
Chapter 16: Entrance Exams

[10 months later]

Outside the front doors of UA highschool many young students from different schools are making their way inside, a few feet from the front steps a boy with Green hair and a girl with cute blush marks on her cheeks have a quick conversation before the girl waves and heads inside. The boy stands there with an odd look on his face before breaking into sudden manic laughter! This makes everyone look at him strangely...

And thus they miss the suspicious girl wearing a hoodie with the hood up over her uniform and large sunglasses over her eyes as makes her way inside! 'Thanks for catching everyone's attention weird kid!'

This is of course Hitomi! Ten months stronger and ready to kick the entrance exam's ass!

Due to the fact that Shidō has yet to be revived and put on trial and the lack of any evidence or witnesses of his crimes found people still make out that she's a casual murderer despite common sense... To not cause a scene yet she's hidden her snakes under her hood and her bandages under the sunglasses for now and she'll stay that way until the exam is about to start.

She makes her way inside and takes her card from the dispenser. She then makes her way to her assigned seat in the auditorium and waits for the inveitable speech and exposition

. . .

"So that was Present Mic huh...? Mr Aizawa was right he is loud... I'm glad he wasn't the one watching the written test, him yelling in that silence woulda taken years off my life!" She exits the bathroom after changing into a tank top and tracksuit, plus the hoodie, and stretches as she makes her way to her asigned bus "Battle Centre G... Should be like all the others I guess so I just need to scope out the competition" she boards the bus and sits in the very back 'Edge mode activate!' she watches everyone enter and tries to figure out their quirks based on their appearance 'Hmm... A handful of brutish trypes... That guy's head is a speech bubble what the fu-!?'

"Excuse meeee?" From next to her!

"Eep!!" She looks!

A beautiful girl with long messy hair wearing a crop tank top and yoga pants that hug her alluring figure waves at her "Hiya! Can I sit here?"

"U-uh sure..." 'My edge mode failed meeee! At least she's pretty... REALLY pretty... Heh... Hitoshi would tease me rotten about that' with a slight blush she scoots closer to the window and let's the girl sit

"Thanks! So! Are you confident about your chances?" She leans closer!

'Close!' "Y-yeah! Pretty confident, h-how about you?" 'Lean back already I can see down your toooop! Jeeze we're in public why are you showing so much skin!?' she cries internally

"Hmm... Not so much really, I don't have a destructive Quirk as you can see so I doubt I'll perform very well..." She slumps back in her seat...

'As I can see...?' "Oh... Really? That's unfortunate... I've got a friend with a Quirk that would be AMAZING for stopping villains but against a test like this he'd probably get a bad score too..." 'Even if he controlled those around him then the robots they destroy for him would just give them points...'

"Ugh! See!? This is such a badly designed test! There's more to Heroics than punching stuff"

"Agreed! They should have strong volunteer Heroes littered around to simulate actual villains"

"Hey that's a good idea! Man you should be part of UA's staff eh?"

Hitomi chuckles "Maybe but who knows, maybe there's a hidden opportunity for less punchy Quirks to come into play"

"Here's hoping... How are you gonna take em down?"

"Ah ha... Eh he... Uhh... Punching...?" She rubs the back of her head causing her snakes to hiss under the hood!

The friendly girl tilts her head "Whaaaat was that?"

"The uh... The bus' breaks! Look we're here" and luckily enough they actually have arrived at their suburban setting

"But that didn't sound like-" Hitomi hops over the seat and is one of the first out the bus!

She gets to the front of the crowd begining to gather in front of the giant doors of the exam area and sighs... "Guess it's time to make a mini scene..." She unzips her hoodie and tosses it and the sunglasses to the side! Her snakes all stretch and hiss! 'Freedooooom!'

Those around her gasp and back away! And a series of frantic whispers ripple through the crowds "Medusa...!" "Isn't that Medusa...!?" "That's the girl that killed her teacher...!" "How is she here I thought she was arrested...?" "Isn't she dangerous...!?"

