
Swallowing The Bitter Pill

Rhys sat down in silence as he contemplated on his current predicament . It was a bitter pill to swallow. The fact that he would lose his humane features in the years to come.

As Rhys sat on his small, wooden bed in the dimly lit dormitory, a heavy cloud of despair settled over him. The revelation that his very essence would metamorphose over the years, causing him to shed his beloved human features and adopt the characteristics of an elf, weighed heavily on his heart.

 The impending loss of his identity gnawed at his soul, leaving him feeling like a stranger in his own skin. Each passing moment seemed to underscore the cruel inevitability of his fate, the thought of slowly becoming unrecognizable to himself and those around him becoming an unbearable burden.

As minutes meddled into hours, Rhys grappled with conflicting emotions, his inner turmoil growing with every realization of the impending transformation.

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