
The Demon's Transformation


"Guys…we have to…run"

Suddenly Ethan gets kicked from behind and his body flies into the wall

"I couldn't see…I know that I'm not the fastest…Or even the third fastest in the team, but still…with my amount of power…I should have been able to see. Yet, when Ethan got kicked into that wall…I couldn't see a damn thing!"

"Cayafaz!" Isabel shouted with panic in her eyes

"Huh!" Cyafaz jumped in shock after hearing his name. He turned to look at Isabel and the sheer fear he saw in her made Cayafaz worry even more

"Cayafaz…we need to run. Like right now!"

"What is it? What is it Isabel!?"

"Don't you feel that? Don't you feel the cold?"

"The cold?"

The kings of men during their training after the first death games learned a lot of techniques including how to control energy from and through the suits. It allowed them to explore new ways to use their powers and new abilities. Some of these powers were Energy sense, after images, teleportation, thought communication, enhanced vision and much more, including magic but that isn't something the kings are familiar with yet.

Some of the kings of men in particular are exceptional with these abilities, and Isabel, is the best at sensing the energy and aura of her enemies living things and non-living things. Her energy comes off of her like a finely tuned web and spreads out touching everything within 500kilometers, with her at center of it anything within her web will send a signal back to her giving reactions to their energy as temperatures. But that's not all, the kings don't need to rely on color in darkness, they have the ability to see energy, people, animals and, objects in color giving them better vision than anyone in the world

"Isabel, what do you see?!"

"Darkness…darkness and cold… its so overwhelming. It's like the wind coming off of him will freeze me over and poison me while I descend into darkness"

"My ability to sense and see may not be on her level, but I do feel the cold and darkness she speaks of…to think, of all the times Edward had to leave! Tsk! Isabel"


"Take Ethan and run. Find Edward and ask for his assistance. I don't know how much time you'll have, but I'll keep it busy for as long as I possibly can"

Isabel quickly grabs Ethan and backs him, while on her back Cayafaz grabs one of his guns for use and starts firing at the darkness. Isabel quickly pops open a window and is about to leap out when in a moment of hesitation, she looks back at Cayafaz

"GO! Now damn it!" He screamed in order for her to get away

"As if I'd let you" Said the growling voice. A shadow creeped across the ground at high speed about to attack Isabel and Ethan, but Cayafaz threw his spear at the shadowy tentacle and jumped backwards pushing Isabel out of the window. He turned his aim to his right side which was the kitchen of the apartment, he aimed at the stove and prayed within himself

"Please! Let this work!"

He fired four shots at the stove as he fell out the window and the whole floor of that building exploded and the floors above lit up in flames. Cayafaz, had now lost the only weapon he could use if the guns were to run out of ammo, but he believed they were safe, he believed that they had managed to evade who ever their attacker was… but they thought wrong. Isabel spread out her wings hovering and yelled to Cayafaz in mid air

"I'll go get Edward and Maya!" Then flew without looking back

Cayafaz, feeling he had bought her enough time, and was sure whatever attacked them would take its time before its next attack, was surprised to suddenly see a figure in flames burst out of a wall on the floor beneath the one that exploded

"What the?!"

The burning figure started to rush towards Cayafaz at high speed while still on fire and while Cayafaz was still falling. He pointed his gun at the attacker, readied his hands and began to fire. The barrage of bullets we're intense, heavy round fired with quickness and precision. You would think it would slow his attacker down, but it seemed as though no matter how many shots he fired, the creature would not slow down. In fact, it seemed the more he fired, the more the attacker would approach and Cayafaz was not far from hitting the ground

"How the hell are these shots not having any effect!" Cayafaz voiced his complaint as he turned his head to gauge how long it would be before they hit the ground

"Damn this thing! I can't keep falling like this. If I hit the ground I won't get the chance to run away, that thing will crash into me before I get the chance…what's worse, is I can't use my wings…it could use that shadow tentacle again…what do I do?"

Cayafaz puzzled himself as he fell, and as he pondered, he was rewarded with an ingenious idea. He turned to face the ground and started firing his shots at the ground

"If you just keep speeding towards me every time I shoot you! I just have to slow down my decent and let you pass me by!"

He fired a barrage of shots towards the ground and reduced the speed of his decent drastically. He then fired a shot to his right with both hands to push himself out of the way of the hurling fire ball. His body was pushed to the left and the fire ball passed him and crashed into the ground killing the survivors within the area and causing the building to fall on its side.

