
Chapter 37: Lunch Rush

Hours later after the first few periods it's lunch time and the cafeteria is full of a sea of grey uniforms

At one table is Hitomi, Hitoshi, Toru, Sato and Tsu all sat together enjoying their lunch and talking together

"So then Class Rep, you gonna try and be a tyrant? Or will you be a kind ruler and care for your loyal subjects?" Hitoshi smirks as he takes a bite of his meal

"Oh please we all know Bakugo's got the position of tyrant on dibs" she laughs "It's just that none of us take him seriously enough for it to matter"

"Well... He is scary..." Toru sighs... "I hate sitting in front of him... Makes me super tense..."

Hitomi reaches over and holds her hand... "I can make a request for Aizawa to move you... Maybe have you swap with someone more durable like Kirishima..."

"N-no I wouldn't wanna cause a fuss!" She shakes her head

"Isn't Kirishima's desk the one next to yours Hitomi?" Tsu tilts her head with a finger to her lip

"O-oh yeah so it is! What a coincidence! Ha ha!" She quickly let's Toru's hand go

Toru is now considering this suddenly much more enticing offer "Hmm..."

Hitomi clears her throat "So Sato! How are you feeling about the reps?"

Sato, who is currently stuffing a large slice of cake into his face, freezes in place and slowly looks at Hitomi "Uhhh... Iz gug!" He gives her a thumbs up

"Well seeing as I voted for Hitomi I'm clearly fine with the Rep result" Hitoshi folds his arms "But the vice rep is another matter... Midoriya isn't suited for the role, I have no idea what possessed two others to vote for him"

Hitomi sighs... "Tenya and Ochaco voted for him... Ochaco was obvious and Tenya didn't vote for himself or me"

Toru tilts her head "How do you know Ida didn't vote for you? He seems to approve of your logical skills"

Tsu raises a hand "Because he wouldn't have hid it, we all know how forward he is, his hand would have been in the air faster than either of you two's, Ribbit"

"Sho..." Sato swallows his cake in a large gulp "Who was the number four vote? Hitomi voted for Ida so it wasn't her"

"It was Todoroki" Hitomi eats a mouthful of food while the others stare at her "Wut?"

"How do you know it was Todoroki? And why would he vote for you?" Tsu scratches at her lip in confusion

"Well for one" Hitomi raises a finger "He had zero votes so he didn't vote for himself"

"He could have abstained" Hitoshi points out

"Nah I counted the votes when everyone was sorting themselves for first period, there were twenty" she clears her throat "Anyway as for why he would vote for me... Maybe he didn't want the job but didn't want to deal with a person he'd see as an idiot in the position?"

"My my you think highly of yourself" Hitoshi smirks

"Oh shut up! I mean I showed how I think with those mock battle reviews, I'm sure if someone else made the same observations out loud he would have voted for them instead" she points her chopsticks at Hitoshi "Also yes I do think highly of myself. I'm awesome" she smirks

"You really are..." Toru looks at her dreamily... Not realising she said that out loud

Hitomi stops eating and stares at her "What did you just sa-"

Suddenly before she can finish her question an alarm bell starts loudly ringing through the entire cafeteria!

The five at the table look around in alarm along with everyone else around them as an automated voice comes over the speaker systems

"Warning! Level Three security breach! All Students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion!" The message starts to repeat on a loop as the hundreds of students all begin to panic as one and charge for the exit

Toru starts to panic with them "A security breach!? What's level three!?"

Hitoshi stands "Someone's infiltrated the school."

Hitomi jumps up on the table and looks around but they're boxed in by the stampede of students... "We need to find out what's going on..."

"Only the faculty will know that...! Ribbit!" Tsu looks around at all the People running past

Hitomi focuses her attention all around her and due to her thermal imaging she sees Lunch Rush in the kitchen talking on the phone... But between them is a lot of panicked students...

She looks at the four at her table and comes up with a quick plan "Guys I need your help!" They look at her

"Sato! I need you to throw Tsu up onto the ceiling" she points up "And Tsu once you're up there I need you to stick and then use your tongue to swing me over to the kitchens!" She points to the kitchen

Both look at her and nod "You got it rep!" "Ribbit!"

