
Chapter 8: Pack Attack

[Ten years later]

The sun is beginning to lower in the afternoon sky, casting a strong golden glow over Nabu Middle School.

Within the school two students can be seen cleaning their empty classroom while having a conversation. One of them is a familiar looking emerald girl who has grown into quite a beautiful young lady. With smooth green skin, a tall stature and an athletic figure. The snakes atop her head have grown larger and longer and each of their scales shine as if polished to a gleam. Sadly... Her enchanting red eyes still remain covered by bandages...

Her cleaning companion is a lanky young man with wild purple hair that sticks up all over, a dead expression across his face and shadows under his eyes. He looks like he needs a sandwich and a nap.

Hitomi holds up and balances a chair by one of it's legs on the tip of her finger "I'm tellin' you Washy, there is NO way you beat me in that test, if you did I'll kiss all my snakes full on the mouth"

"Washy" sweeps dust out of the corners of the room "We won't know until we're given the results but I'm fairly confident... And stop calling me Washy!"

"But Washyyyy! Hitoshi has one whole extra syllabllllle! So much effort to saaaaay!" She whines!

"Your names Hitomi! It's practically the same!" He cries in mock outrage! "Then I'll start calling you Snakey!"

She puts the chair down and gives him a slow clap "Hooooow original... I marvel at your creativity oh great Washy..."

Hitoshi throws a piece of chalk at her "Like Washy is any more creative!"

One of her snakes snatches the chalk out the air and starts to swallow it! "Ahh! Bad girl!! No eating chalk!!" She grabs the base of the snake and squeezes along it like a tube of toothpaste! Eventually making it spit out the chalk

Hitoshi stands there with a smirk on his face "Oops?"

"Don't 'Oops' me! You did that on purpose!" The Snake hisses sadly at it's lost snack and gives Hitomi the best puppy eyes a Snake can manage... So she sighs, digs in her pocket and feeds it a peanut, getting a joyful hiss in return!

"Heh, pushover" he snorts!

"Shut up Washy!"

"Make me Snake face!"

"Oh I caaaaan" she slips a finger under her bandage "How d'you think life as a bird bath would be huh? Or a giant garden gnome!?"

"If you're bringing the eyes out can I use my Quirk to make you clean?"

"No you can not!!"

"Then get cleaning!"

. . .

After finishing with the classroom and loosing a game of Rock, Paper, Snake, Scissors (Snake was immediately banned) the two friends part ways for the day with Hitomi wheeling the cleaning supplies back to where they belong.

Unfortunately a group of annoyances block the way. A pack of [Popular Girls] have appeared!

The Alpha Bitch steps forward "Like, look who it is! Freaky Medusa! Turned anyone to Ssssstone lately?" This sick burn sets the rest of the pack bar- laughing

Hitomi siiiiighs "Hellooooo Chiwa... No I haven't turned anyone to Stone, just like the other thousand times you've asked."

The pack stop laughing and Chiwa glares "Don't you dare talk back to me you Monster Freak!"

"You asked a question though" Hitomi's snakes hiss and bare their fangs!! Causing Chiwa to back away quickly!

Hitomi folds her arms "If a little hissing is all it takes to send you scampering I'd love to see what happens when someone sneezes in your direction"

"You and that Brainwashing Creep are bringing down the reputation of the school! You attack kids and he makes people do whatever he wants! Bet he makes girls stri-"

Hitomi flashes forward and grabs Chiwa's collar!! "Say all the shit you want about me. But do NOT insult him like that. He's a great guy and is working SO hard for his dream to be a Hero. What's your dream huh!? Gold digger!?"

Chiwa laughs! "Ohhh I see! The Freaks are fucking each other huh!? Or did he Brainwash you to like him?" The pack jeer! "With a Quirk like his he'll NEVER be a Hero."

Hitomi glares despite her eyes being covered, as her snakes slowly rear back and bare their fangs ready to bite but... A man speaks.

"Miss Sekizō, Miss Wa, be good girls and break it up please."

Both girls look and say in unison with different levels of enthusiasm "Yes Mr Shidō..."

Hitomi releases Chiwa's collar and pushes her back to her pack while glaring at her least favourite teacher that, in her opinion, is more snake than she'll ever be.

Next chapter