

The existence of coincidences in the world was still quite unbelievable to Thesa. She was doubting the identity of the girl she had run into one second and chatting happily with her the next.

Sarah has the same name and demeanor as her ex-friend, who dumped her when they were in university simply because she gave her good advice but chose to follow her other friends' advice.

Thesa couldn't believe the Sarah she was speaking with was the same Sarah she had played with for a semester or so at university.

She has many reasons to do so; this Sarah appeared to be very young, and her body did not appear to contain any Botox or to have been surgically altered.

Sarah was pleasant to talk with, and Thesa enjoyed conversing with her. Sarah was more mature, which piqued Thesa's interest.

Sarah felt terrible about not revealing her true identity to Thesa because she didn't want to lose the one person who had truly cared for her at the time. Sarah was surrounded by a slew of bad influences who shaped her into the person she is today.

She stopped being friends with Thesa around the time she found out she was pregnant with twins. She thought her dear friend who didn't come from a wealthy family like hers was simply jealous of her and didn't mean well at the time, so she cut her off.

She decided to use IVF at the time, and she became pregnant with twins, which was wonderful news. There was no reason for her to drop out of school because pregnant students could still attend, so she continued.

She completely forgot about it while pregnant and would indulge in alcohol and smoking, even though it wasn't something she did regularly.

Thesa's crimes back then were advising Sarah to stop harming herself and the babies, but Sarah didn't take it lightly and blew up on Thesa, resulting at the end of their brief relationship.

She was going to enjoy this while it lasted, and when things blew up in the future, she would humbly accept it all. Besides, she wasn't sure if Thesa would be on her side or if she would easily sell her to those who didn't want to see her succeed.

Sarah's actions earned her many enemies, and many people despised her and wished for her death.

"Ahh, meeting you was the best thing that happened to me today. We should hang out more in the future," Thesa said cheerfully as she ate cake in the café where the two ladies had stopped after shopping.

Sarah was also delighted because it had been a long time since she had sat with someone she not only liked but also felt much more at ease with.

Sia made her feel like a child and fill in the gaps in her childhood that were primarily caused by her and some of her parents' busyness earning money and fortune for their family.

Sarah didn't want to be bound by that and simply desired her freedom. She was initially rebellious because she felt neglected by them. This was one of the reasons she decided to undergo IVF in order to have a baby.

Her parents will leave her alone as long as she raises some children to be heirs in the future, and bringing the twins into this world certainly did that. They focused much more on the twins and gave her the money she needed to be happy and find younger men to prey on.

She didn't do much for her children when they were growing up, and she regrets it.

She was going to make it up to them in the future, and that future might need to happen quickly before she loses them.

"We should, but I'm leaving Srad tomorrow. It's time for me to go home," Sarah said, guiltily looking at Thesa.

Thesa wasn't expecting this; she had only met this person a few hours before, and now she was leaving again. What was going wrong at this point?

"Can't you postpone this?" Thesa requested, her voice trembling.

"I'm afraid that is impossible," Sarah replied, shaking her head, "I need to return to work; my leave ends tomorrow."

Thesa felt defeated, but when she remembered how difficult her life was before she met the love of her life a few years ago, she realized she didn't want to make things difficult for Sarah.

"It's fine; we can still talk on the phone and visit each other," Thesa said.

She had no intention of losing contact with Sarah; there was something about her that made her want to talk to her more, and she wasn't going to let anyone or anything stop her.

"Certainly, that will be nice."

They talked for a while because they weren't going to see each other for long, and to their surprise, they were staying at the same hotel, so they both returned to the hotel together.

Thesa was staying in a city called Ciliren, which was a long distance away from Srad.

Sarah was relieved to hear that Thesa was doing well and had found someone trustworthy to spend time with.

Sarah didn't come from a wealthy family, so finding someone who will let her live in luxury and love her faithfully without malice made her happy.

Sarah was then reminded of Meleek; she hadn't heard from him in days, and it appeared that she wouldn't hear from him again.

She couldn't help but feel sad because she liked Meleek and it would have been great if they could have gotten together.

Perhaps they weren't meant to be together, and this made her even more determined. She was going to keep looking for the perfect boy, one who would try to accept her for who she is.

She couldn't do anything right now to keep just one boy by her side. She was enslaved to a cougar system with a reverse-harem fetish, which she also enjoyed.

If men can have many women, why shouldn't she also try the same? She can't say she can't afford them, so why be hesitant?

She wasn't the first woman to be involved with multiple men at the same time. She was going to work extremely hard towards her goal and complete this grand mission on her own time.

And all she can hope for is that the future will be bright rather than bleak.

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