
Chapter 28: Analysing the Battle

[After Team A wins]

"The Hero Team... Wiiiiiins!!!" All Might is visibly shaken by the result...

"Wwwwwow... Bakugo has issues on top of issues... Like... Damn..." Hitomi pets her snakes to de-stress from the situation... They hiss happily

"That was crazy... Heck HE was crazy... Did you see his face...? It was getting more and more deranged..." Toru hides herself in her cloak "He frightens me..."

Hitomi unconsciously puts her arm around Toru causing the cloaked girl to freeze up! But then relax into it...

"This class is intense... But Bakugo is more likely to have an unstable personality due to the explosive nature of his Quirk, Ribbit" Tsu stood with them while they were watching "It's Quite common... Ribbit"

"Yeah... But that can only explain so much..." Hitomi sighs and squeezes her arm around Toru's shoulders... Still not really realizing she's done it

All Might sighs... "Ok Everybody, Stay Here While I Go Get Them" he leaves them in the observation room and heads to the mostly destroyed building

Mina, Hitoshi and Sato come over to join Hitomi and the other two

Sato waves "Hey guys, nice costumes, it's good to see you again- wait... I-Is that an offensive term to use for you Hagakure!? I'm sorry...!" He bows

Hitomi blinks under her visor and Toru giggles "No no it's fine Sato, despite the fact I can't be seen you can till say it's nice to see me"

Mina griiiiins "Sooooo what got you two to be all cosy hmmmm?"

Hitomi tilts her head "Cosy?" She looks at Toru... Notices the green arm around her shoulders... Follows said arm to her own shoulder... Realises it's her arm! And quickly jumps away! "Sorry Toru! I didn't notice!"

Toru pouts and glares at Mina "It was fine... I didn't mind..."

"I feel like I may have spoiled a good thing" Mina scratches the back of her head awkwardly "Sorry..."

"So what did you guys think of the fight, Ribbit?" Tsu coming in with the quick conversation change

"Oh man it was crazy! Bakugo just kept going kaboom! And Midoriya was like Ahhh! And upstairs Ida was all evil! And I didn't know Uraraka could play baseball with a pillar but she could! So yeah" Sato folds his arms and nods

Hitoshi facepalms "Aaaanyway... Midoriya and Bakugo caused way too much destruction between them, to the point any number of hypothetical civilians could have been injured, something a villain like Bakugo wouldn't care about but something Midoriya should have tried to prevent at all costs"

"Honestly I think the best out of them was Ida" Hitomi rests a finger on her chin

"Shouldn't it be one of the Heroes instead? Since they're the winners, Ribbit" Tsu tilts her head

"While true that they won this isn't just about winning but about your performance." She raises two fingers on each hand

"Two heros and Two villains were supposed to fight but the way I saw it is while Bakugo's actions could be perceived as acting the villain he's really just trying to hurt Midoriya as much as possible... More violent psychopath than an actual villain..." She lowers one of her fingers

"Midoriya couldn't really do much as a Hero because Bakugo was hunting him so his options were limited, I'm not sure why he didn't have any support items though?"

"What do you mean?" Mina scratches her head

"Well Midoriya knows he can't use his Quirk right? Well he doesn't need a Quirk to fight he just needs weapons and tools, notice that close up we got of him using the capture tape to fight early on? That kinda stuff but using things made for his situation" She counts off on her fingers "A tazer, smoke pellets, collapseable batons, ballbearings- ballbearings would TOTALLY screw Ida up, I don't know if that grin mask of his has an air filter but if so then knock out gas grenades, flashbangs-"

"We get it move on!" Hitoshi chops her head!

"Ow! Anyway yeah... Even someone who's fully Quirkless or has no physical quirk can be a Hero if they have the right support items"

Hitoshi runs his hand through his scarf "That's true..."

"Ok so Bakugo was crazy and Midoriya wasn't well equipped... You said Ida was the best so what about Uraraka?" Toru is eager to hear Hitomi speak more! And so is everybody present actually, they're all listening

"Well... For one..." she raises a finger "She was too reckless"

Mina frowns "She was fighting a villain, how was she reckless?"

