
Chapter 3: A true Hero (In training!) Arrives!

"I want my baby!! Let me past right now damn it!!" Asa shoves the large officer in front of her!! Yet the man refuses to budge.

"I'm sorry Ma'am..." He plants his feet "I promise we're doing all we can to get your baby back to you as soon as possible..."

Hajime massages her shoulders "Asa honey he won't let us past... Can you please sit down...? You gave birth not long ago..."

"Gave birth to my baby!! I want my baby!!" Hajime pulls her into a hug...

"It will all be ok..." He sighs...

"I agree. Woof!" A gruff voice from behind!

Both parents turn around to see a tall man wearing a dark suit stood behind them! Although neither of these aspects are the most noticeable... The most noticeable is the fact his head is the head of a Dog. Woof!

Asa stares up as him "Y-you'll help me get my baby back...?"

"I am Tsuragamae of the Police Force. Yes I will get your baby back to you without a doubt. Woof! Or rather, this young man will" He gestures to the shaggy haired gloomy teen next to him wearing the uniform of the prestigious UA school of heros!

Hajime frowns "A UA kid...? What's he gonna do...?"

Tsuragamae clears his throat "Young Mr Aizawa here holds a Quirk that nullifies other Quirks by sight alone. Woof!" He rests a hand on Aizawa's shoulder "You can count on him."

Asa holds Aizawa's hands "Please... If you can then please help my baby..."

Aizawa seems very uncomfortable with all the touching going on! "Mm... Don't worry... I've got the utmost confidence in my abilities..." He awkwardly steps past them and makes his way to the closed off room, an Officer standing guard opens the door.

He slowly enters the room and looks around... Dismissing the petrified forms of two nurses and two... Knights...

Making his way to the examination table he makes sure not to blink as his eyes land in the distressed infant laid there, whimpering and squirming.

"Well... Aren't you a strange one..." He gets closer

What greets the 15 year old is a baby of normal chubbiness... With light green skin and dark green hair... However this hair moves, and hisses, and is made up of many live Snakes so it is not really hair.

Yet surprisingly the most eye-catching features are not the pigment of skin or the snake den on her head, no. The girl's eyes themselves... With the thin slit snake-like pupils and the intense red coloration of the iris they can easily draw the gaze of others and mesmerize many. It's these eyes that he feels his nullification Quirk is focusing on.

"Ok... Don't bite me you brat..." He tilts his head back and squeezes eye drops into his quickly drying eyes "I don't wanna miss any more class 'cause of you..." He takes out some bandage from a draw if the exam table and gently ties it around the girl's eyes "There... No more turning people to stone ok...?"

As he says this the sound of cracking can be heard. Looking at all the statues Aizawa sees cracks rapidly splitting open over the statues bodies!

"Thank goodness... It's reversible... Though it seems a delayed effect after her quirk is disabled..." He gently scoops up the baby girl as chunks of a stone like shell fall from the four people leaving them alive and well again! If a little out of it

One of the Nurses holds her head... "What...? Hap...pen...?"

Ok a lot out of it...

All four people collapse to the ground unconscious. The clattering of armor frightens the baby making her cry once again...

The antisocial teen is not equipped to handle this situation "Oh no...! No no no stop crying...! Shhhh shhh shhh! Rock a by- Ok I can't deal with this." He quickly zig zags around the unconscious quartet and exits the room!

Seeing her child in Aizawa's arms and hearing her cries the Officers are no match for Asa Sekizō as she forces her way past them and rushes to the young hero to be.

"How is she...!? Is she hurt...!? Why are her eyes covered...!?"

Poor Aizawa is a bit overwhelmed by the desperate Mother so to calm her he quickly hands over the baby!

He sighs in relief "She's fine... Just scared... And her Quirk is in her eyes so I had to cover them..."

Asa hugs her baby... Rocking her and whispering softly...

"I've got you... I've got you... Everything will be alright... You're safe now... My... Hitomi..."

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