
Masked warriors

"Mother-in-law, you never cease to amaze me with your magic." Roxth said, sheathing his sword. "I'm glad you're on our side."

Orixia chuckled. "I'm happy to be of service. But don't forget, Roxth, your sword can be just as deadly as my magic. It's all about knowing when to use which."

Erin nodded in agreement, adjusting her quiver of arrows on her back. "That's right. We make a great team, each with our own strengths and abilities."

Roxth smiled at his sister. "Speaking of which, have you been practicing your archery? We might need it later."

'Why did she have to come with us?' 

Erin grinned. "Of course I have. I'll show you my skills later."

'Hehe, Serlia's not here. This is my chance to make my brother see me as a woman.' she thought to herself with a mischievous smile.

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