

Lily stood frozen still, unable to process what was happening around her.

Her friends were about to run straight into certain death and she will be the cause of it. 

Because of her selfishness... 

" Hahaha they're getting closer. " Garlon laughed maniacally. 

Rhys and the other boys had already foresee what was about to happen. 

" Hmmm...my guess was right. Let's attack!" Rhys said as he dashed towards the direction of the girls. 

Han and the rest followed suit. 

But...they were soon stopped in their tracks by a seemingly invisible barrier. 

" What is this? " Richard grunted. 

" We're f**cking trapped " Han answered solemnly. 


Tanya and Dira had already ran to where Lily was.

" What's the problem Lily? " Tanya asked in a caring tone.

Lily couldn't handle it anymore and broke down crying. 

Next chapter