"You're not out of the woods yet!"

Cayafaz couldn't see his attacker because of the dust cloud, but he didn't care. He screamed out as he kept both the guns he had in his pocket and reached for his knives. He passed through the dust cloud and landed on what felt like his attacker chest. It was strong and firm but soft to a certain degree with two firm points to stand on

"Your dead!"

Cayafaz yelled as he tried to stab his attacker, but suddenly hands rose out of the smoke and blocked the fatal attack by letting the knives pass through its hands

"You can't be serious!"

Cayafaz jumped off his attacker and backflipped to a safe distance away

"Just...who… or what the hell are you?"

The previously growling and aggressive voice then started to sound more human and replied Cayafaz

"Even if its been a while, it hurts that you don't remember me"

"No way…That voice… Nathan!?"

"The one and only baby. Missed me?"


Edward looked back and found that not to far behind him was Maya, who was struggling to keep up

"Damn, this girl doesn't quit"

Then Edward made a sharp turn to his right which she wasn't expecting and went into that direction at full speed. Maya wasn't prepared to make that turn and it looked like she was about to trip and fall, but then she brought out her wings and boosted herself forward while she flew just barely off the ground. She turned on a dime like a 2005 GT Ford and went full speed in Edwards direction. Not being able to hear Maya coming up from behind him due to wind resistance, she was able to spear him from the back at full speed.

They became swallowed up in a dust cloud as they rolled on the floor, they tumbled, and tumbled and rolled around till they eventually stopped moving

The dust cloud covering them still hovered around, making it difficult to see the two, then out of the dust Maya flapped her wings and the dust cloud surrounding them almost completely vanished. The sight seen was Edward laying down flat on his back with his arms spread out and Maya sitting on top of him, her wings beautifully spread out in the air, and her axe to his throat. Edward cracked a smile and said

"I surrender. You were just too fast"

"Don't play that game with me Ed. You weren't taking me seriously, you weren't even using your wings" Maya brought the axe closer to his throat

"Well that's because I thought it was a foot race. If I had known anything goes id have flown too"

"Uh-huh, sure you would" She gets off of him and rests the axe on her shoulder

"Many thanks miss"

"Come on. Being away from the group isn't a good idea. Why did you run off?"

"I needed time to think, and I wanted to be alone to do that" Edward turns away from her and puts both hands in his pocket

"Couldn't you have simply stayed outside to do that?" She walks up to him from behind

"The kind of thinking I want to do isn't something I could have done without drawing much attention to ourselves"

Maya let out a heavy sigh and in response to that Edward chuckled

"Sorry to have to burden you with babysitting, but why did you even follow me out this far?"

"Well, being away from the team isn't a very good idea. What if we needed you in a fight and couldn't reach or find you? Someone has to know where you are and that someone is me"

"Well I really doubt there's an enemy stupid enough to battle the kings of men even if I'm not around. I can't think of a single foe or fighter you would lose to" Edward chuckled confidently

"I'm serious!" Maya shouted in annoyance

"Relax. Honestly, the only people that would attack you guys would either be borderline stupid…or really strong"

Maya stands side by side with Edward and says

*Sigh* "I really hope it's a stupid instead of a strong"

Back at the apartment building

*Explosions* *Boom* *Bang* *Dust* *Falling buildings and burning vehicles* *Screams of terror from other fighters or survivors in the area*

Nathan is chasing Cayafaz across and through the small city before the gate

"Your quick on your feet Cayafaz, I'll give you that. But you and I both know!"

Grabs Cayafaz by the arm and flings him through a building

"There's no way you can outrun me!"

Cyafaz body passes through the building and stops in what seems like an office building behind it. He crashes into a bunch of office supplies and slides on the floor of the building

*Coughs up blood*

"No good! I wont last much longer. I've got to either beat him here or hope the others get back in time to fight him… I doubt that other options going to work for me"

Nathan jumps into the building through the hole Cayafaz body made in the wall

"Got to say Cayafaz, you put up a good fight until now. But it's obvious you're at your limit. As a former cell mate, I think the merciful thing to do would be to put you out of your misery"

He stretches out his hand and from his fingers come black claws

"Don't you worry friend. I promise you won't suffer, after all the least I can do is show an old buddy of mine some mercy, right? I'll make your death quick…in fact, you won't feel a thing when I kill you. It will be a clean STAB! Right in the head"

"Yep, no good. I have to stall for time till the others get back!"