"One because she laughed and gave herself away and Two... Because she was fighting a villain... Who was holding a nuclear missile, in fact that's where Bakugo, Midoriya and Uraraka lost points, Midoriya could have redirected Bakugo's gauntlet blast upwards, explosion plus nuke equals bad, Midoriya's sky smash could have hit the nuke, given how Uraraka was perfectly positioned they likely coordinated but there was still a chance... And finally Uraraka sending all the debris flying at the missile itself could have set it off if it were real"

"You girls changed with her... Does she have any support equipment to move through the air? A grappling hook or something?" Hitoshi folds his arms

"Uhhh... Ehe... I don't know" Hitomi shuffles her feet

"How do you not-"

Mina interrupts "No she doesn't! She doesn't have any support items I don't think"

"Well there we have another example of being underequipped" Hitomi mimes walking in low gravity "Astronauts have to deal with either low or zero gravity, and they can't suddenly turn it off so what do they do?"

Tsu raises a hand "They use a booster pack right? They shoot air to move themselves around the vaccume"

"Exactly, well some kinda gas at least" she points her fist forward "Get Uraraka some wrist and ankle mounted air canisters and she'll be flying like a kite in no time"

Mina folds her arms "So Ida made no mistakes?"

"Hmm... I don't think so no... He prepared for Uraraka's arrival by hiding everything... Always made sure to stay next to the missile... He definitely played the villain if his body language was anything to go by" she nods to herself "Ida made the most effort in this and actually followed the rules imposed by his role. He did great"

There's silence before... "Th-thank you very much!"

Everyone turns! And stood at the doorway is All Might, Ida, Uraraka and an agitated Bakugo! Ida looks overjoyed and his face is all flushed, he was the one that said thank you

"W-well... I Wasn't Here For All Of That Explanation..." All Might stiffly enters the room "But It Seems You Analysed The Session Well Young Miss Sekizō! Is... There Anyone Who Want's To Add Something?"

"Nothing sir! Sekizō put everything perfectly!" Yaoyorozu is looking at Hitomi like she's found either a rival or an idol! It is as yet unknown which

Everybody else nods or gives some other form of confirmation

"W-wait... You were... All listening...?" Hitomi looks around at everyone

Tokoyami folds his arms beneath his cloak "Indeed, your insight into the events that transpired were a true revelation"

"Her evaluation of all the actions taken and how her classmates could improve themselves was enlightening" Ojiro respectfully bows to her

Almost everyone has positive words to say and those who don't speak are just the silent types, Todoroki, and have no bad points

"G-guys..." She blushes and hides behind Sato as he's the biggest near her

"Y-yes! Well! You Overlooked A Few Things, Young Ida Could Have Relaxed A Little Bit In The Exercise, But... Otherwise You All Nailed It!" He gives a thumbs up and laughs awkwardly! "Now Then Time To Blow This Joint! Let's Move Onto The Next Match! Think About Everything We Saw And Discussed As You Tackle This Training For Yourself!

The students reply together "Yes Sir!"

They head off to the next location, a smaller building sandwiched between two others casing it to be dark and gloomy

Within the observation room All Might brings out the Hero and Villain boxes again "Alrighty Then! Let's See Who's Next!" He draws out a ball from each box "Team F will be our Villains! And Team G will be our Heros!"

Hitomi looks at Team G, AKA Yaoyorozu and Ojiro "Your days are Numbered Heros! Mwuhahaha!"

Tsu pats her shoulder "Isn't it a bit too soon to start acting the part Hitomi? Ribbit"

"Indeed! Save It For The Battlefield! Although I Love The Enthusiasm!" He rests a giant hand on each of their shoulders "Come Along You Dastardly Villains You"

He leads them outside to their building "Here Is A Map Of The Building Layout, The Weapon Is Located On The Top Floor, Feel Free To Move It" he hands Tsu the map "If You Don't Mind Young Ausi I'd Like A Private Word With Miss Sekizō"

"Uhhhh... Ok? I'll go check inside I guess?" Tsu awkwardly heads inside

"Now Young Sekizō... Regarding Your Eyes..." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly... "Do You Have Some Of The De-petrification Solution?"

Hitomi slips a hand under the white cloth covering half her torso, opens a hatch built into her armor and takes out a small steel bottle "I have ten of these hidden in my armor, each one holds enough to free one person"

"Wonderful!" he pats her on the back nearly sending her to the floor "Sorry... Anyway If You're Confident Nobody Will Be Broken You Are Cleared Too Use Your Quirk!" He gives her a thumbs up then starts marching back to the observation room "Good Luck Young Hero- I Mean Villain! Ha Ha Ha!"

Hitomi chuckles as she shakes her head and makes her way into her evil lair

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