
Embracing Destiny

The day had broke and was quickly turning into an ominous grey. The early morning breeze ruffled the branches of the trees, creating an odd cacophony.

 A small flock of birds flew across the sky, and then settled down to perch on the highest branch of one of the many ancient elm trees lining the main road leading into the Senior Disciples Block and specifically, one huge Dojo at the centre of the Block. 

Within one of the Dojos at the Senior Block, three young men clad in resplendent grey robes adorned with intricately embroidered flowers sat alongside an elderly man in his sixties, dressed in distinguished blue robes.

Each held a cup of tea, savoring its warmth as the sun rose through the window, casting a cozy glow over the room and enveloping the room with comfort. 

As the morning progressed, two other young men entered the Dojo.

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