"Tell me something Nathan"


"I'm curious… the last time I saw you, you were already in demon form. But here you are before me looking human. I mean you look human but your strength and speed definitely aren't"

Nathans look from when he had arrived in the prison months ago was very different from how he looked at present.

He had no shirt on so, the skinny looking features he had back then were now replaced with firm average muscles, his hair once black and covering his face was now green and going all the way up like celery, he had a bandage covering the left side of his face from his cheek to his forehead, he also wore a kickboxer's glove.

His lower body was also different. His feet were longer than they were in the past, he had on a very baggy white sweat pants with a shirt tied around his waist and pink stripes on the side.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Cayafaz struggled to get up as blood poured off him like sweat. Blood dripped from his nose and forehead, he used his broken spear to prop himself up. Like an old man with a walking stick, Cayafaz could barely stand

"Yeah*Coughs*Yeah I would"

"Is that so. Well then, I'll let you know exactly how it is I became what I am"

"He bought it!"

"The last time you saw me. you all believed I was a demon…but what you saw was an illusion created by the master of the prison"


"That's right. Master Akia had been torturing me for weeks alone and kept on forcing his belief that Maya would leave me, that Maya would betray me, that if I were to change she would never accept me for what I was, that you all from the cell would take her from me. I argued with the clown several times about it, but he wouldn't let it be. Eventually he got tired of trying to convince me and asked me to make a bet with him"

"Just like with Edward!"

"He told me he would disguise me to look like a demon and anything I did would have a power behind it. The thing on the line was my humanity. If Maya betrayed me and chose staying human with all you, then I would lose my humanity to become a demon"

"So, what would happen if you won?"

"He would let everyone of us from the cell go if Maya decided to lose her humanity with me. There were restrictions to our bet too. I was allowed to give hints to what we were doing but not allowed to make it obvious"

"Intentionally making an impossible bet? I see, the clown was sure he would lose. He didn't take the same chance with Edward because he couldn't predict the outcome. Nathan… do you have any idea…that you were played?"

"Well you know what happened from there. Maya rejected me and I was wrecked, I not only lost the bet…but the love of my life as well"

"Did it hurt you to lose your humanity"

"What!? Are you stupid?! Becoming a demon is the best choice I ever made. So, filled with rage, I didn't even care if it was about the bet anymore. I genuinely wanted to become a demon! If Maya wouldn't see through an illusion and love me for who I was, or even love me for what I wasn't… Then becoming a demon… a demon who could make her love me, seemed like a very logical and beneficial thing to me"

"So, I see why you became a demon… but I still don't understand how… what exactly was the process?"

"Ho? Wanna know? Thinking bout becoming one yourself? Well I don't mind, I mean I never really had a problem with you… So, maybe I will tell you"

"I'm flattered. Now. How did you become what you are now?"

"Simple. By subjecting myself and exposing myself to torment, pain, suffering, torment and all manner of torture. Through all of these I managed to become the evil I am now. Cayafaz, you're too much of a pure talent to kill here" Stretches out his hand

"If you surrender yourself to me, serve me, pledge your soul to me, and bow to me, kissing the very ground I walk on. Then you to can receive this power. What say you?"

"I'm sorry. But there's no way I can do that. You'll have to find another fool to make your subordinate"

"Ho? So, you… That's it huh. Alright then, if that's how it is…I'll just kill you right here!"

"Sure thing. Now that I've had the chance to rest I should be able to hold him for a little while longer. Hey one more question"

"Ugh, what now?"

"What's up with the bandage around your head. That's have a reason for being there, or… is it just a trend going on I don't know about?"

"Oh this?" Holds the left side of his face "Funny story. You see I went through so much torture and exposed myself too so much, that my body is starting to fall apart. This bandage is tying together the weakest part right now so if it were to come off. My body would break apart and I would die"

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Unfortunately for me that's the case. Anyway, are we done with these questions? I'd like to continue fighting now"

"Yeah *cleans his nose* were done"

Nathan takes a boxer stance and growls the words "Goooooooood!"

The two then violently clash at the center of the office, sending office supplies and furniture flying around the place. They knock each other back from the force of their clash, then Cayafaz picks up an office table and throws it at Nathan, but Nathan effortlessly cuts it into two. After the table splits in front of him, he notices that following the table, were a barrage of bullets flying for his head. Nathan tries to quickly avoid them but can't control his speed so he ends up rushing towards the window frame.

"I've got to think of a way to kill Nathan! And I've got to do it fast…Come on brain, Work!"

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