

The morning sun rays slipped through the curtains and landed on Abigail's face.

She was still in the same position since last night and was still clothed in her office wear.

Abigail opened her eyes gently as she tried to adjust to the lighting and when she realized it was morning her eyes widened and she quickly got down from the bed.

She searched for her phone and checked the time and saw that it was just 6:45am, she was forty five minutes.

Abigail rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower, she noticed how she was still clothed in her office wear.

It was unlike her to sleep off and to not keep to schedule.

After taking her bath she then changed to a black a shaped knee length skirt with a blue satin top and a black pencil heel. She then packed her hair to a bun and rubbed her lip gloss.

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