
Chapter 30: Rewind

[Before Team F vs Team G starts]

Hitomi rushes into the building after her talk with All Might "Tsu! Where's the bomb!?" Her voice echos through the gloom

"Up here! It's surprisingly light! Ribbit" her voice comes from the stairway

Hitomi jogs up to find Tsu next to the bomb "Wow... Looks bigger than it did on the screen..."

"Yeah... And that was with Ida right next to it for reference too..." Tsu scratches her chin

"Can I see the map please?" Tsu hands it over and Hitomi examines it "Say... If you were the Heroes what would you do?"

"Uhhh... Sneak in as quietly as possible and head up after the-"

"Ha!" She points at the frog girl "There, You'd go up because you'd assume the bomb is up"

"Huh? Ohhhh!" She looks at the bomb "All Might did say we could move it..."

Hitomi points to a large room on the bottom floor on the map "Should be able to fit in here yeah?"

"Yeah! Ok let's hurry! Ribbit" she and Hitomi tilts the weapon on it's side and carry it like an old sofa

On the way down the stairs they discuss each others abilities

"Scent canceling, itch inducing and paralyzing mucus? Damn those sound useful! That's awesome" they get to a corner in the stairs "Oop! Pivot!" She guides the bomb around the corner

"Th-thank you... Most people say it's gross and slimy..." She blushes slightly at the compliment

"No no! In fact... Ojiro's costume leaves him barefoot and bare chested and Yaoyorozu's... Heh... Well... Phew..."

"Focus Hitomi!" She knocks on the bomb making a loud clang!

"Gah! Sorry sorry... Anyway they both bare a lot of skin and going barefoot is a VERY bad idea" they get to the bottom floor and move down the hall away from the front entrance "If you put a few puddles of mucus through the hall we could mess him up"

"Not a bad idea... Though I think I can onlyanage one puddle with the time we have left" They move the bomb into the large room at the end of the hall "What if they do come down this way...? Ribbit"

"Hmm... One of us could hide at the stairwell and attack from there to draw their focus?" They make their way back down the hall "I'm not really a ranged fighter however..."

"I can do it no problem, leave it to me!" She pumps her froggy fists!

"I'll hide in the first room at the entrance then and hold the door shut so they think it's locked, let's try and keep them separate yeah?" She holds a hand up for a high five

"Yeah" she high fives her "Let's beat em Evil Hitomi!"

"Evil Hitomi?" She chuckles "You got it evil Tsu!"

They rush into position and about half a minute later the Heroes enter

Hitomi has her hands pressed against the wall and floor 'Here they are... Coming in... Ojiro first... Oh he slipped that was fast! And there goes Yaoyorozu, musta been Tsu's tongue' she goes to rush out the room to attack Ojiro but senses Ojiro's tail slam the ground to launch himself after Yaoyorozu 'Damn!'

She cracks the door open a bit and two snakes stick their little heads out the improve Hitomi's thermal vision view of the hall 'They're together again with no sign of Tsu' she taps her earpiece and whispers "Tsu? Do you read me?"

"Yuh... I wead 'ou... Wibbit..."

"You ok...?" She frowns at her friend's voice

"Dey tazed mah tung... Bud I've got deir atenton... Just a sec" she pauses then "It's not slime it's mucus! Ribbit" and after another pause "They're coming after me"

"Ok stay hidden... Wall crawl onto the ceiling, nobody ever looks up" she watches Yaoyorozu and Ojiro sneak to the corner and as Ojiro makes his way around the corner she bolts out of her room! She quietly moves behind the tense Yaoyorozu and covers her mouth! At the same time two of her snakes sink their fangs into her throat 'Time to be a Villain' "Shhhh... You've failed Hero... Rest now... In dispair." 'And geneeently down...' she lays Yaoyorozu down and as she does she hears Ojiro running back to them! So she quickly slips into the nearest room and hides... 'Phew... One down one to go...'

She taps her earpiece and whispers "Tsu you good...? What's your position?"

"I'm good, I'm on the ceiling above the stairs"

"Can you send the tongue attack to distract Ojiro? Then I'll attack him from behind"


'Was that a yes Ribbit or a no Ribbit?' she senses Ojiro backflip with his tail to avoid the attack 'Yes Ribbit!' she rushes to the door only to see Ojiro running away from his teammate and down the hall

"That same trick won't work twice!"

'Where are you going you fool don't leave your teammate!! Huh... There he goes... Well... I remember the story Aizawa told us when he taught us not to leave our teammates...' she bolts from her room and slides on her knees to Yaoyorozu's side "It wasn't supposed too Hero!" She unsheathes a sai from her back and rests the tip at Yaoyorozu's throat 'Sorry in advance...'