Sato stuffs what's left of his cake in his mouth and growls as his body bulks up with muscle! "Sorry Tsu" he grips her around the waist "Go!!" He throws her up to the super high ceiling

Tsu sticks to the ceiling and shoots her tongue down, Hitomi jumps from the table to Sato's shoulders and jumps up to catch on "Thanks for the boost!" The tongue wraps around her arm and she's swung over the crowd and gets dropped on the other side

As she comes out of her combat roll landing she hops to her feet and looks around herself in surprise "That was awesome!" A student yells in pain for one reason or another and that gets her to focus again.

She rushes up to the kitchen counter "Mr Lunch Rush! What's going on!?"

The retired Hero turns to her and sets the phone aside "A small army of reporters somehow got past the UA barrier... They're swarming the front entrance"

"Wait... So... No villains? No danger?" She frowns

"No... Just the press" he folds his arms and looks at all the students "All this chaos and wasted food for nothing..."

Hitomi pulls out her phone and thinks about who to call 'I need someone who can be heard over the crowd... Heh, Present Mic around by chance? Mic... Mic!' she tries calling Momo... Luckily after a few rings she picks up "Hitomi!? Why are you calling!? It's currently madness around here!"

"Momo! It's just the press! You hear me!? The reporters at the gate broke in! I need you to make a microphone or megaphone or something loud and start spreading the word!" She yells into her phone

"The press you say!? That's ridiculous! How dare they break in!"

Hitomi sighs in exasperation"Momo! Start spreading the word!"

"Right right! Sorry..."

A few moments later and over the clamour of the crowd she hears Momo's and surprisingly Kyoka's amplified voices echo through the cafeteria "Everyone your attention please! It is only the media outside!" "The damn press broke in that's all!! Everybody chill!"

"Phew..." Her phone pings and she checks the chat

=PinkNHorny: The hallways are so freekin' tight! But I managed to snap this epic pic! XD (Legit tho plz help I'm getting squished D:)=

Underneath is a slightly sideways image of Tenya Ida stuck on the wall over an exit sign in the pose of the exit sign guy

"Pffff! What is he doing?" She chuckles as she makes her way to the crowd and inserts herself into it "Excuse me, coming through, pardon me, excuse me" her snakes hiss at people that get too close and she sloooowly makes her way to Momo and Kyoka who smartly chose to stand up on a table

She hops up onto the table to Momo's suprise and Kyoka's relief, Kyoka quickly shoving her megaphone into Hitomi's hands before dropping down into a seat

"Great job Momo, glad I can rely on you, you too Kyoka" Hitomi smiles and looks out over the mass of students, they've calmed down a bit but are still trying to force their way into the packed hallway

"Right..." She turns her megaphone on and holds it to her mouth "Attention UA students!!" Everyone turns to her, an entire crowd staring at her is a little unnerving... But she grips the megaphone tight and continues "There's no danger! As you've heard it's just the press outside! So please stop trying to force your way into the packed hallway! Everyone back up so the people in the hall can filter back in here!" She turns to the hallway entrance "Those in the hallway that can hear me! Start coming back into the cafeteria as people move out the way!"

A boy in the crowd yells "Why should we listen to you!?"

Hitomi rolls her covered eyes "Because if you don't people will get hurt! Regardless of what department you're in, this is a School of Heros! If you're here then you, in some way, want to help people! So help your fellow students and make this easier for everyone!"

There's still some grumbling from the more selfish or uncaring students but they're the minority while the majority end up sweeping them along as they shuffle back out the way.

The back end of the students in the clogged hallway who had been calmed down either by Momo and Kyoka or exit sign Ida start slowly making their way back onto the cafeteria, this frees up space in the hall for the students remaining there to spread out and give each other space to breathe and move

Hitomi breathes a sigh of relief and uses the megaphone once again "Good job everyone! Thank you for working together! Hopefully this'll be over soon and we can get back to our food because I'm hungry!"

That gets a few chuckles of agreement as the students slowly organise themselves and trickle out... Hitomi joins the very end along with Momo and Kyoka, and also Hitoshi, Toru, Sato and Tsu seeing as they never bothered leaving their table the entire time

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