
2 and a half to 4 years

My soon to be step father was nice while he was working but then he quit his job and stayed home with me. He was always upset at everything I did. I was playing with my Dad's hot wheels that my Mom gave me and my Step father told me, "Girls play with Barbies and boys play with Hot wheels."

I started Pre-school Headstart. I got yelled at by the teacher for using my left hand. I was also picked on a lot by the other kids.

Then I met a girl dressed in the same boots as me. We became best friends and found out her name was the same as mine. So we called her Boo. I started speech therapy shortly after.

My Mom got pregnant and had my Brother when I was 2 and a half - 3 years old. My Mom also married my Brother's father. I tried to tell my Mom that I didn't want her to marry him but I wasn't allowed to talk to Mom up to a week before the Wedding. At the Wedding I tried to run in to stop the Wedding but my Step Father's Mother stopped me and locked me in the car until after the Wedding. I was in a dress and told to act good or else for the pictures after the Wedding. It didn't help that I had a speech impediment at that time.

I couldn't tie my shoes and fell down the stairs in our home. I kept feeling evil around me from my Step Father. I even felt a push down the stairs one day. I blacked out and when I came to my Step Father was towering above me. I was terrified and was sure he pushed me since it was him and me in the apartment alone.

I would have every other weekends with my Dad at this point. I drew a lot at Grandma's house. Watched Basketball with Grandma. I was allowed to use a bottle still for drinks. I didn't talk while with my Dad. I could get my needs met with gestures so I had no reason to talk. I would cry when I had to go home to Mom's.

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