She sees him freeze in place and take a tense stance "What are yo-"

'Here we go... '"Surrender or she dies." Both Ojiro and Yaoyorozu's eyes widen in shock

Ojiro looks enraged "Y-you can't be serious! A hostage!? That's too fa-"

"This isn't a game Hero. You came into my lair, you lost your partner to me and now you must live with the consequences." She looks down at Yaoyorozu... And sees the instinctual fear in her eyes despite it only being a test...

'She looks... So scared... I'm sorry... I really am... Oh I don't like this...'

"Alright! Alright I surrender..."

"C-correct choice... You live to fight another day... Evil Tsu! Come restrain the Hero!" 'Lets just get this over with so I can help her up... This is making me feel sick...'

Tsu comes around the corner "On it Evil Hitomi!" She rushes up and quickly wraps capture tape around the frustrated Ojiro...

A few moments later All Might's voice comes over the speaker system "Alas... The Villains Are The Winners... Good Job Students!"

. . .

The two teams enter the observation room together to find All Might and the rest of the class stood around waiting

"Ah! Here They Are! Welcome Back Young Combatants!" He starts clapping and the class slowly joins him "A Marvelous Display Of Teamwork From The Villains! Ha... Never Thought I'd Say That... Anyway! Who's Got Notes?"

Ida raises his hand "I do Sir!"

"Then Proceed Young Ida!" All Might gives him an All Mighty thumbs up!

"Thank you Sir!" He stiffly turns to the four "Firstly the Hero team! Yaoyorozu offering equipment to your teammate was excellent, however allowing him to always go in front like a guard was not a smart move and ultimately resulted in separating the two of you long enough to have you taken down"

Momo lowers her head "Yes... That's true... I should have stayed by his side when able... Thank you Ida" she bows

"You're welcome, next is Ojiro. While offering to go first is chivalrous you shouldn't do so as that encourages the behaviour that resulted in the separation... Next is the fact you left your defenceless teammate alone when you were aware there was a hidden enemy in the area, this resulting in her being taken hostage"

Hitoshi raises a hand "And wear shoes next time barefoot for no reason is foolish and will only cause problems"

Ojiro folds his arms "The gi is normally worn with bare feet"

"You're not wearing a gi you're wearing the uniform if a Hero. You're not taking part in a friendly spar on a cushy mat you're facing someone that wants to kill you on a surface that could be littered with all sorts of debilitating hazzards. Take it seriously or go home." Hitoshi folds his own arms and glares at the martial artist

All Might glances between Hitomi and Hitoshi 'One Taking A Hostage Without Hesitation And The Other Treating Every Encounter As Life Or Death In The Worst Conditions... Aizawa's Cutthroat Influence Runs Deep With These Two...'

"May I continue?" Ida raises his hand and looks around "Unless anyone else has constructive criticism or compliments for the Hero team?"

Hitomi raises a hand "Ojiro, good job in recovering from slipping in the mucus and saving Momo... And also for noticing Tsu's second tongue attack and dodging it"

He stares at her for a moment before bowing "Thank you..."

"Alright Everyone, How About The Villains?" All Might rests his hands on his hips

Ida raises his hand again "Their performance was outstanding from the perspective of Villainy! They planned a useful yet risky misdirection by hiding the weapon on the first floor and then reinforced it by misleading the Heroes into thinking it was on a floor above"

Tsu raises her hand "Just gonna say, that was all Hitomi's idea, Ribbit"

"Noted" Ida nods to her "Furthermore the mucus hazzard was an inspired idea despite the fact it was implemented last minute"

"Again that was Hitomi's idea" Tsu chuckles behind her hand

"Noted" Ida nods to her "Finally taking Yaoyorozu as a hostage and forcing Ojiro to surrender was a brilliant final move that showed us the true kind of dangers we could face in combat" he bows to Hitomi "Although an unusual compliment, you are a far superior villain than I"

"Uhh... Thanks Ida" she chuckles "Unusual compliment but a compliment all the same"

"An Unusual Compliment Indeed And One I Hope None Of You Receive For Any Real Villainy! Ha ha Ha!" He picks up his Hero and Villain boxes "Now Then! To The Next Location!"

Hitomi rejoins her friends and Toru latches onto her arm "U-umm...! H-hi Toru?" Hitomi's face darkens in an intense blush

"D-don't question it... I'm just happy you're not hurt..." She blushes and doesn't look at Hitomi... And in her fluster Hitomi doesn't notice the glare the invisible girl is shooting towards Momo

"C'mon you two we gotta follow All Might" Mina pushes both of them along out the door with a grin on her face 'Has our girl Toru found a rival? Or is it all a misunderstanding? Find out in our next episode!'

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