
Who Was Luna Autumn?

Believe it or not, Luna was not always known as the world's most beautiful woman. 

Before she was blessed, before she even came to America, she was an ordinary woman living in Shinjuku and working a simple office job.

Her name was Emi Inui.

She lived a somewhat boring life, with no husband, children, or even any real friends to speak of.

Her parents had passed away too so she was really and truly alone in the world. 

But in her heart of hearts, she had always wanted children.

She would see young mothers walking by on the street with the little bundles of joy in their arms and a subsequent feeling of jealousy would inflate in her stomach. 

With that singular desire in mind, she started dating in the hopes of marriage. 

Even without Chang'e's blessing, she was still a very attractive woman so it was not very difficult for her to attract attention from men despite her advancing years. 

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