
Chapter 49: Future Festival Fun

Aizawa slowly makes his way towards the podium

Kaminari recoils with a disturbed look on his face "Woah what a pro"

Tenya shoots his hand into the air again "Mr Aizawa! I'm glad you're ok!"

"You call that ok?" Ochaco leans forward and whispers to Tenya

Aizawa takes his place at the front and faces the class "My wellbeing is irrelevant, what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet"

Bakugo narrows his eyes "Our fight?"

"Don't tell me..." Midoriya gulps

Mineta trembles in terror and sweats buckets as he cowers under his own hands "Not more bad guys!"

Aizawa levels his gaze at the assembled students "The UA sports festival is about to start"

Kirishima grins wide! "Yes!" He clenches his fist! "Let's go kick some ass!"

Kaminari squishes a hand into Kirishima's enthusiastic face "Wait a second"

Kyoka raises a hand "Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the Villians snuck inside?"

Ojiro turns back to face Aizawa with a look of concern on his face "They could attack once we're all in the same place"

Aizawa doesn't budge an inch and sighs "Apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show... That the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus they're beefing up Security compared to past years" he raises his head from his slouch "This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA, It's not something we can cancel because of a few Villians"

Mineta continues to sweat "Uh I'm sorry but why not? It's just a sports festival"

"Huh?" Izuku turns in his seat to face him "Mineta? Don't you know how important this competition is?"

"Of course I do" he leans forward "I just don't wanna get murdered"

Hitomi examines her nails "There's gonna be cheerleaders and a bunch of pretty girls from other departments competing"

Mineta jumps up from his desk with his fist in the air! "I'm so in!!"

"Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world, in the past everyone obsessed over the Olympic games but then Quirks started appearing now the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership, for anyone who cares about competition there's only one tournament that matters. The UA sports festival" Aizawa sound Suuuuuper enthusiastic...

"That's right, the top heros everywhere will be watching" Momo clenches her fist "This is where you get scouted!"

Kaminari raises a finger "she's right, after graduating a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick"

"Yeah but that's as far as some people go, they miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks" Kyoka turns to face him "Actually that's probably where you're headed, you're kinda dumb"

Kaminari cringes from emotional damage!

Aizawa narrows his barely visible eyes "It's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity, that's why the festival matters, if you wanna go pro one day then this event can open up a path for you" he moves his steel gaze around the room "One chance a year, three chances in a lifetime, no aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival, that means you'd better not slack off on your training"

The class all sit up straight with a determined look in their eyes "Yes Sir!"

"Class is dismissed" he sighs and starts making his way out of the room... Once he's gone the class erupts into excited chatter

Mina jumps to her feet "I've wanted to compete in the sports festival for ages!! This is gonna be so, like totally awesome!"

"It'll only "be so like totally awesome" if you perform well" Hitoshi smirks and folds his arms "You wouldn't stand a chance against me for example"

"Huh!?" She marches over to his desk and slams her hands down on it "You wanna bet!? I could trash your stupid mind controlling butt! In ten seconds flat!"

"Oh?" His smirk widens "A bet eh? I'm game, what are the stakes if we do face off against each other?"

"Oh ho hoooo! So you do wanna bet? You ain't as chicken as I thought... Fine! A classic!" She points directly in his face "Looser must do whatever the winner says for an amount of time determined by the severity of the defeat! Meaning when I whoop your butt up and down the arena like it's nothin' you'll be my loyal dog for like a week!"

Hitoshi raises an eyebrow 'What's with this girl and my butt?'

Tsu raises a hand "But what if you don't end up facing off against each other? Ribbit"

"Then... It'll be whoever stays in the runnings the longest!" She punches a fist into her palm "And that's gonna be me. You're goin' down Washy"

Hitoshi slowly and stiffly turns to glare at Hitomi "You. You spread it."

Hitomi holds her hands out trying to soothe the savage beast "Wait wait wait we've got like five minutes until first period you don't have time to kill me!"

He cracks his knuckles "I'll make it quick I promise"

"Nope! Sit down and be quiet" she crosses her arms "Class Rep orders" her snakes hiss in agreement

The door slides open as Ectoplasm seemingly glides in to teach first period "Greetings class, everyone shall be seated, I understand you must be thrilled over the news of the sports festival however please try and contain yourselves until the free time of the lunch period has arrived"

. . .

"Thank you class for yet another pleasant teaching experience, I hope you enjoyed this lesson in the modern literary arts as much as I" Cementos bows to them from the podium and makes his way out the door "Enjoy your lunch everyone"

The students are politely silent for a moment... And then the chatter begins as the students roam and mingle

Hitomi sighs and leans back in her chair "Phew... So much writing makes my brain hurt more than Nomu did"

"Ugh too soon Sekizō!" Mineta shivers and hugs himself "Too soon..."

