
Revelations and Preparations: False Gods

"Tsk! Damn you! Are you getting cocky with me?!"

"I mean you no disrespect when I say it, but I just can't help you. If I did it would only destroy you and I want no part in your destruction. Your fine the way you are now"

Rigurds face is red with hot rage, he has veins bulging on his forehead, he's grunting and squeezing his fists like he wants them to burst in annoyance. But not long after all of this he calms down and gives sort of an aggressive smirk

"Here I thought you were just trying to be cocky but you're actually looking out for me in your own way, and I'm someone you only just met. Damn, I appreciate that"

He approaches Edward calmly, with an innocent smile and puts out his hand and tries to reach for a handshake "Here, to show that there's no hard feelings and I appreciate your help"

Edward looks at his smile and his hand with distrust. He makes it clear he doesn't trust him but Rigurd insists on getting his hand shake. Edward gives in, pulling his left hand out of his pocket, he goes for the hand shake

"Good luck to you" Rigurd said charismatically

"Same to you" Edward said with a bland response

"Oh, one other thing" Rigurd stopped shaking Edward

"What's that?"

"If I can't have your secret, no one else will!"


Rigurd pulls him by the hand downward and jumps into the air. He brings Edwards head to chest level and knees him in his jaw. The hit sends him flying into the giant columns. The sudden commotion and fallen rocks cause the people in the area to panic and scatter like ants. The commotion also alert Edward's friends, who are now far out from where the action took place. If it is an emergency matter they would need to hurry to him but the only problem with that is that because they aren't sure if its him who's in trouble they hesitate to get to the location that is only five minutes away by flight

"My brethren, my fellow false gods. Morrigan, Vinshu, Veles, Magni, Zeus, and Ra make sure you take care of this boy, show him that he does not sin against us and live!"

Extremely fast shadowy figures jump out from behind Rigurd and run up the column after Edward. Edward manages to hold his ground despite tumbling a lot up the column, but just when he manages to plant both his feet in the ground one of the shadowy figures wearing a mask (Vinshu)kicks him from behind. He falls towards the floor and there another shadowy figure (Magni) waits for him, Edward turns to face the ground and is greeted by a punch to the gut. Edward is now sent flying back up the column

"Damn it. I can't stop myself…Gnngh, Moving- to- fast" Edward said to himself as he hurdled through the air

On the column opposite the one Edward is facing is another shadowy figure (Morrigan) uses the whips in its hand and whips his whole body as he glides through mid-air. When it looks as though Edward is going to fall, it uses the whips in its hand to bind Edward by the hand. It pulls Edward closer to it and kicks him in the stomach, he goes back a bit and is forcefully pulled back, it kicks him the stomach and chest. It sends him back and pulls him in forcefully again. It repeats this over and over and over for 4 minutes. When it finishes, it drops towards the floor with Edward still bound. Another mask wearing figure (Zeus) Throws a spear that holds the whip to the column. Morrigan lets go of the whip and drops but Zeus leaps into the air and reaches Edward. He punches Edward once to the face and the force from the punch causes cracks in the column. He kicks him to the side and that causes the pillar to rumble. Then he hits him with a lightning fast barrage of attacks

"The whips are strong…I can't break free and this guy's punches are vibrating through my whole body"

The barrages go on for a minute and ends with a strong punch that sends Edward flying through the column and Edward coughing up some blood. Erabon and Errendiel watching this from above say to themselves

"I'm surprised he broke it" An excited Errendiel says to Erabon

"That's what surprises you? I'm more surprised by the fact that humans still alive. He's amazingly durable"

"Yes, his body is, but still that column is harder than any metal that they have on earth. Stronger than all the metals they have combined"

"And that's what makes me wonder… how much more of this can that human take ill her dies?"

Down below the fighting continues. The last of the shadowy figures (Ra) goes for a kick to the head, but Edward manages to block it. Ra is quick so he maneuvers his body in mid air and sends his leg to the back of Edward's head where he can't guard and gives him a kick that sends his head into the ground. Once ra does that he leaves and joins the rest of the figures hovering in the air along side Rigurd now wearing a mask along with the others. As they hover in mid-air they place their hands together in one spot and generate energy. A red aura starts to glow around their body and around all their hands

"This is the combined power of us gods" Rigurd said with pride in his voice as the ground beneath Edward began to shake

"You guys…can create energy beams?"

Despite the impending doom in front of Edward, despite the fact that there were more important questions he should have been asking at the time…that was the only thing that he could think about. With the wave of Rigurd's hand the beam flew as fast as light and swallowed Edward up, creating a massive explosion that took many lives. It was then Edwards friends decided to move to the location since, five minutes had passed and there was no sign of him.

