throat, her voice a bit distant. "It's okay. As far as Mary goes, let's worry less about that right now. There wasn't anything to note from her dream aside from an empty cabin and a forest. It's too early to draw any conclusions about it. You'll understand once we sync up properly."

'A forest?' Anne repeats, although she and Daniel trusted the elder slime's words.

"Very well," Danne gives. "Please let me know how things go with Marlin."

Viviane pulls back the phone to her face, and beams. "Of course! By the way, you weren't sure whether I should be your mother or sister now. I think this time, I'd like to consider you another form of my sister, even if you are partly my child. What do you say?"

'Why does there have to be a role?' Daniel questions, cringing.

Anne giggles. 'Aw, don't be like that! Regardless of title, Vivi-Mama is your family. We should always be welcoming to each other in some fashion!'

Split with warmth and embarrassment, Danne shrugs. "I...I suppose we can be sisters."

The elder slime closes her eyes to match her smile. "Hehe, you're quite adorable! Don't stay merged for too long, though. As nice as you are, I would like to have my child back sooner than later. In fact, I believe Anne and Daniel have dinner with Rachel later, right?"

"Yes, that's correct," Danne confirms, recomposing herself with a breath. "We may not be able to sync up today, depending on how things go with you guys."

"Even so, try to be at ease. No matter what, I won't let any harm come in the way to Mary or myself."

Danne snorts. "Maybe start by focusing on making sure breakfast isn't burnt."

Viviane pouts. "Hmph! Worry about yourself! We'll talk later, okay?"

"Alright. Bye."

Leaving Viviane to her preparations, the call ends. Hoping things are well on Mary's end, Danne sends a quick status check to the British artist. She would rather not call while the British artist is driving or if Marlin happens to be with her.

'With that out of the way, I have a few commissions I'd like to get started. I don't know if us working as one will be better, so how about we split for now? We can join again later if you wish,' Daniel offers.

Anne hums. 'Alright, fine. Mama has to give your daily milk anyway.'

'A...actually, on second thought, maybe we keep together instead?'


However, there is no second thought as the Daniel feels Anne departing from their headspace. With blue gooey strings stretching from his face, Danne ceases to be while his slime mother's head reforms quickly in front of him. Her backside stretches partially out from their shared nightclothes as she uncovers from his torso.

Facing him, she giggles, nuzzling against his forehead. "Now, now, sweetie. Whether in and out, there's no need to lie about your true feelings to your Mama~"

Remaining joined on the legs and feeling her cool, gelatinous breasts squish against his chest, Daniel flushes to their snug union. He isn't able to object to his mother's urging as she sneaks a kiss to his lips, sending him with all manners of maternal love.

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Arriving at Keystone International Airport, Marlin unboards his plane with other passengers, trying to keep cool. Yet, his hand can't help tighten around his carry-on that drags across the carpet as he enters the United States.

It's been a long time.

Both in terms of visiting the states, but also his perception of time as he agonized through the flight over the "Book of Isis" that had magically appeared to him through the security checkpoint from London.

It was the first time the book had done anything like that. Even going out of the U.K. to other places in Europe, the book had always remained in his safe at home.

Swallowing slowly, Marlin pulls hastily past the line of people in front of him. His heart beats faster as his phone buzzes with fresh cell signal in his pocket. It was probably his niece on her way or already here to pick him up.

He can't bother checking as his mind races to find a private spot without people. In the corner of his eyes, he catches a hallway leading to an airport employee lounge. Nobody was standing around, so he pivots, walking only several meters in until the crowd of arrivals is muffled.

Breathing out heavily, the bald man kneels and pulls the main zipper of his luggage. For better or worse, the book he had received all those years ago remained inside, cushioned by his clothes.


His pocket buzzes again. Quickly, Marlin tucks in the book behind more of his clothes, then takes out his phone. Swiping it on, he sees Mary's messages; the first showing that she had left thirty minutes ago and the more recent updating she's ten minutes away.

Shutting his eyes, Marlin groans. 'I shouldn't have come.'

Clearly, the book's ability to teleport to him didn't occur without reason. There's no doubt in his mind this is because of his niece.

The book is either trying to reach her or these mysteries around her.


With her claims of shape shifters and dreams, Marlin is less inclined to expose her more than the hole she's digging herself into. He's not sure if he can convince her to stay away anymore than he has, but as her uncle, he has to try to help understand and protect her.

Taking a deep breath, he zips back his luggage and heads out of the hallway. As he turns the corner, he bumps into a tall man passing. The only thing he sees among his six-foot figure is a navy coat before recoiling back.

"Oh, sorry about that," Marlin apologizes, immediately lowering his head. When he raises to meet the bumped man's eyes, they're covered by sunglasses lining his bridge, with short, jet black hair standing up from the front. Chuckling, the man raises a hand at ease, barely unbalanced.

His dimpled smile grazes his square jaw. "No worries, friend. Coming long ways from the U.K, huh?"

A distinct, layered accent that smells of Italian bounces off him.

Marlin blinks, then grins. "Looks like we're both coming a long way off."

"Indeed, but take no mind of me. Here, your phone."

The man hands over Marlin's device, which must've fumbled out of Marlin's hand as he was leaving. To the I.T. specialist's shame, he never even noticed.

"Oh, thank—"

When he lifts his gaze back to the man, he has already left. Looking to the side, he can see his figure shrinking among the generally shorter field of traffic, walking onward to whatever business he had come to the states for.

"Hard to take no mind when you're as big as that," Marlin mutters.

Regardless, Marlin is grateful as he grips his phone more securely, then pauses. On the backside of the phone, he feels a small piece of paper lining it. Pulling it off, his pupils shrink, as does his breath.

Welcome, Brother. 2302 Javier Ave., Keystone, SD. Please come, if you have time.

On the corner is a familiar insignia that belongs to The Order.

Marlin's face pales.

Had Stavian told them he'd be around? No, he never told him he'd be leaving to the states. In fact, he made sure to not tell anyone except Mary's father.

He puts the note into his pocket as his eyes narrow forward.

"I really shouldn't have come here."

Next chapter