"As the one who experienced said pain I reserve the right to make jokes about it" a few of her snakes glare at him making the little Grape Boy sweat

"She's got you there Mineta, Ribbit" Tsu comes over holding her lunch with Mina trailing along by her side

"Yeah like if anyone had the right to that, it's our Hitomi" Mina gives a thumbs up "I approve"

"Thanks Mina, I find it best to try and make light of stuff like... That... Sometimes..." Hitomi turns to face behind her "Tenya... What are you doing?"

Vice Class Representative Tenya Ida is... Doing a little boogie

"Wow Ida..." Tsu turns to look "Those are some... Interesting moves, Ribbit"

Tenya points and slides to Midoriya "You have to be excited too right Midoriya?"

Izuku pumps his fists "Well yeah of course I am! And also nervous..."

Hitomi spins her chair to face them fully "Being nervous is fine, as long as you don't let those nerves paralyze you they'll keep you alert"

"Deku! Ida! Everyone!" Ochaco appears behind the two boys with the most intense look they've ever seen on her face along with an equally intense aura "Let's do our best in the sports festival."

Izuku retreats back a step "Uraraka... What happened to your face?"

Mina pops up between the boys "Seriously what's up? You're normally like the most laid back girl ever"

"She's clearly overflowing with an intense passion for-" Hitomi starts before...

Mineta stares at Ochaco "PMS?"

All Hitomi's snakes stare at him with venom in their eyes as well as their bared fangs and Tsu slaps him hard around the face with her tongue!

Ochaco tenses her stance and punches the air with a grunt "Everyone! I'm gonna do my best!"

Everyone in their little group gives their own encouraging "Yeah!" With different levels of enthusiasm

"I said I'm gonna do my best!!" Ochaco does the same to the nearest group who... Respond with unsure encouragement and mostly concern

"Got it..." Kirishima frowns a little "You ok...? Ya kinda look like you're loosin' it?"

"One more from my people in the back!!" She keeps her fist raised "I say I'm gonna do my best!!"

Hitoshi comes over and sits on the desk Hitomi's sat at "Y'know... I get the feeling she's gonna do her best"

"Oh really?" Hitomi smirks up at him "Where'd you get that idea?"

He folds his arms and shrugs "Just a hunch"

"Hey! Don't mock her drive to succeed jerk face!" Mina smacks the back of his head!

"Ow! I wasn't mocking her you funky weirdo!" He whacks her with his workbook!

Hitomi slips away and pulls Tsu along with her "While you two lovebirds have a domestic me and the gals are gonna go eat lunch"

They both turn to Hitomi in outrage! "Lovebirds!?"

Hitomi nabs Tsu's arm and starts quickly dragging her away "Ribbit!?"

"Hey Toru! I'm- We're going to lunch now!" Hitomi waves from the door

"Hm?" Toru looks away from her conversation with Ojiro "Oh ok! Cya later Ojiro" she waves goodbye and makes her way over to Hitomi and Tsu "Let's go, I'm starving"

They make their way out and head down to the cafeteria, temporarily separating from Tsu as she has a homemade lunch and joining the already long long line for Lunch Rush's food

"This is gonna take forever..." Toru groans and holds her stomach... Hitomi patting her back comfortingly...

. . .

"It took forever but SO worth it!" The two girls carry their trays towards the distant table occupied by Tsu and some other packed lunch classmates, passing Ochaco and Tenya in the line on the way

Ochaco smacks her fist into her hand "Oh yeah!"

"Also remember what Asui said on the bus? How Midoriya's Quirk is much like All Might's?" He stiffly gestures his hand "Since their Quirks are so similar to each other it's possible All Might's taken a liking to him? How lucky!"

Hitomi deliberately slowed her walk to listen in on that part of their conversation 'Tsu thinks Izuku's Quirk is like All Might's...? Hmm... Yeah she's right... Plus Izuku clearly yells All Might's attack names when he throws his punches so he must think the same himself...' She chuckles as she walks 'He's like a weaker bodied Mini Might... A Not Quite All Might!' that makes her laugh

Toru nudges her arm with her elbow "What's so funny?"

"Ah nothin', just thought of something amusing and a little mean" she nudges back

"Tell me?" She leans into the nudge and nudges harder

"If we keep up this nudge game one of us will go flying and it won't be me" she smirks and nudges Toru one more time "Also I won't tell you because it was mean and I don't wanna taint your view of me"

"Fiiiiine... Because I'm so nice I'll spare you from revealing your true cruel nature and thoughts" Toru raises her nose in the air grins

"I thank you for your grace dear Lady Hagakure" she sneaks a quick kiss onto Toru's cheek just as they arrive at their table, causing the poor girl to blush and go adorably quiet...

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