Hitomi sighs... 'Read the damn news people not your trashy socials...' She takes out a pair of reinforced open palm gloves from her tracksuit jacket pocket and slips them on

Suddenly a familiar yelling voice sounds out! "Right let's staaart!! Get moving!! There are no countdowns in real battles!! Run run run listeners!!! You're wasting air time here!!!" The massive door starts quickly opening!

Hitomi ignores her fellow examinees and sprints into the city section!

"Time to kill some bots!" She slides her hand along a wall as she runs and quickly takes the next corner into an alley and into into the path on an oncoming One Pointer robot!

"I'll turn you into scraps!" The robot takes a swing at her with it's sheild arm but she doesn't stop running for a moment! Once the swing starts she slides across the ground under the arm, grabs the wheel cover on the way past and pivots around and up onto it's back! "Woooo!! That's a rush!" She plants her feet and wraps an arm around it's "neck" before applying pressure! "And... constrict!" she tightens the hold and after a few moments the sound of screeching of metal can be heard as she crushes it's neck and pulls it's head off!

The One Pointer trembles before dropping to the ground and Hitomi doesn't waste a moment before running off again! "Gotta go faster!" She runs her hand along the wall as she moves once again and heads for the nearest Two or Three pointer!

After turning the corner however she's met by the shocking sight of the friendly girl from the bus running straight at her... Completely naked!

"W-what the-!?"

The friendly girl tackles her away from the mouth of the alley before a giant stone word "BAM!!" flies past and smashes into a group of robots!

'She saved me... B-but why is she-?' "Why are y-"

The girl jumps to her feet and runs off again! "Lots more to save! Woo! I'm a good! Persooooon!!" She vanishes around the corner

"Adorable... Heh... I'm in love..." She shakes her head to focus and jumps to her feet! "Robots! Not naked girls"

. . .

She pulls her fist back and twists her body to charge up a punch before launching it into the weak spot of a Three Pointer! Then she grips the circuitry inside and starts yanking it out until the bot slumps down dead "Phew... That's Twenty-Nine..." She looks around at the dead robots around her two Two's, four One's and one Three around her... "Note to self... Phew... I need some kinda weapon..."

Out of no where her tremor sense starts going heywire!! "Woah Woah Woah!? Is this an Earthquake!?"

She hears Present Mic's voice yell out! "Less than two minutes left!!!"

"Earthquake or no I've gotta pass!!" She sprints out of the alley she's in only to come face to face with a stampede of terrified examinees! "What the? She looks in the direction they're running from and sees a GIANT Robot!! "Whaaaaat!?! THAT'S The Zero Pointer!? That's not a trap that's a natural disaster!"

She turns to run with the crowd but...

"Heeelp!! I need some help here!!"

She looks back and sees the friendly naked girl supporting a dazed, big muscular guy with puffed up lips... They're right in the path of the incoming Zero Pointer...

"Aww hell..." She sprints towards them! 'I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead!' she slides up next to them and supports the big guy's other side!! "We've gotta hurry that big bot is coming!!"

The girl yells back "You don't say!? This guy took a big hit to the head he's going nowhere fast!!"

Hitomi looks the guy up and down and notices the belt with a bunch of pouches he's got on "Please have something useful...!" She starts digging in the pouches but only pulls out... "Sugar cubes!? Why do you have sugar cubes on you!?"

He groans and murmers... "Quirk..."

She blinks... Then slams the sugar into his mouth!!

He grunts... Then his muscles start bulging! "Raaaaa!!!" He picks both girls up and over his shoulders, making the naked girl squeal in surprise! Then starts charging away from the Zero Pointer!!

Hitomi grins as she looks back at the scary giant 'We're gonna live!!' the Zero Pointer smashes a building sending rubble everywhere! Including a small piece heading straight for Hitomi's head... "Ah crap..."


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