The smoke from the explosion began to clear and Rigurd and his men descended slowly and gracefully. As they descended they saw in the rubble Edwards body that looked as though it had no life

"Power to disintegrate others? Tsk! Guess that really was just a rumor. In the end he was no stronger than me. Single handedly win the games my ass"

One of the figures (Morrigan) approaches him saying "You really didn't need our help to beat him in the end he didn't even fight back"

"Your right… I could have beaten him myself"

From the rubble Edwards voice echo's saying "I doubt that"

"What?!" Rigurd turns to see Edward sitting up with a smile on his face and his wounds completely healed

"Your alive? No! It can't be" Rigurd quickly turns to his shadowy allies "Morrigan, Vinshu, Veles, Magni, Zeus, Ra! Quickly, take finish"

Before he can finish his sentence, he feels a cold chill pass him by. The wind forces him to shut his eye lids but, when he opens them he sees that Ra has a hole in his chest, Vinshu's upper body is missing, Veles has a hole from his belly to his neck, Zeus's face got pounded in while, Morrigan and Magnis heads are hanging in Edwards hand

"No…It can't be…Magni! Zeus! You can't be dead! Come on… get up!"

Edward turns and faces him "Stop it. that's futile, your teammates are dead. Its surprising though. I didn't think a single punch would kill them all"

He raises Morrigan and Magni's heads "I was only trying to grab them by the heads but…guess I moved to fast for them" he drops their heads on the floor

"So…You really did beat the games single handedly.... Ha-ha-ha, Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. I knew it! I knew you were that strong. Despite the fact you killed my crew it was totally worth it. I have baron to thank for leading me to you"

"So, Baron sent you… any idea why"

"He told me that you would be interesting and nothing more. At first when he told me I didn't see a reason to trust him but then he said I should test you and see if rumors were true and they were!"

"So, you did this without much info and because someone else said? Do you even care about your crew?

"Nope. Now that I know what you're capable of, none of what happened here matters"

"I see…you're sick. Don't be too excited. Your next"

Edward runs by him and all Rigurd feels is breeze. He tries to turn around but he doesn't realize that Edward has taken his legs. By the time he does his head hits the ground

"What the? You took my legs!"

"Yes, I did, I ought to have killed you immediately but there's something"

"I understand how your teammates where able to disguise themselves as shadows, but what I don't understand and want to know is how you created that beam"

"Oh…So, there is something I can do that you can't do after all. Ha-ha! Look at that. Well ill only tell you if you let me live"

"Really? Are you that pathetic? I thought you were a god? Well a false god. I guess gods die after all"

"No! I am a god a true god and once I understand the secret to your power I will be unkillable. The way I see it you have what I want and I have what you want, you give it to me and let me live and I give it to you"

"Your pathetic. In that case I don't need your power and I don't need you. You're not a god, a false god… heck you're not even human. You're beneath everything which makes you nothing. If it can be seen it isn't god, if it can be fathomed it is not god, if It can be imagined it is not god, if it can be explained it is not god, if it can be limited it is not god and lastly if it is within time it is not god. Not only are you lacking in all these things. Your killable and you're in hell. Not by choice but by force"

"What does any of that have to do with me. In here I am god"

"No. even here you fail to become god because a god would never have lost to me"

"Are you not a god yourself, you can't honestly believe were human, not with the power we have"

"No, I am completely mortal. And being mortal is what makes me so powerful. That's what you've failed to understand. I think I've let you live to long, your false gods do not exist and neither did your chances of beating me. Do not dream of reincarnating or resurrection"

"This can't be the end for me… not for the captain of the false gods. Not for Shiva"

"Yes. It ends here"

Edward kills Rigurd, also known as the false god Shiva, by punching him in the chest. The vibration from the punch dislodges his jaw, causes his brain and heart to implode and rupture several organs causing major internal bleeds. Rigurd's lower jaw muscles tear and extend causing it to hang of his face. Edward drops his now lifeless and excessively bleeding body on the floor and sits on his back like a bench. While he poses, feeling comfortable with himself, his friends arrive

"Edward! What happened here? Are you alright!?" Maya asked with a worried expression on her face and tone in her voice

"'Yes. Fine, right as rain in fact. But now's not the time to worry about me…I can hear them" Somewhere far from where they are Edward hears the sound of cages opening

"The chimera, are being released" He says to everyone with a smile on his face

"It's time. Time for the second death games to start"

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