
Queen Meets Countess I

Within the wide hall of the luxurious palace of Buckingham, there was a massive and long marble table with a golden outline and floral patterns, every single bit of it screamed luxury. Built to accommodate at least twenty people from the highest elite of the world, not many within the multimillionaire class could share the prestige of having sat on these chairs.

Yet currently…

This massive table served as the location of the most intense staring match of the decade.

The Vampire King sat in the middle of the table whereas his two Draculine sat opposite to one another.

The gazes they shared with each other suggested that the moment he stood up, blood would rain all over the hall.

And sadly, he knew who the winner would be.

The Countess had shown overwhelming superiority.



After a few days of absence, he had to go to China to once again slap his CEO Guanhui as the latter told him in exaltation and dizziness that the company was better than ever even as the catastrophe messed up the local industry temporarily.

Except for one meteor falling straight into his office -to which all of the employees sighed at how lucky they were that he was not present at that time, there was no major damage to their infrastructure compared to the building next door and many others.

The stock market had gone crazy as most of the companies based in Zhonghai saw their shares go down as much as 30% in a few days.

Except for two…

Hermes' Brewings and Yu Lei International, the latter even went as far as to increase 40% in the last two days, for no apparent reason…

The cease of activities in the region due to the 'catastrophe' caused insecurity in major stock retailers that didn't think twice before selling their shares.

Some of them put their capital into a more secure option, Hermes and Yu Lei. They didn't really know why those two were going up while the others went down, but that gave them the security to invest during this crisis.

As for the reason for the increase, it was obviously the calls he had made to certain people.

Moreover, Guanhui acted like a true CEO for once and announced that employees working during the aftermath would receive bonuses, and therefore, they continued operating as their new branded bottles with different formulas were delivered all over China.

But anyway. He was more than sure that if this event had happened in Shenzhen, those same people wouldn't have spared a single yuan if they could get rid of Reng Shuang.

Be it as it may, everything was working perfectly.

After getting a report of the newly branded bottles and chatting with his Chief Liquor Brewer, Gerald O'Brien, about how the new bottle was going, to which the latter and his team were doing a great job unsurprisingly, he left.

Before leaving, Ma Guanhui told him that Maple Corporation sought to have a meeting with him quite insistently and that the CEO herself, Tang Wan, was willing to come here personally and meet him as she had been working in the Zhonghai branch and not in Beijing.

He ordered, "Tell her agent that I'll have a meeting with her next Thursday, I'll go to Maple Corporation's Zhonghai Branch myself, it would be a shame to have CEO Tang come here herself."

He then left towards the Pacific Ocean, a remote area where a newly born monster resided.



The 'King' of Zhonghai made his way to the island in the Pacific where Alcina still trained, he saw her standing there not doing anything. But surprisingly, two horrendous black wings with eyes and a long black tail with similar characteristics protruded out of her body, as if phasing through her dress.

Upon seeing his figure appear out of nowhere, she smiled softly.

"Welcome back, Master. I'm ready now." She said feeling proud of herself. She managed to expand her range to two metres, it was still something even if everything was muffled. At least she would be able to behave normally even without drinking his blood.

That didn't mean though, that she would stop doing it…

The countess walked up to him and hunched down until her head was next to his, before asking with allure and provocation "Could I?"

The count gave her a glance and smirked before lifting his hand to caress her chin, taking her face closer to his, "Give and take~" he said casually with his pink eyes locking hers.

Alcina gulped at his dominant eyes and instinctively approached his lips… Only to release a light moan when his fangs sunk near her defined collarbone, above her massive chest.

She sighed inwardly in disappointment but still hugged his head as the latter continued sucking for the next minute before releasing.

"Did you like it, Master?" She wondered if she had a good taste for him, it'd be a shame if she was allowed to suck his ambrosia-like blood only to give back water in return...

"Passable…" That was all Alucard said, her blood was naturally better than Catherine's, be it because of her weird constitution or the hundred souls she took from him, or her cultivation.

But they were still too far from matching the taste of the Gods and Cultivator's blood.

This slanted a despondent sigh from her as she determined herself to raise up her 'taste' to his standards.

Her memories showcased that she was experimented on by some woman called Miranda whose powers barely resembled a vampire, hundreds of years ago.

She was a vampire produced in a laboratory… But not now, now she was a true vampire.

Any sign of imperfection had been removed from her, her weakness to cold, the blood-craving impulses, weakness to sunlight and her flawed and aged body was now younger and toned, and moreover, she was now omnipresent.

She couldn't possibly feel better than now.

Even after witnessing his memories, she didn't regret being immortal… As long as she had someone to spend that eternity with… and that person was him... That's what she thought.

"Since you can't teleport like me, we have to go flying." He said but she retorted.

"There is no need for that, master. I can go inside your shadow." She said casually. But that proposition made him frown.

"What do you mean? You will be eaten if you go inside my shadow…"

Alcina shook her head and explained her theory, "I unconsciously used your blood to produce my body when I was inside it, Master. This body of mine is like a carbon copy of yours, even our shadows are the same. I'm not sure, but I should be able to go inside your shadow unhindered… I believe the reason it tried to assimilate me before was because of this fact"

"What makes you think the same won't happen again?"

"… We can't be sure, but we can always try." Alcina shrugged, willing to lose an arm in testing this possibility, it was in her best interest to stay with him at all times.

The count nodded, there was no loss in trying, and that way they could also be there faster than flying.

It would take too long to fly from the pacific to the UK when he could be there in a few seconds by teleporting.

His shadow manifested as Alcina placed her arm forward, indicating him to swallow her arm.

He enveloped it and awaited her reaction.

If you read this book exclusively, give me your stones!

If you read this book and also [Golden Peerage] then please give them to Golden Peerage instead, thank you!

Join discord in the synopsis for character illustrations and more.

30 advanced chapters soon to be available in pa-tre-on.com/photosphere.

30 chapters of [Golden Peerage] are already available, go check them out!


The schedule is one chapter daily, with no chapter during the weekend except extra chapters.

Extra chapters:

300 stones - 1chap.

600 stones - 2chaps.

900 stones - 3chaps.

1200 stones - 4chaps.

1500 stones - 5chaps.

Photospherecreators' thoughts
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