
Chapter 122:

Cain's mind raced as he tried to strategize against the tricky Sneasel, since his current lineup of Pokemon seemed ill-equipped to handle it.

As he pondered his options, his thoughts darted through the limited moves his team possessed. Only a few could inflict proper damage, including Murkrow's flying-type moves, Slowpoke's water-type moves, and Gastly's poison-type moves. Miltank was the only one who remained unencumbered by Sneasel's attributes.

Suddenly, he remembered Miracle Eye, a move that resets the opponent's evasiveness and removes the immunity of Dark-type Pokemon to Psychic-type moves.

Cain had heard rumors of a quasi-elite trainer who could teach this move to all of their psychic Pokemon. In his previous life, Cain had paid a hefty sum to learn this technique, hoping to train a powerful team of psychic-types.

Unfortunately, before that could happen, he was killed and his plans disrupted. Luckily, his memories of his past life were still intact.

Cain knew that if Slowpoke wanted to become a truly powerful Pokemon, it needed to learn Miracle Eye. This move would give it a fighting chance against dark-type Pokemon, allowing it to be more assertive in battle instead of just relying on its water-type moves for support.

This battle against Sneasel served as a prime example of the dangers that can arise when a Pokemon lacks a well-rounded set of moves. Even with its multitude of weaknesses, Sneasel still posed a significant threat to any unprepared Pokemon.

"Sneasel!" Sneasel eyed Cain's two bottles of milk with a mix of longing and apprehension. It knew better than to give into temptation, but what other choice did it have? Miltank had already blocked its escape route, leaving Sneasel with few options.

Cain watched as Sneasel carefully placed the half-drunk milk bottle on the ground and screwed the cap back on. Its actions spoke volumes about its resourcefulness and instinct for survival.

Cain couldn't help but feel a twinge of empathy for the Pokemon. He saw a reflection of his own past struggles in Sneasel's eyes.

As an orphan in a new world, Cain had faced similar challenges. The unfamiliarity of his surroundings and the constant sense of difference had almost overwhelmed him. He knew what it was like to fight for survival in a world that didn't always make sense.

"Don't worry, little guy," Cain said softly. "I won't take your milk. I know what it's like to be on your own out here."

Cain's past was not one he liked to dwell on. Before he was taken by Team Rocket for their trial, he had been forced to scavenge through garbage dumps just to find food. Surviving was his only goal; becoming a trainer was a distant dream.

But even in those harsh times, there were those who would steal from him. He learned to guard his food fiercely, just as Sneasel was doing now.

Cain had seen the darker side of this world, the side that most people chose to ignore. He knew that the so-called beauty of the Pokemon World was just a facade, hiding the true essence of the world - a darkness that few could comprehend.

But Cain refused to be deterred by his past. He was determined to control his own destiny, to become stronger and rise above the challenges that life had thrown his way.

And that also meant subduing Sneasel, no matter the cost.

Cain was willing to do whatever it took to win this battle. If Slowpoke couldn't do the job, he would bring in Murkrow and Miltank to tip the scales in his favor.

But as he spoke, he could sense Sneasel's skepticism. It was understandable - why would it believe someone who had just waltzed into its home and declared that he wanted to fight?

"Milu~" Miltank called out, trying to explain something to Sneasel.

"Sneasel!" Sneasel waved its hand, interrupting Miltank.

Although it had no ill will towards Miltank, and even felt a sense of closeness to her due to her distinctive odor, it was clear that Miltank was on their side. Sneasel didn't want to hear her out any longer. If they were going to fight, then let's fight!

"Sneasel, Sneasel!" After deciding to fight, Sneasel approached Cain slowly, placing its two front paws in front of its chest. Its eyes were fixed on Cain's, cold and emotionless, like those of a predator ready to strike.

"Murkrow, Slowpoke, attack together!" Cain commanded with a serious tone.

However, before the two Pokemon could make a move, Sneasel charged forward with blinding speed, emitting a "Zizi~~" sound. Its front paws were glowing with a bright white light as the metallic sound of its claws scraping against each other echoed in the air.

Sneasel had used Hone Claws, a move that increases the user's attack power and accuracy.

"Murkrow, use Snatch!" Cain commanded.

If Sneasel's attack power was amplified, the battle would become even more challenging. Fortunately, Murkrow's Prankster ability increased the priority of status moves. Combined with Snatch, Murkrow could steal the effects from Hone Claws even if Sneasel used it first.

Traces of black light appeared around Sneasel's body, then suddenly, the effects of Hone Claws vanished.

"Murkrow, follow up with Tailwind! Slowpoke, use Water Gun!" Cain shouted.

Murkrow flapped its wings, summoning a burst of wind energy. This time, it didn't suppress the effect of Tailwind around itself. Instead, it allowed Slowpoke to benefit from the speed boost as well.

Unfortunately, Slowpoke wasn't a particularly fast Pokemon, and even with the speed boost, there wasn't much of a noticeable effect.

Following Cain's orders, Slowpoke shot a jet of water from its mouth aimed directly at Sneasel.

However, Sneasel was already prepared and deftly dodged the incoming attack before quickly closing the gap between them.

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